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Missed Dogecoin’s Peak? Rebel Satoshi’s Presale Presents New Opportunities

錯過了狗狗幣的巔峰? Rebel Satoshi 的預售帶來了新的機會

發布: 2023/11/20 21:26 閱讀: 728

原文作者:CoinPedia News


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該帖子錯過了狗狗幣的巔峰? Rebel Satoshi 的預售帶來新機會首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞

  • Dogecoin’s dominance is set to continue in meme coins
  • 狗狗幣在迷因幣領域將繼續佔據主導地位

  • A fast presale sellout is anticipated for Rebel Satoshi, promising a 150% ROI
  • Rebel Satoshi 預計預售很快就會售罄,並承諾 150% 的投資回報率

Dogecoin’s (DOGE) unprecedented peak in 2021 led to a wave of imitators in the meme coin niche. Still, few have reached the former’s success. Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) is a new entrant in meme tokens providing more explosive potential than Dogecoin. 

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在 2021 年達到前所未有的峰值,引發了模因幣領域的一波模仿者浪潮。儘管如此,很少人能達到前者的成功。 Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) 是迷因代幣的新進者,提供比狗狗幣更具爆炸性的潛力。

While DOGE may be a decent investment, RebelSatoshi should give it a run for its money. Let’s compare the two projects, beginning with Dogecoin.

雖然 DOGE 可能是一項不錯的投資,但 RebelSatoshi 應該與它一較高下。讓我們從狗狗幣開始比較這兩個項目。

Little To Stop’s Dogecoin Dominance


Although some experts believe Dogecoin should have more utility, others believe this simplicity plays to the project’s strength. Dogecoin is simple enough for everyone to understand, a stark contrast to other altcoins to watch, like Cardano and Ethereum.


Another impactful factor is Elon Musk, whose tweets have repeatedly boosted DOGE. Despite the billionaire having many detractors, he remains an influential, high-profile figure in Dogecoin. This is why there is genuine interest in the potential for Dogecoin to be integrated as a payment method on his Twitter/X.

另一個影響因素是馬斯克(Elon Musk),他的推文多次提振了DOGE。儘管這位億萬富翁有很多批評者,但他仍然是狗狗幣中具有影響力的高調人物。這就是為什麼人們對將狗狗幣作為一種支付方式整合到他的 Twitter/X 上的潛力產生了真正的興趣。

One of the main downsides for DOGE is the token’s unlimited supply. This often causes inflation issues with the price, especially when the demand is low. But, overall, a combination of high liquidity, strong community backing, and a relatively low price still make Dogecoin a decent crypto to buy.

DOGE 的主要缺點之一是該代幣的供應量不受限制。這通常會導致價格上漲問題,尤其是在需求較低的情況下。但總體而言,高流動性、強大的社區支持和相對較低的價格仍然使狗狗幣成為值得購買的不錯的加密貨幣。

Currently worth $0.073, DOGE can reach at least $0.10 by 2024, hitting a minimum yearly peak of $0.15. Let’s see how the prospects of the new, exciting Rebel Satoshi compare.

DOGE 目前價值 0.073 美元,到 2024 年將至少達到 0.10 美元,達到 0.15 美元的最低年度高峰。讓我們看看新的、令人興奮的反叛中本聰的前景如何比較。

A Fast Presale Sellout Is Expected For RebelSatoshi

RebelSatoshi 預計預售將很快售罄

While Dogecoin centers around the Doge meme and Shiba Inus, Rebel Satoshi is about rebellion and a community banding together to challenge the status quo. It’s a meme token inspired by Guy Fawkes and Satoshi Nakamoto. Both of these defiant figures defied conventional norms to bring about a revolution. This is RebelSatoshi’s philosophy in crypto through the use of meme culture, interactive quests, and financial incentives borrowed from top DeFi projects.

狗狗幣以狗狗迷因和柴犬為中心,而反叛中本聰則是關於反叛和社區聯合起來挑戰現狀。這是一個受 Guy Fawkes 和 Satoshi Nakamoto 啟發的迷因代幣。這兩位挑釁的人物都打破了傳統規範,引發了一場革命。這是 RebelSatoshi 的加密哲學,透過使用 meme 文化、互動任務和借鑒頂級 DeFi 項目的經濟激勵措施。

$RBLZ, Rebel Satoshi’s utility token, is necessary to unlock this marvellous ecosystem. Key benefits of owning $RBLZ include staking rewards and participating in an NFT marketplace of 9,999 unique rebel-branded collectibles and digital art. Unlike DOGE, $RBLZ has a fixed supply of 250 million, meaning better price-appreciating tokenomics.

$RBLZ,Rebel Satoshi 的實用代幣,對於解鎖這個奇妙的生態系統是必要的。擁有 $RBLZ 的主要好處包括質押獎勵和參與包含 9,999 種獨特的反叛品牌收藏品和數位藝術的 NFT 市場。與 DOGE 不同,$RBLZ 的固定供應量為 2.5 億,這意味著更好的價格升值代幣經濟。

Rebel Satoshi’s presale began on Bonfire Night (November 05, 2023) in honour of Guy Fawkes. The first Early Bird Round phase is almost 50% in progress, with four more rounds left. This is a vast buying rate within no time after the presale began, which is evidence of the project’s demand.

Rebel Satoshi 的預售於篝火之夜(2023 年 11 月 5 日)開始,以紀念蓋伊福克斯。第一輪早鳥輪階段已進行近 50%,還剩四輪。這是預售開始後不久的巨大購買率,證明了該項目的需求。

Buyers can own $RBLZ for $0.010 before it quickly increases in value by 30% in the next round, ‘Rebel.’ The ultimate payoff is after the presale, where $RBLZ is expected to be worth $0.025, representing a 150% gain.

買家可以以 0.010 美元的價格擁有 $RBLZ,然後它在下一輪“Rebel”中價值迅速增加 30%。最終的回報是預售後,其中 $RBLZ 預計價值 0.025 美元,即 150% 的收益。

Such a return is much higher and faster-yielding than what Dogecoin could achieve. So, waste no time in joining RebelSatoshi today!

這樣的回報比狗狗幣所能達到的回報高很多,而且產生得更快。所以,立即加入 RebelSatoshi 吧!

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red


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