首頁 > 資訊新聞 > PEPU 達到 1,100 萬美元且 WIF 升至前 4 名,MoonBag 的 0% 稅收政策成為熱門話題

MoonBag’s 0% Tax Policy Becomes the Talk of the Town as PEPU Hits $11M and WIF Rises to Top 4

PEPU 達到 1,100 萬美元且 WIF 升至前 4 名,MoonBag 的 0% 稅收政策成為熱門話題

發布: 2024/09/01 23:08 閱讀: 658

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


Meme coins have become a fascinating segment, capturing the imaginations and investments of a diverse global audience. Among the myriad of projects competing for attention, Pepe Unchained, Dogwifhat, and MoonBag (MBAG) have emerged as notable contenders.

迷因幣已成為一個令人著迷的領域,吸引了全球不同受眾的想像和投資。在眾多爭奪關注度的項目中,Pepe Unchained、Dogwifhat 和 MoonBag (MBAG) 已成為引人注目的競爭者。

Each project brings its own unique approach to the market—Pepe Unchained with its cultural resonance and rapidly growing presale, Dogwifhat with its impressive ascent to becoming the 4th largest meme coin, and MoonBag with its strategic planning and innovative financial incentives. As investors seek the next big opportunity in the meme coin space, understanding the strengths and strategies of these projects is crucial for making informed decisions.

每個項目都以自己獨特的方式進入市場——Pepe Unchained 具有文化共鳴和快速增長的預售,Dogwifhat 令人印象深刻地成為第四大模因幣,MoonBag 具有戰略規劃和創新的財務激勵措施。當投資者在模因幣領域尋找下一個巨大機會時,了解這些項目的優勢和策略對於做出明智的決策至關重要。

Pepe Unchained: A Meme Coin on the Rise

Pepe Unchained:一種正在崛起的迷因幣

Pepe Unchained has quickly made a name for itself in the crowded meme coin market. As its presale nears the $11 million milestone, the project has captured the attention of analysts who predict it could be the next meme coin to experience a significant pump. This rapid growth in presale investments highlights the strong community backing and investor interest in Pepe Unchained. The project’s appeal lies in its strategic positioning within the meme coin space. It taps into the cultural significance of the Pepe meme, which has a long history in internet culture, making it instantly recognizable and relatable. Analysts have noted that the combination of a strong narrative, a dedicated community, and effective marketing strategies could propel Pepe Unchained to new heights, much like its predecessors in the meme coin arena.

Pepe Unchained 很快就在擁擠的迷因幣市場中贏得了聲譽。隨著其預售接近 1100 萬美元的里程碑,該項目引起了分析師的關注,他們預測它可能是下一個經歷大幅上漲的迷因代幣。預售投資的快速成長凸顯了社群對 Pepe Unchained 的大力支持和投資者的興趣。該項目的吸引力在於其在模因幣領域的戰略定位。它利用了佩佩模因的文化意義,這種模因在網路文化中有著悠久的歷史,使其立即被識別和產生共鳴。分析師指出,強有力的敘事、專注的社群和有效的行銷策略的結合可以將 Pepe Unchained 推向新的高度,就像它在迷因硬幣領域的前輩一樣。

However, as with any meme coin, the long-term success of Pepe Unchained will depend on its ability to maintain momentum post-launch. The project’s roadmap includes plans for further community engagement and potential listings on major exchanges, which could bolster its value and market presence. Investors considering Pepe Unchained should weigh the potential for short-term gains against the inherent volatility of meme coins.

然而,與任何模因幣一樣,Pepe Unchained 的長期成功將取決於其在發布後保持勢頭的能力。該項目的路線圖包括進一步社區參與的計劃以及在主要交易所上市的可能性,這可能會增強其價值和市場影響力。考慮 Pepe Unchained 的投資者應該權衡短期收益的潛力與模因幣固有的波動性。

Dogwifhat: The New Giant in the Meme Coin Arena


Dogwifhat has recently achieved a significant milestone by becoming the 4th largest meme coin, a testament to its growing popularity and market influence. This rapid ascent in the rankings reflects the strong community support and the strategic initiatives undertaken by the project’s developers.

Dogwifhat 最近實現了一個重要的里程碑,成為第四大迷因幣,證明了其日益增長的受歡迎程度和市場影響力。排名的快速上升反映了社區的大力支持以及專案開發商採取的策略舉措。

Dogwifhat’s success can be attributed to its unique branding and the robust ecosystem it has built around its token. The project has managed to capture the imagination of the crypto community by blending the playful nature of meme coins with innovative features that offer real utility. This combination has attracted a diverse group of investors, from those looking for fun to serious traders seeking high returns.

Dogwifhat 的成功歸功於其獨特的品牌和圍繞其代幣建立的強大生態系統。該專案透過將模因幣的有趣本質與提供真正實用性的創新功能相結合,成功地抓住了加密社群的想像。這種組合吸引了不同的投資者群體,從尋求樂趣的投資者到尋求高回報的認真交易者。

The project’s developers have also been proactive in securing partnerships and listings on reputable exchanges, further solidifying Dogwifhat’s position in the market. As it continues to grow, Dogwifhat could challenge some of the more established meme coins, making it an exciting option for investors looking for the next big thing in the crypto world.

該項目的開發商也積極爭取合作夥伴關係並在信譽良好的交易所上市,進一步鞏固了 Dogwifhat 的市場地位。隨著它的不斷增長,Dogwifhat 可能會挑戰一些更成熟的 meme 硬幣,使其成為尋找加密世界下一個重大事件的投資者的令人興奮的選擇。

MoonBag: A High Rise


MoonBag is carving out a distinct niche in the meme coin market by combining creativity with solid financial strategies. Unlike many meme coins that rely solely on hype, MoonBag has developed a comprehensive plan to ensure long-term stability and growth. One of the key elements of MoonBag’s strategy is its liquidity plan, designed to provide investors with confidence in the project’s legitimacy and transparency. MoonBag has committed a substantial amount of liquidity to support its market, with $4 million allocated specifically for this purpose. This commitment is not just about providing immediate market support but also about ensuring that the coin remains stable and attractive to investors over time.

MoonBag 透過將創造力與可靠的財務策略相結合,在迷因幣市場中開闢了一個獨特的利基市場。與許多僅依靠炒作的 meme 幣不同,MoonBag 制定了一個全面的計劃來確保長期穩定和成長。 MoonBag 策略的關鍵要素之一是其流動性計劃,旨在讓投資者對專案的合法性和透明度充滿信心。 MoonBag 已承諾提供大量流動性來支持其市場,並專門為此目的分配了 400 萬美元。這項承諾不僅是提供即時的市場支持,而且是為了確保代幣隨著時間的推移保持穩定並對投資者有吸引力。

By focusing on transparency and long-term planning, MoonBag is positioning itself as a serious contender in the meme coin market, offering investors more than just short-term hype.

透過注重透明度和長期規劃,MoonBag 將自己定位為迷因幣市場的有力競爭者,為投資者提供的不僅僅是短期炒作。

Favoring the Buyers


MoonBag’s zero tax policy is another feature that sets it apart from other meme coins. Many crypto projects impose transaction taxes, often as high as 10%, which can discourage trading and reduce the overall liquidity of the token. MoonBag, however, has eliminated all transaction taxes, making it easier and more attractive for investors to buy, sell, and hold the coin.

MoonBag 的零稅收政策是它有別於其他迷因幣的另一個特徵。許多加密貨幣項目徵收交易稅,通常高達 10%,這可能會阻礙交易並降低代幣的整體流動性。然而,MoonBag 取消了所有交易稅,使投資者購買、出售和持有代幣變得更容易、更有吸引力。

This policy is particularly appealing to traders who are looking to maximize their profits without having to worry about losing a portion of their gains to taxes. It also encourages higher trading volumes, which can lead to increased liquidity and a more stable market overall. For those looking to invest in a meme coin with a clear advantage in trading flexibility, MoonBag’s zero tax policy is a significant draw.

這項政策對於那些希望利潤最大化而不必擔心因稅收而損失部分收益的交易者特別有吸引力。它還鼓勵增加交易量,從而增加流動性和整體市場更加穩定。對於那些希望投資在交易靈活性方面具有明顯優勢的迷因幣的人來說,MoonBag 的零稅收政策具有重大吸引力。

Market Performance in Expert Hands


In a move to further strengthen its market position, MoonBag has finalized an agreement with CLS Global, a top-tier market-making firm known for handling over 300 clients, including prominent names like Floki Inu, Kaspa, and Seedify. CLS Global will manage market-making for both of MoonBag’s centralized exchanges (CEXs), ensuring that the coin’s market performance is in expert hands.

為了進一步鞏固其市場地位,MoonBag 已與 CLS Global 敲定了協議。 CLS Global 將管理 MoonBag 的兩個中心化交易所(CEX)的做市業務,確保該代幣的市場表現掌握在專家手中。

This partnership is a strategic one, aimed at ensuring that MoonBag coins are traded in a stable and liquid market, thereby protecting investor interests and promoting long-term growth. The involvement of a reputable market-making firm like CLS Global adds an extra layer of security and professionalism to the project, making it an even more attractive option for investors.

這項合作關係是一種策略性合作夥伴關係,旨在確保 MoonBag 幣在穩定且流動的市場中進行交易,從而保護投資者利益並促進長期成長。像 CLS Global 這樣信譽良好的做市公司的參與為該項目增添了一層額外的安全性和專業性,使其成為對投資者更具吸引力的選擇。



While Pepe Unchained and Dogwifhat have both made significant strides in the meme coin market, MoonBag stands out for its combination of strategic planning, investor-friendly policies, and strong market partnerships. Pepe Unchained’s rapid presale growth and Dogwifhat’s rise to the 4th largest meme coin position are impressive, but MoonBag’s focus on long-term stability and value creation offers a compelling alternative. For investors looking to capitalize on the next big thing in the meme coin market, MoonBag presents a unique opportunity. Its liquidity plan, zero tax policy, and strategic partnership with CLS Global position it as a project with the potential to deliver substantial returns. As MoonBag continues to develop and execute its plans, now is the time to consider joining its presale and securing a place in what could be the most promising crypto project of the year. Don’t miss out on the chance to ride the MoonBag wave to the moon.

雖然 Pepe Unchained 和 Dogwifhat 都在迷因幣市場取得了重大進展,但 MoonBag 因其戰略規劃、投資者友好型政策和強大的市場合作夥伴關係而脫穎而出。 Pepe Unchained 預售的快速增長和 Dogwifhat 上升至第四大 meme 幣的地位令人印象深刻,但 MoonBag 對長期穩定性和價值創造的關注提供了一個引人注目的替代方案。對於希望利用迷因幣市場下一個重大事件的投資者來說,MoonBag 提供了一個獨特的機會。其流動性計劃、零稅收政策以及與 CLS Global 的戰略合作夥伴關係使其成為一個有潛力帶來豐厚回報的項目。隨著 MoonBag 繼續制定和執行其計劃,現在是考慮加入預售並在可能是今年最有前途的加密項目中佔據一席之地的時候了。不要錯過搭乘 MoonBag 波前往月球的機會。


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