首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著狗狗幣下跌和 Chainlink 停滯,MoonBag 2024 年加密貨幣預售最高目標是 2025 年 1 美元的目標

MoonBag Top Crypto Presale in 2024 Eyes a Stellar $1 Target in 2025 as Dogecoin Dips and Chainlink Stalls

隨著狗狗幣下跌和 Chainlink 停滯,MoonBag 2024 年加密貨幣預售最高目標是 2025 年 1 美元的目標

發布: 2024/07/01 08:46 閱讀: 708



隨著狗狗幣下跌和 Chainlink 停滯,MoonBag 2024 年加密貨幣預售最高目標是 2025 年 1 美元的目標

Have you ever wondered how your life might have changed if you had been an early believer in Bitcoin? The money you could have made by investing in it before anyone else realised its potential is mind-blowing. While coins like Dogecoin and Chainlink (LINK) are currently struggling, it’s not too late for you to achieve similar success. Many new coins are now offering presales, including MoonBag (MBAG), which is poised to make a huge impact in the crypto world.

您是否想過,如果您是比特幣的早期信徒,您的生活可能會發生怎樣的改變?在其他人意識到它的潛力之前,你透過投資它可以賺到的錢是令人興奮的。雖然像狗狗幣和 Chainlink (LINK) 這樣的代幣目前正在苦苦掙扎,但現在獲得類似的成功還為時不晚。許多新代幣現已開始預售,其中包括 MoonBag (MBAG),它有望對加密世界產生巨大影響。

MoonBag: Top Crypto Presale in 2024

MoonBag:2024 年預售最多的加密貨幣

MoonBag Top Crypto Presale in 2024 offers investors incredible perks, high staking rewards with MBAG coins, stable prices, and a strong community. With so many guarantees, what more could you want?

2024 年的 MoonBag 頂級加密預售為投資者提供令人難以置信的福利、MBAG 代幣的高額質押獎勵、穩定的價格和強大的社群。有了這麼多的保證,你還想要什麼呢?

Dogecoin’s Worrisome Decline


Dogecoin, once the crypto community's favourite, has recently dropped by 24%, bringing its current price down to $0.12428. Despite being the leading meme coin, this sharp decline has caused concern among investors. Trading volumes have increased by 9.7% to $683.74 million, but the outlook remains bleak. Technical indicators like EMAs, SMAs, and MACD show strong selling pressures, raising doubts about Dogecoin’s future.

狗狗幣曾經是加密貨幣社群的最愛,最近下跌了 24%,目前價格降至 0.12428 美元。儘管是領先的迷因幣,但這種急劇下跌引起了投資者的擔憂。交易量增加了 9.7%,達到 6.8374 億美元,但前景仍然黯淡。 EMA、SMA 和 MACD 等技術指標顯示出強勁的拋售壓力,引發了人們對狗狗幣未來的疑慮。

Can Chainlink Recover from Recent Losses?

Chainlink 能否從最近的損失中恢復過來?

A recent tech report suggests that Chainlink (LINK) might rally after its latest dip. Market experts are hopeful, pointing to technical indicators predicting a bullish trend. If LINK stays above key support levels, its price will improve. Additionally, the current market greed indexes suggest a bullish outlook, indicating a good time for investors to watch these levels closely. For a more detailed analysis, check out the full article on Tech.

最近的一份科技報告表明,Chainlink (LINK) 在最近一次下跌後可能會反彈。市場專家充滿希望,指出技術指標預測看漲趨勢。如果 LINK 保持在關鍵支撐位之上,其價格將會上漲。此外,當前的市場貪婪指數顯示前景看漲,這表明投資者密切關注這些水平的好時機。如需更詳細的分析,請查看有關 Tech 的完整文章。

MoonBag’s Record-Breaking Top Crypto Presale in 2024

MoonBag 2024 年加密預售金額破紀錄

The MoonBag Top Crypto Presale in 2024 has taken the crypto world by storm with its impressive achievements and features. Offering up to 15,000% ROI to early investors, over 14 billion MBAG coins have already been staked since the staking went live during the presale. Investors can claim their staking rewards once MoonBag officially launches. MoonBag Presale also offers an astonishing 88% APY on staking. So far, the presale has raised $3 million, and each MBAG coin is currently priced at $0.0003 in the 6th stage of the presale. Joining now could bring an ROI of 9900% when MBAG is listed.

2024 年 MoonBag 頂級加密預售以其令人印象深刻的成就和功能席捲了加密世界。自預售期間質押上線以來,已質押超過 140 億個 MBAG 代幣,為早期投資者提供高達 15,000% 的投資回報率。 MoonBag 正式上線後,投資人即可領取質押獎勵。 MoonBag 預售也提供高達 88% 的質押年利率。截至目前,預售已籌集 300 萬美元,目前預售第六階段每枚 MBAG 幣的售價為 0.0003 美元。現在加入MBAG上市後可帶來9900%的投資報酬率。

MoonBag Referral Program

MoonBag 推薦計劃

MoonBag also offers a referral program where you can earn rewards and USDC. When you buy MBAG coins, you’ll receive a referral code to share. Each time someone uses your code, 10% extra MBAG coins will be sent to your wallet. You can win up to 500 USDC by making the most referrals. Track your progress on the monthly leaderboard on MoonBag’s website.

MoonBag 還提供推薦計劃,您可以在其中賺取獎勵和 USDC。當您購買 MBAG 幣時,您將收到一個可以分享的推薦代碼。每次有人使用您的代碼時,10% 的額外 MBAG 硬幣將被發送到您的錢包。透過最多的推薦,您可以獲得高達 500 USDC 的獎勵。在 MoonBag 網站的每月排行榜上追蹤您的進度。

Burn Strategies for Price Stability


The MoonBag Crypto team has strategies to ensure post-launch price stability and prevent investor losses. Twenty per cent of the MoonBag Presale funds will go towards liquidity and be used for buyback and burn events after MBAG’s official launch. These events will help increase the scarcity and price of MBAG coins, ensuring a secure future for investors.

MoonBag Crypto 團隊制定了確保發布後價格穩定並防止投資者損失的策略。 MoonBag 預售資金的 20% 將用於流動性,並用於 MBAG 正式啟動後的回購和銷毀活動。這些事件將有助於增加 MBAG 硬幣的稀缺性和價格,確保投資者有安全的未來。

Conclusion: Start Your Winning Streak!


If you had invested early in Bitcoin, your life could be drastically different. With Dogecoin’s recent 24% drop and Chainlink’s struggles, now is the perfect time to seize a new opportunity. MoonBag (MBAG) Presale is leading the way with its top crypto presale in 2024, aiming for a stellar $1 target by 2025. Offering incredible perks, high staking rewards, stable prices, and a vibrant community, MoonBag is set to revolutionise the crypto market. The presale has already raised $3 million, with over 14 billion MBAG coins staked and promises up to 15,000% ROI for early investors. Don’t miss out on this chance to join the next big thing in crypto. Buy your MBAG coins today, secure your financial future, and start your winning streak with MoonBag!

如果你很早就投資了比特幣,你的生活可能會完全不同。鑑於狗狗幣最近下跌了 24%,而 Chainlink 也陷入困境,現在是抓住新機會的最佳時機。 MoonBag (MBAG) 預售在2024 年以其頂級加密貨幣預售而處於領先地位,目標是到2025 年達到1 美元的目標。充滿活力的社區,MoonBag 必將徹底改變加密貨幣市場。預售已籌集 300 萬美元,質押超過 140 億個 MBAG 代幣,並承諾為早期投資者提供高達 15,000% 的投資回報率。不要錯過這個加入加密貨幣領域下一個重大事件的機會。立即購買您的 MBAG 硬幣,保障您的財務未來,並透過 MoonBag 開始您的連勝!

Invest In MoonBag Presale

投資 MoonBag 預售

Website: MoonBag.org
Presale: MoonBag Presale
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moonbag_org
Telegram: https://t.me/moonbag_official


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