首頁 > 資訊新聞 > MoonBag 2024 年頂級加密貨幣預售融資超過 270 萬美元,擊敗唯鏈、Kangamoon

MoonBag’s Top Crypto Presale in 2024 Raises $2.7M+ Thrashing VeChain, Kangamoon

MoonBag 2024 年頂級加密貨幣預售融資超過 270 萬美元,擊敗唯鏈、Kangamoon

發布: 2024/06/22 04:02 閱讀: 890



MoonBag 2024 年頂級加密貨幣預售融資超過 270 萬美元,擊敗唯鏈、Kangamoon

Who should consider a passive income stream?


Investors interested in maximizing their returns should consider smart investments rather than solely relying on earning income. One lucrative opportunity in 2024 is the top crypto presale that has already raised over $2.6M and offers an impressive 88% APY on staking.

有興趣最大化回報的投資者應該考慮明智的投資,而不是只依靠賺取收入。 2024 年的一個利潤豐厚的機會是頂級加密貨幣預售,該預售已籌集超過 260 萬美元,並提供令人印象深刻的 88% 的質押年利率。

Why should investors reconsider their position in VeChain (VET)?


VeChain (VET) has recently faced challenges, resulting in a price drop of over 6.54%. Its innovative "phygital" initiatives and partnerships have not been sufficient to maintain investor confidence and achieve its ambitious goals. The volatile market conditions and competition have raised concerns about its long-term viability.


Can KangaMoon's hype be trusted?


Despite the hype surrounding KangaMoon, the coin lacks clear utility and sustainable use cases beyond gaming and rewards. The presale buzz may not translate into lasting investor confidence, considering the volatility and speculative nature of such coins.

儘管圍繞著 KangaMoon 進行了大肆宣傳,但除了遊戲和獎勵之外,該代幣缺乏明確的實用性和可持續的用例。考慮到此類代幣的波動性和投機性質,預售熱潮可能不會轉化為持久的投資者信心。

MoonBag's 2024 Crypto Presale Success: Raising $2.7M

MoonBag 2024 年加密貨幣預售成功:籌集 270 萬美元

MoonBag's top crypto presale in 2024 has generated $2.7M in a month, indicating a promising future. Investors who participate early can enjoy an 88% APY and a potential 15000% ROI.

MoonBag 2024 年頂級加密貨幣預售一個月內就產生了 270 萬美元的收入,預示著光明的未來。早期參與的投資者可享有 88% APY 和潛在 15000% ROI。

MoonBag's Roadmap and Partnerships

MoonBag 的路線圖和合作夥伴

MoonBag's roadmap includes strategic partnerships, exchange listings, and ongoing development, ensuring a progressive and innovative project. By joining the presale, investors can secure their financial future and contribute to a thriving crypto ecosystem.

MoonBag 的路線圖包括策略合作夥伴關係、交易所上市和持續開發,以確保專案的進步和創新。透過參與預售,投資者可以確保他們的財務未來,並為蓬勃發展的加密生態系統做出貢獻。

Referral Program for Earn:


MoonBag's referral program allows users to earn additional coins by sharing a unique referral link. This program not only enhances individual returns but also strengthens the community network effect.

MoonBag 的推薦計劃允許用戶透過分享獨特的推薦連結來賺取額外的硬幣。該計劃不僅提高了個人回報,還強化了社區網路效應。

Invest in MoonBag Presale

投資 MoonBag 預售

Join the MoonBag presale and secure your financial future by becoming part of a thriving crypto community.

加入 MoonBag 預售,成為蓬勃發展的加密貨幣社群的一部分,保障您的財務未來。

Website: MoonBag.org


Presale: MoonBag Presale

預售:MoonBag 預售

Telegram: https://t.me/moonbag_official


Twitter: https://twitter.com/moonbag_org




This information does not constitute investment advice. Conduct your own research and make investment decisions based on your individual findings.



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