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MovieBloc (MBL) Surges 32% Out of the Bloom, Trending on Binance

MovieBloc (MBL) 飆升 32%,成為幣安趨勢

發布: 2023/11/13 21:50 閱讀: 346



MovieBloc (MBL) has seen a surge in price over the last 24 hours, with the cryptocurrency rallying over 32% from a 24-hour low of $0.004357 to hit a high of $0.005962 before retreating to its current price around $0.005700.

MovieBloc (MBL) 的價格在過去 24 小時內飆升,該加密貨幣從 24 小時低點 0.004357 美元上漲超過 32%,達到 0.005962 美元的高點,然後回落至當前價格 0.005700 美元左右。

This marks a significant turnaround for MBL, which had been declining in value for most of November after hitting a local high around $0.007677. The exact catalyst behind this sudden uptick in buying pressure is not entirely clear; however, one of the key factors that may be contributing could be the increased attention and trading volume for MBL on major exchanges like Binance which stood at $22 million.

這標誌著 MBL 的重大轉變,該股在觸及 0.007677 美元左右的局部高點後,在 11 月的大部分時間裡一直在下跌。購買壓力突然上升背後的確切催化劑尚不完全清楚。然而,促成這一結果的關鍵因素之一可能是 MBL 在幣安等主要交易所的關注度和交易量的增加,交易量達到 2,200 萬美元。

Source: CoinStats – Start using it today

來源:CoinStats – 立即開始使用

MBL volume spiked to over $170 million in the last 24 hours, which is significantly above its daily average. This suggests renewed interest from traders.

在過去 24 小時內,MBL 交易量飆升至超過 1.7 億美元,遠高於每日平均。這表明交易者重新燃起了興趣。

Looking ahead, it remains to be seen if MBL can maintain this positive momentum in the short term. The token could see some profit-taking and a pullback after such a strong rally. However, the fundamentals appear strong for MovieBloc’s blockchain-based entertainment platform.

展望未來,MBL短期內能否維持這種正面動能還有待觀察。在如此強勁的反彈之後,該代幣可能會出現一些獲利了結和回調。然而,MovieBloc 基於區塊鏈的娛樂平台的基本面似乎很強勁。

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Crypto investors should keep an eye on MBL as both a speculative asset and a blockchain disruptor in the film industry.

加密貨幣投資者應該關注 MBL,它既是一種投機資產,也是電影產業的區塊鏈顛覆者。

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The post MovieBloc (MBL) Surges 32% Out of the Bloom, Trending on Binance appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

MovieBloc (MBL) 飆升 32% 後,幣安趨勢首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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