首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 馬斯克“對在 X 上使用比特幣的想法持開放態度”,透露了個人和 SpaceX 的加密資產持有情況

Musk 'Open To The Idea Of Using Bitcoin On X,' Reveals Personal And SpaceX Crypto Holdings

馬斯克“對在 X 上使用比特幣的想法持開放態度”,透露了個人和 SpaceX 的加密資產持有情況

發布: 2024/01/11 14:23 閱讀: 207

原文作者: Mehab Qureshi


馬斯克“對在 X 上使用比特幣的想法持開放態度”,透露了個人和 SpaceX 的加密資產持有情況

Elon Musk, in conversation with Ark Invest CEO Cathie Wood on Wednesday, shared his thoughts on the use of Bitcoin 

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 週三在與 Ark Invest 首席執行官凱西伍德 (Cathie Wood) 交談時分享了他對使用比特幣的想法

What Happened: During an X Space event, the Tesla CEO didn’t discount the idea of using Bitcoin on X.

BTC/USD-0.51%+ 免費提醒發生了什麼事:在 X Space 活動期間,特斯拉執行長並沒有否認在 X 上使用比特幣的想法。

While Musk reiterated his typically passive stance toward the apex cryptocurrency, stating, “I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about Bitcoin.” However, he said he is “open to the idea of using Bitcoin on X.”

儘管馬斯克重申了他對頂級加密貨幣的典型被動立場,但他表示,“我不會花很多時間考慮比特幣。”不過,他表示他「對在 X 上使用比特幣的想法持開放態度」。

Musk added, “Bitcoin is like gold. Bitcoin is not good for payments.”


He also revealed his personal and SpaceX’s investments in cryptocurrencies. “I own a lot of Dogecoin 

他還透露了他個人和 SpaceX 對加密貨幣的投資。 「我擁有很多狗狗幣

 and SpaceX owns Bitcoin,” he said.

DOGE/USD+4.57%+ 免費警報,SpaceX 擁有比特幣,」他說。

Bitcoin ETFs received the green light from U.S. regulators, heralding a new chapter for the apex crypto that has been around for 15 years. The stage is set for the trading of these ETFs to commence on Thursday.

比特幣 ETF 獲得了美國監管機構的批准,這預示著已經存在 15 年的頂級加密貨幣將翻開新篇章。這些 ETF 的交易將於週四開始。

Why It Matters: The announcement had an immediate impact on the market, with Bitcoin’s value cresting at $47,500. This uptick was echoed across the crypto market, with other altcoins enjoying a surge as well.

為什麼重要:該公告對市場產生了直接影響,比特幣的價值達到了 47,500 美元。這種上漲在整個加密貨幣市場上得到了回應,其他山寨幣也出現了飆升。

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Wednesday sanctioned the ARK 21Shares Bitcoin ETF. In a bid to align with competitive market offerings, the fund has revised its earlier expense ratio from 0.25% down to 0.21%.

美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 週三批准了 ARK 21Shares 比特幣 ETF。為了與競爭激烈的市場產品保持一致,該基金已將其早期費用比率從 0.25% 下調至 0.21%。

In addition to the reduced management fee, there’s an introductory incentive on the table. The ETF plans to implement a fee waiver for the initial six months or until the fund’s assets reach the $1 billion threshold, whichever comes first.

除了降低管理費外,還有介紹性激勵措施。該 ETF 計劃在最初六個月或直至基金資產達到 10 億美元門檻(以先到者為準)實施費用減免。

On Tuesday evening, Musk took a jab at the SEC following their erroneous tweet about the approval of Bitcoin Spot Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). Musk, who had been silent about Dogecoin for a while, reentered the discourse by responding to a query about the SEC’s mishap with “LFGDogeToTheMoon.”

週二晚上,馬斯克在美國證券交易委員會發布有關批准比特幣現貨交易所交易基金(ETF)的錯誤推文後對美國證券交易委員會進行了猛烈抨擊。馬斯克曾對狗狗幣保持沉默一段時間,但他在回答有關 SEC 的“LFGDogeToTheMoon”事故的詢問時重新加入了討論。

It should be noted that Tesla in 2021 stopped accepting Bitcoin for vehicle purchases over concerns of the cryptocurrency’s environmental impact.

值得注意的是,出於對加密貨幣對環境影響的擔憂,特斯拉於 2021 年停止接受比特幣購買車輛。

Price Action: At the time of writing, BTC was trading at $46,487 up 0.76% in the last 24 hours, according to Benzinga Pro.

價格走勢:根據 Benzinga Pro 的數據,截至撰寫本文時,BTC 交易價格為 46,487 美元,在過去 24 小時內上漲了 0.76%。


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