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Mythos token soars 200% in less than 4 hours

Mythos 代幣在不到 4 小時內飆升 200%

發布: 2023/12/08 20:04 閱讀: 437



Mythos 代幣在不到 4 小時內飆升 200%

The price of the Mythos crypto token rose sharply earlier today in an uncharacteristic intense period of trading activity.

今天早些時候,在交易活動異常激烈的時期,Mythos 加密代幣的價格大幅上漲。

According to CoinMarketCap data, MYTH surged from $0.2623 to $0.7843 within four hours in a move that marked an increase of about 200%. The token later pulled back to around $0.4261 at press time, leaving questions as to its sudden rise.

根據 CoinMarketCap 數據,MYTH 在四小時內從 0.2623 美元飆升至 0.7843 美元,漲幅約為 200%。截至發稿時,該代幣後來回落至 0.4261 美元左右,引發了人們對其突然上漲的疑問。

Mythos (MYTH) aims to support game developers building play-to-earn blockchain games, according to its website. The project was created by Mythical Games, a gaming studio developing multiplayer online games with economies centered around non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

據其網站稱,Mythos (MYTH) 旨在支持遊戲開發商開發透過玩來賺錢的區塊鏈遊戲。該項目由 Mythical Games 創建,這是一個開發多人線上遊戲的遊戲工作室,其經濟以不可替代代幣(NFT)為中心。

Trading volume in MYTH also spiked during the brief run-up, rising from well under $65,000 earlier today to $2.83 million as of press time. That represents an increase of over 2,830,000% compared to the lowest end of the 24 hour volume reported by the token on the same day.

MYTH 的交易量在短暫的上漲過程中也出現飆升,從今天早些時候的遠低於 65,000 美元上升到截至發稿時的 283 萬美元。與代幣當天報告的 24 小時交易量最低值相比,這意味著增加了 2,830,000% 以上。

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The pump in price and trading activity could potentially indicate manipulation in MYTH’s relatively small market. With a market capitalization of $13.24 million and its low trading volumes, MYTH would be susceptible to coordinated buying intended to temporarily inflate valuations by large holders.

價格和交易活動的激增可能表明 MYTH 相對較小的市場存在操縱行為。 MYTH 的市值為 1,324 萬美元,且交易量較低,很容易受到大股東旨在暫時提高估值的協調性購買的影響。

However, no definitive proof of manipulation behind today’s price action has surfaced at this time. The Mythos project has not issued any announcements or developments that would explain the trading volatility in fundamental terms. The latest vote made by the project’s decentralized autonomous organization ended two months ago in an approval for an $850 monthly budget for an ambassador program.

然而,目前還沒有明確的證據證明今天的價格走勢背後有操縱行為。 Mythos 專案尚未發布任何可以從根本上解釋交易波動性的公告或進度。該計畫的去中心化自治組織最近一次投票結束於兩個月前,批准了大使計畫每月 850 美元的預算。

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了解更多:加密貨幣分析師將 XRP 視為潛在的市場驅動力


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