首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 應對熊市:現在最值得購買的基於 Solana 的 Meme 代幣是什麼?

Navigating the Bear Market: What is the Best Solana-based Meme Coin To Buy Now?

應對熊市:現在最值得購買的基於 Solana 的 Meme 代幣是什麼?

發布: 2024/07/10 18:05 閱讀: 386



應對熊市:現在最值得購買的基於 Solana 的 Meme 代幣是什麼?

Meme coins have not been spared by the persistent dominance of bears in the market, with prices plummeting to multi-month lows. Despite the market's bearishness, astute investors are now seeking the most promising meme coins to invest in as a means of mitigating their losses and capitalizing on the potential for a market rebound.


In 2024, the most profitable investments are expected to be Solana-based meme coins, and this trend is anticipated to continue. Among the three trending Solana meme coins currently available - Bonk, Book of Meme, and Angry Pepe Fork - there is a high probability of significant returns following the current bear market.

到 2024 年,最賺錢的投資預計將是基於 Solana 的迷因幣,而這一趨勢預計將持續下去。目前可用的三種流行的 Solana Meme 代幣 - Bonk、Book of Meme 和 Angry Pepe Fork - 在當前熊市之後很有可能獲得顯著回報。

Bonk (BONK): Down but Not Out


Like the rest of the market, Bonk (BONK) has faced significant bearish momentum in recent weeks. Over the past month, Bonk's price has decreased by more than 30%, but market analysts suggest that a trend reversal may be imminent.

與市場上的其他股票一樣,邦克(BONK)最近幾週也面臨著明顯的看跌勢頭。過去一個月,Bonk 的價格下跌了 30% 以上,但市場分析師表示,趨勢逆轉可能即將到來。

According to Santiment data, Bonk's increasing social dominance and volatility indicate a potential increase in value. This is supported by the meme coin's price rebounding from the -23% Fibonacci level. From its current range of $0.00002200, BONK could target $0.00003600, making it one of the top meme coins to monitor.

根據 Santiment 的數據,Bonk 日益增長的社會主導地位和波動性表明其潛在的價值增長。這得到了 meme 幣價格從 -23% 斐波那契水平反彈的支持。從目前的 0.00002200 美元範圍來看,BONK 的目標可能是 0.00003600 美元,使其成為最值得監控的模因幣之一。

Book of Meme (BOME): Plunge, But a Major Breakout Expected Soon

Book of Meme (BOME):暴跌,但預計很快就會出現重大突破

Book of Meme (BOME) has not been immune to the market downturn, experiencing a 35% decline over the past month. However, despite falling to $0.008300, crypto experts like Marcus Corvinus believe that Book of Meme has formed a triangle pattern and is poised for a breakout.

Book of Meme (BOME) 也未能倖免於市場低迷,過去一個月下跌了 35%。然而,儘管跌至 0.008300 美元,Marcus Corvinus 等加密專家認為 Book of Meme 已形成三角形模式,並準備突破。

Decilizer shares this view, identifying Book of Meme as one of the meme coins to watch in the upcoming market recovery. Their predictions suggest that the price of the BOME meme coin could nearly double during the recovery period, potentially reaching $0.01600 before the end of the third quarter.

Decilizer 也同意這一觀點,將 Book of Meme 視為即將到來的市場復甦中值得關注的 Meme 幣之一。他們的預測表明,BOME meme 硬幣的價格在復甦期間可能幾乎翻倍,可能在第三季末之前達到 0.01600 美元。

Angry Pepe Fork Defies Bear Market, Set To Lead the Market Rally


One of the few cryptocurrencies that has remained resilient throughout the market downturn is Angry Pepe Fork. This new Solana-based meme coin has garnered attention for its unique "conquer-to-earn" staking model, which aims to shift the focus from hype to utility and incentivization.

Angry Pepe Fork 是在整個市場低迷時期保持彈性的少數加密貨幣之一。這種基於 Solana 的新型模因幣因其獨特的「征服即賺取」的質押模式而受到關注,該模式旨在將焦點從炒作轉向實用和激勵。

The purpose of the "conquer-to-earn" model is to defeat worthless "zombie coins" within the meme coin space. As more projects are conquered, Angry Pepe Fork community members are rewarded with higher APY for staking.

「征服即賺錢」模式的目的是擊敗迷因幣空間內毫無價值的「殭屍幣」。隨著更多項目被征服,Angry Pepe Fork 社區成員的質押將獲得更高的 APY 獎勵。

Additionally, community members who demonstrate exceptional dedication are rewarded with APORK tokens and badges of honor. This incentive-based approach has contributed to Angry Pepe Fork's recognition as one of the most promising meme coins for investment.

此外,表現出卓越奉獻精神的社區成員將獲得 APORK 代幣和榮譽徽章的獎勵。這種基於激勵的方法使 Angry Pepe Fork 被公認為最有前途的投資模因幣之一。

During the recent market decline, Angry Pepe Fork has attracted significant funds from investors, raising over $195,000. The price has remained stable at $0.014, but experts like GhostNFT anticipate a potential 100x return once the "conquer-to-earn" model is implemented in the second stage of its presale.

在最近的市場下跌期間,Angry Pepe Fork 吸引了投資者的大量資金,籌集了超過 195,000 美元。價格一直穩定在 0.014 美元,但 GhostNFT 等專家預計,一旦「征服即賺錢」模式在預售第二階段實施,潛在回報將達到 100 倍。



Despite the current market challenges, Book of Meme, Bonk, and Angry Pepe Fork are Solana-based meme coins that are well-positioned to generate significant gains in the future. Among them, Angry Pepe Fork has garnered the most attention due to its innovative incentive model and its potential for a 100x return.

儘管目前面臨市場挑戰,Book of Meme、Bonk 和 Angry Pepe Fork 都是基於 Solana 的 meme 代幣,它們處於有利位置,可以在未來產生顯著收益。其中,Angry Pepe Fork因其創新的激勵模式和100倍回報的潛力而受到最多關注。


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