首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 新發布的 Meme 幣現在即可投資,7 月 15 日星期一 – Shiba Shootout、Pepe、Brett(基於)、Dog(符文)

Newly Released Meme Coin To Invest In Now, Monday, July 15 – Shiba Shootout, Pepe, Brett (Based), Dog (Runes)

新發布的 Meme 幣現在即可投資,7 月 15 日星期一 – Shiba Shootout、Pepe、Brett(基於)、Dog(符文)

發布: 2024/07/15 21:05 閱讀: 551

原文作者:InsideBitcoin News


新發布的 Meme 幣現在即可投資,7 月 15 日星期一 – Shiba Shootout、Pepe、Brett(基於)、Dog(符文)

Market performance across top meme coins remains positive, with several tokens experiencing significant price increases. This upward trend aligns with the general cryptocurrency market recovery, driven by factors such as Bitcoin's rise above $60,000, geopolitical events, and the anticipation of the upcoming Bitcoin halving.

頂級模因代幣的市場表現仍然樂觀,一些代幣的價格大幅上漲。這種上升趨勢與加密貨幣市場的整體復甦相一致,受到比特幣升至 60,000 美元以上、地緣政治事件以及即將到來的比特幣減半預期等因素的推動。

Newly Released Meme Coins to Consider:

值得考慮的新發行的 Meme 幣:

1. Brett (BASED) ($BRETT)


Inspired by the legendary character from Matt Furie's Boys' Club comic, Brett ($BASED) has emerged as a cultural icon within crypto. Brett's association with the Base blockchain provides a solid foundation for its growth, offering opportunities for integration with various projects and applications.

受到 Matt Furie 的《男孩俱樂部》漫畫中的傳奇人物的啟發,Brett ($BASED) 已成為加密貨幣領域的文化偶像。 Brett 與 Base 區塊鏈的關聯為其發展奠定了堅實的基礎,並提供了與各種專案和應用程式整合的機會。

Recent developments have thrust Brett into the spotlight with a memecoin battle hosted by Bybit Web3's DEX Pro, showcasing its rising prominence. Additionally, Brett has established strategic partnerships with leading cryptocurrency exchanges, enhancing its accessibility and liquidity. The market performance of Brett ($BASED) reflects growing interest and adoption, with the token showing a 5.06% increase in value.

最近的發展使 Brett 成為了人們關注的焦點,Bybit Web3 的 DEX Pro 主辦了一場 memecoin 大戰,展示了其日益上升的知名度。此外,Brett 還與領先的加密貨幣交易所建立了策略合作夥伴關係,增強了其可近性和流動性。 Brett ($BASED) 的市場表現反映了人們日益增長的興趣和採用,該代幣的價值增長了 5.06%。

2. Dog (Runes) ($DOG)

2. 狗(符文)($DOG)

Launched on the Bitcoin blockchain as a community-driven memecoin, Dog (Rune) has made waves with its impressive market performance. Despite having no team allocation or presale, $DOG achieved a remarkable $900 million market cap, highlighting the grassroots support it has garnered.

Dog(Rune)作為社群驅動的迷因幣在比特幣區塊鏈上推出,以其令人印象深刻的市場表現引起了轟動。儘管沒有團隊分配或預售,$DOG 仍實現了 9 億美元的驚人市值,凸顯了它所獲得的草根支持。

Built on the Runes Protocol on Bitcoin, $DOG offers versatility and accessibility across multiple platforms. Recent developments indicate its growing adoption, with the token surpassing 76,000 unique holders and establishing partnerships with several exchanges. The price movement of $DOG reflects its growing popularity, showcasing a 5.80% increase in value.

$DOG 基於比特幣的 Runes 協議構建,提供跨多個平台的多功能性和可訪問性。最近的事態發展表明其採用率不斷上升,該代幣的唯一持有者已超過 76,000 名,並與多家交易所建立了合作夥伴關係。 $DOG 的價格走勢反映了其日益受歡迎,價值上漲了 5.80%。

3. Shiba Shootout ($SHIBASHOOT)

3. 柴犬大戰 ($SHIBASHOOT)

Inspired by the Wild West, Shiba Shootout reimagines the meme coin landscape with its immersive ecosystem. Combining creativity, competition, and community engagement, Shiba Shootout offers a unique experience centered around the digital settlement of Shiba Gulch.

受到狂野西部的啟發,Shiba Shootout 以其身臨其境的生態系統重新構想了 meme 硬幣的景觀。 Shiba Shootout 結合了創造力、競爭和社區參與,提供了以 Shiba Gulch 數位定居點為中心的獨特體驗。

Incorporating playfulness with practicality, the project's features include the Posse Rewards referral program, Campfire Stories sessions, and Token Governance Roundups, fostering community involvement and empowering holders. Recent news has generated excitement, with the project announcing free $SHIBASHOOT tokens for users, aiming to increase community engagement and token circulation. The project has also secured partnerships with various crypto media outlets.

該專案將趣味性與實用性融為一體,其特色包括 Posse Rewards 推薦計劃、Campfire Stories 會議和代幣治理綜述,促進社區參與並賦予持有者權力。最近的消息令人興奮,該項目宣佈為用戶免費提供 $SHIBASHOOT 代幣,旨在提高社區參與度和代幣流通。該項目還與各種加密貨幣媒體建立了合作夥伴關係。

Shiba Shootout's ongoing presale has garnered significant interest, showcasing the growing appeal of its unique approach to meme coins. The project has raised over $666,000 towards its target, with tokens trading at $0.0196.

Shiba Shootout 正在進行的預售引起了極大的興趣,這表明其獨特的模因硬幣方法越來越有吸引力。該項目已為目標籌集了超過 666,000 美元,代幣交易價格為 0.0196 美元。

4. Pepe ($PEPE)

4. 胡椒 ($PEPPER)

Leveraging the iconic frog character, Pepe has positioned itself as the "most memeable" cryptocurrency. Aiming to dethrone the prevalence of "Inu"-themed coins, Pepe embraces simplicity with zero taxes, burnt liquidity pool tokens, and a renounced contract, emphasizing its community-driven nature.

利用標誌性的青蛙角色,佩佩將自己定位為「最具記憶力」的加密貨幣。為了推翻「犬隻」主題代幣的流行,Pepe 採用零稅收、燒毀流動性池代幣和放棄合約的簡單性,強調其社區驅動的本質。

Built on the Ethereum blockchain, Pepe benefits from a robust infrastructure and wide adoption, providing security, scalability, and access to a vast ecosystem. Strategic partnerships with major players like Binance and Binance Pay have increased Pepe's visibility and encouraged its use in real-world transactions. Collaborations with exchanges and decentralized platforms have expanded its reach, contributing to growth potential. The token has experienced a notable 6.29% increase in value, reflecting the ongoing interest and investment in Pepe despite the volatility of the meme coin market.

Pepe 建立在以太坊區塊鏈之上,受益於強大的基礎設施和廣泛的採用,提供安全性、可擴展性和對龐大生態系統的存取。與 Binance 和 Binance Pay 等主要參與者的策略合作夥伴關係提高了 Pepe 的知名度,並鼓勵其在現實世界交易中的使用。與交易所和去中心化平台的合作擴大了其影響範圍,為成長潛力做出了貢獻。該代幣的價值顯著增長了 6.29%,反映了儘管 meme 幣市場波動,但人們對 Pepe 的持續興趣和投資。


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