Telegram's built-in TON blockchain-based wallet expands cryptocurrency access for its over 100 million users.
The Open Network (TON) has announced plans to significantly expand the Telegram Wallet's cryptocurrency custody services, adding support for over 50 new altcoins.
Open Network(TON)宣布了大量擴大電報錢包的加密貨幣監護權服務的計劃,從而增加了對50多個新的Altcoins的支持。
This expansion will enable trading of these 50+ altcoins, including XRP, and offer users yield programs. The wallet currently supports TON, Bitcoin (BTC), and USDT.
這種擴展將使包括XRP在內的這50個山寨幣交易,並為用戶提供收益計劃。 該錢包目前支持TON,BITCOIN(BTC)和USDT。
This upgrade, launching in two months, will provide over 100 million Telegram users access to a wider range of cryptocurrencies.
While the final list is still being finalized, it's expected to include popular altcoins such as Ethereum (ETH), XRP, Dogecoin (DOGE), and PEPE. Users will also gain access to an "Earn" feature, enabling them to generate returns on assets like Tether (USDT).
雖然最終列表仍在最終確定,但預計將包括流行的Altcoins,例如以太坊(ETH),XRP,Dogecoin(Doge)和Pepe。 用戶還將訪問“賺取”功能,從而使他們能夠在Tether(USDT)等資產上產生回報。
Initially, newly added altcoins will be limited to buy, sell, and hold functionalities within the wallet. Transferring altcoins (excluding TON) out of the wallet will not be permitted in this first phase.
最初,新添加的AltCoins將僅限於錢包內購買,出售和持有功能。 在第一階段,將不允許將山寨幣(不包括噸)轉移到錢包中。
*This is not investment advice.