首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 99% 的尼日利亞人“了解”加密貨幣,90% 的人準備“投資”

99% Nigerians 'Aware' About Crypto, 90% Ready to 'Invest'

99% 的尼日利亞人“了解”加密貨幣,90% 的人準備“投資”

發布: 2023/09/04 14:30 閱讀: 523



‘Crypto is becoming mainstream’ is a common assertion made by fin-tech proponents. The infamous bankruptcies of top firms in the industry in 2022 managed to garner the attention of people even in the traditional finance space. But do people really understand crypto and its underlying blockchain technology? In this article, we will delve into the results of a recent ConsenSys survey to understand the mass awareness related to crypto.

「加密貨幣正在成為主流」是金融科技支持者的普遍主張。 2022 年,臭名昭著的行業頂級公司破產事件甚至在傳統金融領域也引起了人們的關注。但人們真的了解加密貨幣及其底層區塊鏈技術嗎?在本文中,我們將深入研究 ConsenSys 最近的一項調查結果,以了解與加密相關的大眾意識。

Also Read: U.S.’s First Futures Bitcoin ETF Reacts Ironically: Nullifies 7% Spike

另請閱讀:美國首個比特幣期貨 ETF 反應諷刺:抵消了 7% 的飆升

Crypto Awareness Highest in Nigeria


In general, there is a ”very high” level of awareness about crypto assets. Around 92% of respondents globally have heard about digital currencies. However, when it comes to the proportion of people who understand it, the number is significantly lower. ConsenSys’ survey pointed out that only 50% of respondents said that they had heard about crypto and also understood what it was.

整體而言,人們對加密資產的認知度「非常高」。全球約 92% 的受訪者聽說過數位貨幣。但如果論及理解的人數比例,這個數字就明顯偏低了。 ConsenSys 的調查指出,只有 50% 的受訪者表示他們聽說過加密貨幣並且也了解它是什麼。

Crypto awareness was highest in Nigeria, with 99% of males and 100% of females claiming that they had heard of this asset class. In fact, 78% of them affirmed that they were aware of how crypto functions. When it comes to investing in crypto, only 5% of the population is willing to do so. 57% of them claimed that they will ”definitely” invest in crypto over the next 12 months, while 33% of them asserted that they will ”probably” invest.

尼日利亞對加密貨幣的認知度最高,99% 的男性和 100% 的女性聲稱他們聽說過這種資產類別。事實上,其中 78% 的人確認他們了解加密貨幣的運作方式。當談到投資加密貨幣時,只有 5% 的人願意這樣做。其中 57% 的人聲稱他們將在未來 12 個月內「肯定」投資加密貨幣,而 33% 的人聲稱他們「可能」會投資。

Also Read: Dogecoin Averages +24% in Asian Hours but -15% During US Hours

另請閱讀:狗狗幣在亞洲時段平均上漲 24%,但在美國時段平均上漲 -15%

Diversifying the portfolio was the top reason why Nigerians bought crypto. The instability of the local currency, the Nigerian Naira, was the next reason why citizens from this region found solace in crypto. The people who bought crypto in the past or currently own them revealed that Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, Dogecoin, Tether, and Shiba Inu were the top-invested assets.

投資組合多元化是尼日利亞人購買加密貨幣的首要原因。當地貨幣尼日利亞奈拉的不穩定性是該地區公民在加密貨幣中找到安慰的下一個原因。過去曾購買或目前擁有加密貨幣的人透露,比特幣、以太幣、幣安幣、狗狗幣、Tether 和 Shiba Inu 是投資最多的資產。

Furthermore, 6 out of 10 people in Nigeria heard about the bankruptcies of centralized crypto companies in 2022. 89% of the population believed that bankruptcies had an impact on people’s trust; nevertheless, a majority of them said that this impact was only ‘moderate.’ Improving security, transparency, and accountability were the best ways to restore confidence in the crypto sector, according to Nigerians.


Also Read: CBDCs: 130 Countries Controlling 98% GDP are Exploring e-Currencies

另請閱讀:CBDC:控制 98% GDP 的 130 個國家正在探索電子貨幣

  • binance coin
  • 幣安幣

  • bitcoin
  • 比特幣

  • crypto
  • 加密貨幣

  • Dogecoin
  • 狗狗幣

  • ethereum
  • 以太坊

  • Nigeria
  • 奈及利亞

  • shiba inu
  • 柴犬

  • Tether
  • 繫繩



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