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Notcoin price rising again; PlayDoge could be the next P2E token to pump

Notcoin價格再次上漲; PlayDoge 可能是下一個值得關注的 P2E 代幣

發布: 2024/06/26 22:47 閱讀: 896



Notcoin價格再次上漲; PlayDoge 可能是下一個值得關注的 P2E 代幣

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


Notcoin rebounds, gaining attention and climbing charts post-bearish period. Meanwhile, PlayDoge surges in presale, touted as a potential P2E token to watch.

Notcoin 反彈,獲得關注並在熊市過後攀升圖表。與此同時,PlayDoge 的預售激增,被吹捧為值得關注的潛在 P2E 代幣。

Notcoin (NOT) is continuing its upward trend.

Notcoin (NOT) 正在繼續其上升趨勢。

The token has regained attention, climbing the charts after a period of bearish momentum.


Meanwhile, a new project, PlayDoge (PLAY), is taking off in its presale phase – some are even saying it could be the next Play-to-Earn (P2E) token to pump.

與此同時,一個新項目 PlayDoge (PLAY) 正在進入預售階段——有些人甚至說它可能是下一個值得關注的 Play-to-Earn (P2E) 代幣。

Notcoin bounces back with 29% rally

Notcoin 反彈 29%

Notcoin's journey continues this week. After taking a 39% nosedive last week, bottoming out at $0.0125 this Monday, NOT has staged a surprise comeback.

Notcoin 的旅程本週仍在繼續。在上週暴跌 39% 後,NOT 本週一觸底於 0.0125 美元,現已出人意料地捲土重來。

The tide has turned, with the token up 29% in three days to reach $0.0162. Notcoin's technicals are also flashing bullish. NOT has muscled its way above the 50-period EMA on the 4-hour chart, flipping its medium-term trend positive.

潮流發生了逆轉,該代幣在三天內上漲了 29%,達到 0.0162 美元。 Notcoin 的技術面也呈現出看漲的跡象。在 4 小時圖表上,NOT 已突破 50 週期均線,使其中期趨勢轉為正面。

Zooming out to the daily timeframe reveals an even more interesting picture. A massive bull flag is taking shape, and if this pattern plays out, Notcoin investors could be eyeing the $0.020 mark as its next target.

縮小到每日時間範圍會發現更有趣的情況。巨大的牛市旗形正在形成,如果這種模式得以實現,Notcoin 投資者可能會將 0.020 美元大關作為下一個目標。

Interestingly, spot trading volumes for NOT have exploded again, jumping 43% in the past 24 hours to hit $525 million. This jump has pushed NOT into the 15th spot among the most traded cryptos.

有趣的是,NOT 的現貨交易量再次爆發,在過去 24 小時內躍升 43%,達到 5.25 億美元。這一躍升已將 NOT 推至交易量最大的加密貨幣中的第 15 位。

Notcoin has even reached number 2 on CoinMarketCap's trending cryptocurrencies list.

Notcoin 甚至在 CoinMarketCap 的加密貨幣趨勢排行榜上排名第二。

Behind Notcoin's surge – key developments & strategic moves

Notcoin 飆升的背後——關鍵發展和策略舉措

Notcoin's resurgence isn't random. The developers have been busy making moves that are leading to more demand for NOT.

Notcoin 的復興並不是隨機的。開發商一直忙於採取行動,導致對 NOT 的需求增加。

Most importantly, they recently announced a massive token burn, destroying $3 million worth of NOT. This was a calculated move to tighten Notcoin's supply and potentially boost value.

最重要的是,他們最近宣布進行大規模代幣銷毀,銷毀了價值 300 萬美元的 NOT。這是一個經過深思熟慮的舉措,旨在收緊 Notcoin 的供應並可能提升其價值。

But the developers didn't stop there. They also unveiled a $4.2 million incentive plan to reward their most loyal users on the Notcoin Explore platform.

但開發商並沒有就此止步。他們還推出了 420 萬美元的激勵計劃,以獎勵 Notcoin Explore 平台上最忠實的用戶。

These decisions have reshaped Notcoin's tokenomics and created additional scarcity. With a circulating supply of 102.4 billion and a market cap of $1.6 billion, NOT has cemented itself as the world's 52nd-largest crypto. Of course, external factors like Bitcoin's recent rally are also contributing to Notcoin's bullishness. Despite the coin's recent volatility, there's still a strong belief in its long-term potential.

這些決定重塑了 Notcoin 的代幣經濟並造成了額外的稀缺性。 NOT 憑藉 1024 億的流通量和 16 億美元的市值,鞏固了自己作為全球第 52 大加密貨幣的地位。當然,比特幣近期上漲等外部因素也推動了Notcoin的看漲。儘管該代幣最近波動較大,但人們仍然對其長期潛力抱持著堅定的信心。

PlayDoge turns heads with P2E ambitions & discounted presale

PlayDoge 以 P2E 野心和折扣預售吸引眼球

PlayDoge, a new contender in the memecoin market, is combining nostalgia with blockchain tech. Players can nurture a virtual "Doge" in an 8-bit universe, earning PLAY tokens for their efforts.

PlayDoge 是迷因幣市場的新競爭者,它將懷舊與區塊鏈技術相結合。玩家可以在 8 位元宇宙中培養虛擬“Doge”,並透過他們的努力賺取 PLAY 代幣。

PlayDoge's presale kicked off on May 28, and it's already raked in over $5.1 million in early funding. That's an impressive feat for such a new memecoin. With PLAY tokens on offer for just $0.00512, retail investors are flocking to get involved before the official launch.

PlayDoge 的預售於 5 月 28 日開始,目前已籌集超過 510 萬美元的早期資金。對於這樣一個新的迷因幣來說,這是一個令人印象深刻的壯舉。由於 PLAY 代幣的售價僅為 0.00512 美元,因此散戶投資者在正式推出之前紛紛湧入。

PlayDoge's team is also tapping into the continued demand for P2E crypto projects. The entire P2E space is currently valued at $10.5 billion, with Floki, Notcoin, and Axie Infinity being the three biggest players.

PlayDoge 的團隊也正在利用對 P2E 加密專案的持續需求。整個 P2E 領域目前估值為 105 億美元,其中 Floki、Notcoin 和 Axie Infinity 是三大參與者。

PlayDoge is looking to make its mark on this space. So, will PLAY be the next P2E token to pump? Only time will tell, but with its old-school vibe and growing Twitter following, it's certainly on the right track.

PlayDoge 希望在這個領域留下自己的印記。那麼,PLAY 會成為下一個值得關注的 P2E 代幣嗎?只有時間才能證明一切,但憑藉其老派氛圍和不斷增長的 Twitter 粉絲,它肯定走在正確的軌道上。


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