首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2021 年,投資者透過狗狗幣和柴犬將 2,000 美元變成了 700 萬美元,他在自己的投資組合中添加了新的代幣——這是 500 多天內的首次購買。

nvestor Who Turned $2,000 Into $7M with Dogecoin and Shiba Inu in 2021 Adds New Token to His Portfolio—First Buy in Over 500 Days.

2021 年,投資者透過狗狗幣和柴犬將 2,000 美元變成了 700 萬美元,他在自己的投資組合中添加了新的代幣——這是 500 多天內的首次購買。

發布: 2024/09/16 19:40 閱讀: 792

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


2021 年,投資者透過狗狗幣和柴犬將 2,000 美元變成了 700 萬美元,他在自己的投資組合中添加了新的代幣——這是 500 多天內的首次購買。

One of the investors who managed to draw the attention of most people in 2021 was more than adventurous, after turning a seemingly insignificant $2000 into a breathtaking $7000000. What did he do exactly? The answer lies in betting on upcoming meme coins early like the likes of Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) at the hottest peaks of the crypto bull market.

一位在 2021 年成功吸引大多數人注意的投資者在將看似微不足道的 2000 美元變成了驚人的 700 萬美元後,不僅具有冒險精神。他到底做了什麼?答案在於儘早押注即將推出的迷因幣,例如在加密貨幣牛市最熱的高峰期的狗狗幣(DOGE)和柴犬(SHIB)等。

After almost 500 days on the sideline, the same investor turns out to be back on the scene with Rexas Finance (RXS) – an asset he has recently added to his portfolio. This development has attracted the attention of analysts in the market, particularly because Rexas Finance aims to be a game-changing player in the space of tokenization of real-world assets (RWA).

經過近 500 天的觀望後,這位投資者終於帶著 Rexas Finance (RXS) 重返現場——他最近將這一資產添加到了自己的投資組合中。這一發展引起了市場分析師的關注,特別是因為 Rexas Finance 的目標是成為現實世界資產代幣化 (RWA) 領域的遊戲規則改變者。

From meme coins to real-world assets


The attitude towards meme coins followed by the addition of Rexas Finance to the investor's portfolio reflects an evolution from high-risk, unregulated cryptocurrencies to more stable, equity-perfect tokenization of economic assets. Domestically, the currencies had a strong support structure driven by communities, endorsements, and memes. Rexas Finance, however, offers another option based on the practical use of the token and is oriented towards working with and developing investment projects.

Rexas Finance 將 Rexas Finance 加入投資者的投資組合後,人們對 meme 幣的態度反映了從高風險、不受監管的加密貨​​幣到更穩定、更完美的經濟資產代幣化的演變。在國內,這些貨幣擁有由社群、背書和迷因驅動的強大支持結構。然而,Rexas Finance 根據代幣的實際使用提供了另一種選擇,並面向合作和開發投資項目。

Rexas Finance seeks to integrate traditional and blockchain finance and allows for tokenizing properties, works of art, gold, etc. through a decentralized mechanism. This means that the ownership of the underlying assets can be done in parts and has improved portability and accessibility. This is a great opportunity for those investors who would want exposure to real assets via blockchain.

Rexas Finance 尋求整合傳統金融和區塊鏈金融,並允許透過去中心化機制對財產、藝術品、黃金等進行代幣化。這意味著基礎資產的所有權可以部分完成,並提高了可移植性和可訪問性。對於那些希望透過區塊鏈投資實體資產的投資者來說,這是一個絕佳的機會。

Why Rexas Finance? A New Wave in Opportunity


The confidence that the investor demonstrates in exercising options in favor of Rexas Finance after a long break underlines the scope of the future. The attraction is in Rexas Finance`s aspiration to outsource the tokenization of things to the public by simply and effortlessly explaining how it works. This way it serves to tackle critical issues, which, by and large, concern most of the industries’ participants and therefore include, but are not limited to, low levels of entry, liquidity constraints, and obscurity in the management of assets the traditional way.

經過長時間休息後,投資者在行使有利於 Rexas Finance 的選擇權時所表現出的信心突顯了未來的前景。 Rexas Finance 的吸引力在於,它希望透過簡單、輕鬆地解釋其運作方式,將事物的代幣化外包給大眾。透過這種方式,它可以解決大多數行業參與者所關心的關鍵問題,因此包括但不限於准入水平低、流動性限制以及傳統方式資產管理的模糊性。

Rexas is a platform for all users: simple, comfortable, safe, and growing. The platform offers tools that will be beneficial for both advanced and novice crypto users. With an expanding ecosystem that includes the Rexas Token Builder, QuickMint Bot, and AI Shield, the platform intends to encourage users to create, manage, and trade tokenized assets. This explains why, after taking nearly 500 days away from making bold investment decisions, this experienced investor is going all in on Rexas Finance, especially given the roadmap and innovations presented by the project.

Rexas 是一個適合所有使用者的平台:簡單、舒適、安全、不斷成長。該平台提供的工具對高級和新手加密貨幣用戶都有益。隨著包括 Rexas Token Builder、QuickMint Bot 和 AI Shield 在內的不斷擴大的生態系統,該平台旨在鼓勵用戶創建、管理和交易代幣化資產。這就解釋了為什麼這位經驗豐富的投資者在花了近 500 天的時間做出大膽的投資決策後,卻全力投資 Rexas Finance,特別是考慮到該項目提出的路線圖和創新。

Rexas Finance Presale: An Ultimate Investment Opportunity for Early Investors

Rexas Finance 預售:早期投資者的終極投資機會

Rexas Finance presale is one of the important reasons for the investor’s commitment to the project. The presale consists of providing an opportunity for the investors to come in early in the game before the token is launched fully in the main exchanges. In the first stage of the presale, Rexas Finance managed to sell out in a record time of less than 72 hours and raised a lot of money and attention in crypto circles. For now, the presale is in its second stage, and the selling price of the tokens stands at $0.04.

Rexas Finance預售是投資者承諾該專案的重要原因之一。預售包括在代幣在主要交易所全面推出之前為投資者提供早期參與的機會。在第一階段預售中,Rexas Finance在不到72小時的時間內創紀錄地售罄,並在加密圈中籌集了大量資金和關注。目前,預售已進入第二階段,代幣售價為 0.04 美元。

Considering the fact that some analysts expect a 45x increase in value by early 2025, one can say that the presale offers an interesting opportunity to reap benefits by purchasing Rexas (RXS) tokens at a considerably lower price compared to the anticipated future prices. Investors take advantage of this bottom-up cost structure to join early to buy tokens at a cheaper price than the final price when the stage moves to the next stage.

考慮到一些分析師預計到 2025 年初價值將增長 45 倍,可以說預售提供了一個有趣的機會,可以透過以遠低於預期未來價格的價格購買 Rexas (RXS) 代幣來獲得收益。投資者利用這種自下而上的成本結構,提前加入,在階段進入下一階段時以比最終價格更便宜的價格購買代幣。

The presale was boosted more when this movement was undertaken by the millionaires of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, as other investors also wanted to move in this direction. As the second stage is underway, there is panic amongst all towards those who wish to invest, as this stage provides scope for growth in periods.


Where do Rexas Finance and its investors head from here?

Rexas Finance 及其投資者將何去何從?

Rexas Finance is not just any other token; it’s something that will change the way assets are managed, traded, and owned. The platform is taking a different route in solving age-old problems in traditional finance by utilizing blockchain technology. The company’s disruptive tokenization solution may eventually follow in the footsteps of other blockchain projects in the past decade that have been capable of changing the course of business today.

Rexas Finance 不僅僅是任何其他代幣;這將改變資產的管理、交易和擁有方式。該平台正在利用區塊鏈技術採取不同的路線來解決傳統金融中的舊問題。該公司的顛覆性代幣化解決方案最終可能會追隨過去十年中其他能夠改變當今業務進程的區塊鏈項目的腳步。

For the investor who made a $2000 investment to turn up into $7,000,000 through Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, this move into Rexas finance can be called the next big wave in the crypto market. While meme coins were his true cash flows, Rexas Finance has something better and more secure in the long run. While the presale is still deepening and seeking attention and funds, the words about prosperous days for both the platform and early backers are absolutely truthful.

對於透過狗狗幣和柴犬將 2000 美元投資變成 7,000,000 美元的投資者來說,進軍 Rexas 金融可以稱為加密市場的下一個大浪潮。雖然 Meme 幣是他真正的現金流,但從長遠來看,Rexas Finance 擁有更好、更安全的東西。雖然預售仍在深入並尋求關注和資金,但對於平台和早期支持者來說,關於繁榮日子的說法絕對是真實的。



The urge of an investor who made millions with Dogecoin and Shiba Inu to come back to the market with Rexas Finance indicates the increasing interest in asset tokenization. The combination of Rexas Finance targeting real-world assets, an active presale, and an innovative platform makes it an attractive target for investors seeking the next big opportunity. These reasons can explain how sudden the transition was and how Rexas Finance will be able to stand out with its presale already started and internal forecasts extending by the value of 45x.

一位透過狗狗幣和柴犬賺了數百萬美元的投資者渴望透過 Rexas Finance 重返市場,這表明人們對資產代幣化的興趣日益濃厚。 Rexas Finance 針對現實世界資產、積極的預售和創新平台的結合使其成為尋求下一個重大機會的投資者的有吸引力的目標。這些原因可以解釋這一轉變是多麼突然,以及 Rexas Finance 如何能夠在預售已經開始、內部預測價值增長 45 倍的情況下脫穎而出。

For more information about Rexas Finance (RXS) visit the links below:

有關 Rexas Finance (RXS) 的更多信息,請訪問以下連結:

Website: https://rexas.com
Whitepaper: https://rexas.com/rexas-whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rexasfinance
Telegram: https://t.me/rexasfinance


Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of , nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免責聲明:這是一篇贊助文章,僅供參考。它不反映 的觀點,也不打算用作法律、稅務、投資或財務建議。


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