NYSE Arca has submitted a proposal to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to list and trade shares of the Bitwise Dogecoin Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF). This is a significant step towards bringing Dogecoin into the regulated investment world.
紐約證券交易所ARCA已向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了一項提案,以列出與Dogecoin交易所交易基金(ETF)的股份。 這是將Dogecoin帶入受監管的投資界的重要一步。
The exchange filed a 19b-4 rule change seeking approval. If approved, the Bitwise Dogecoin ETF would allow investors exposure to Dogecoin without directly holding the cryptocurrency. Coinbase will serve as the fund's crypto custodian, while Bank of New York Mellon will handle cash custody, fund administration, and transfer operations.
交易所提出了19b-4規則更改,尋求批准。 如果獲得批准,Dogecoin ETF將允許投資者接觸Dogecoin,而無需直接持有加密貨幣。 Coinbase將擔任該基金的加密託管人,而紐約銀行將處理現金監護,基金管理和轉讓業務。
Unlike spot Bitcoin ETFs which allow in-kind redemptions, the Bitwise Dogecoin ETF will use cash creations and redemptions. Investors will buy and sell shares with cash, not Dogecoin. Bitwise previously filed an S-1 registration statement with the SEC in January detailing their plans.
與允許實現贖回的現場比特幣ETF不同,位狗狗ETF將使用現金創造和贖回。 投資者將以現金而不是Dogecoin購買和出售股票。 Bitwise先前在一月份向SEC提交了S-1註冊聲明,詳細介紹了他們的計劃。
Approval would make this ETF one of the first U.S.-listed memecoin funds, providing regulated access to Dogecoin for institutional and retail investors.
This filing follows the SEC's acknowledgment of Grayscale's application for its Grayscale Dogecoin Trust on February 13th, initiating regulatory review. A decision is potentially expected around mid-October.
該文件是在SEC在2月13日對Grayscale申請其灰dogecoin Trust的申請之後的,啟動了監管審查。 預計10月中旬左右有可能做出決定。
Similarly, on February 24th, the SEC acknowledged NYSE Arca's filing for a spot Cardano ETF, beginning review of the proposal to list Grayscale Cardano Trust shares.
同樣,在2月24日,SEC承認紐約證券交易所ARCA提交了現場Cardano ETF的申請,開始審查該提案,以列出Grayscale Cardano Trust股票。
Nasdaq is also expanding its crypto offerings. On March 3rd, they filed to list and trade shares of the Grayscale Hedera Trust (tracking HBAR), following a similar filing for a Hedera-related ETF from Canary Capital in late February.
納斯達克還正在擴大其加密產品。 3月3日,他們向Grayscale Hedera Trust(跟踪HBAR)的清單和貿易股份提交了類似的文件,此前2月下旬從Canary Capital提交了類似的Hedera相關ETF。