首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 柴犬、邦克和狗狗幣落後,油王佩佩 (OILPEPE) 飆升 2,000%,準備在 KuCoin 上市前再漲 18,000%

Oil King Pepe (OILPEPE) Surges 2,000% and Prepares to Rally Another 18,000% Ahead of KuCoin Listing, as Shiba Inu, Bonk and Dogecoin Lag

柴犬、邦克和狗狗幣落後,油王佩佩 (OILPEPE) 飆升 2,000%,準備在 KuCoin 上市前再漲 18,000%

發布: 2024/06/28 06:06 閱讀: 900

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence


柴犬、邦克和狗狗幣落後,油王佩佩 (OILPEPE) 飆升 2,000%,準備在 KuCoin 上市前再漲 18,000%

Early Memecoin Investors Reap Astronomical Returns

早期 Memecoin 投資者獲得天文數字回報

Investors who invested early in memecoins such as Shiba Inu (SHIB), Bonk (BONK), and Dogecoin (DOGE) have seen remarkable returns. Oil King Pepe (OILPEPE), a recently launched Solana memecoin, offers a similar opportunity for a limited time.

早期投資柴犬 (SHIB)、邦克 (BONK) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 等迷因幣的投資者已經獲得了可觀的回報。石油王佩佩 (OILPEPE) 是最近推出的 Solana memecoin,在有限的時間內提供了類似的機會。

OILPEPE Poised for Explosion


OILPEPE is projected to surge over 18,000% in the coming days as former Shiba Inu, Bonk, and Dogecoin investors allocate funds to this emerging token.

隨著前 Shiba Inu、Bonk 和 Dogecoin 投資者將資金分配給這個新興代幣,OILPEPE 預計在未來幾天將飆升 18,000% 以上。

KuCoin Listing Catalyzes Growth


OILPEPE's listing on KuCoin, one of the largest centralized exchanges, within two days is a significant development. This will provide millions of new investors with easy access to the token.

OILPEPE 在兩天內就在最大的中心化交易所之一 KuCoin 上市,這是一個重大進展。這將為數百萬新投資者提供輕鬆獲取代幣的機會。

Early Investors Positioned for Gains


On its launch day, OILPEPE surged over 2,000%, achieving a market cap of $194,000. It is anticipated to reach a $30 million market cap before the end of June.

上市當天,OILPEPE 飆升超過 2,000%,市值達到 194,000 美元。預計6月底前市值將達到3,000萬美元。

Accessible Purchase via Solana DEXs

可透過 Solana DEX 進行購買

OILPEPE is currently available for purchase on Solana decentralized exchanges such as Jupiter and Raydium. Early investors can connect their Solflare, MetaMask, or Phantom wallet and swap Solana for OILPEPE using its contract address: GRUCh82C2aUXo2487mNWJx92s5K26pCtZp8HF47ZZAkc.

OILPEPE 目前可以在 Jupiter 和 Raydium 等 Solana 去中心化交易所購買。早期投資者可以連接 Solflare、MetaMask 或 Phantom 錢包,並使用合約地址 GRUCh82C2aUXo2487mNWJx92s5K26pCtZp8HF47ZZAkc 將 Solana 換成 OILPEPE。

High Upside Potential


OILPEPE has a market cap of just under $200,000, with over $16,000 in locked liquidity. This indicates substantial upside potential.

OILPEPE 的市值略低於 20 萬美元,鎖定流動性超過 16,000 美元。這表明巨大的上漲潛力。

Memecoin Millionaire Potential

Memecoin 百萬富翁的潛力

Investors who got in early on Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and Bonk saw substantial returns. OILPEPE has the potential to create a new wave of memecoin millionaires within weeks or even sooner.

早期投資柴犬、狗狗幣和邦克的投資者看到了可觀的回報。 OILPEPE 有潛力在幾週甚至更短的時間內創造新一波迷因幣百萬富翁。


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