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Will the Parabolic SAR Signal Trigger Another Dogecoin Rally?


發布: 2023/11/17 14:00 閱讀: 789



Enthusiasts of Dogecoin got excited with the reappearance of the familiar technical signal, Parabolic SAR. The signal previously indicated a 23,000% increase in the value of the meme cryptocurrency. Now, there is one question on everyone’s mind: Can this signal trigger another astronomical rally and take DOGE to new highs?

狗狗幣的愛好者對熟悉的技術訊號拋物線轉向指標的再次出現感到興奮。該訊號先前表明 meme 加密貨幣的價值增加了 23,000%。現在,每個人都在思考一個問題:這個訊號能否引發另一場天文數字般的反彈,並將 DOGE 推向新高?

Dogecoin’s Previous Surge and the Power of Parabolic SAR

In the midst of the recent crypto bull market, Dogecoin emerged as a star player, overshadowing Bitcoin, Ethereum, and various altcoins. Fueled by meme frenzy, enticing factors, and Elon Musk’s tweets, DOGE wrote a notable success story for many investors.

狗狗幣之前的飆升和拋物線SAR的力量在最近的加密貨幣牛市中,狗狗幣成為明星玩家,蓋過了比特幣、以太坊和各種山寨幣。在迷因狂熱、誘人因素和伊隆馬斯克的推文的推動下,DOGE 為許多投資者寫了一個引人注目的成功故事。

Before the explosive rally that took Dogecoin to unprecedented highs in 2020, the meme-inspired coin had endured a three-year downtrend. The turning point coincided with the 1M Parabolic SAR signal, indicating a potential reversal in the trend. The result was truly intriguing. It reached its peak in 2021 with an impressive increase of 23,000% within a year.

在狗狗幣於 2020 年爆發性上漲並達到前所未有的高點之前,這種受迷因啟發的代幣經歷了三年的下跌趨勢。此轉折點與 1M 拋物線轉向指標 (SAR) 訊號重合,顯示趨勢可能出現逆轉。結果確實很有趣。它在 2021 年達到頂峰,一年內增長了 23,000%,令人印象深刻。

The Potential Impact of Parabolic SAR on the Meme Coin Season

Designed by J. Welles Wilder Jr., known for creating widely used indicators such as Relative Strength Index and Average Directional Index, Parabolic SAR serves as a tool that signals potential trend reversals. As the name suggests, it means “Stop and Reverse Position.” Its purpose is to identify moments when a trend may halt and change direction.

拋物線轉向指標對Meme 幣季節的潛在影響拋物線轉向指標由J. Welles Wilder Jr. 設計,他以創建廣泛使用的指標(例如相對強度指數和平均方向指數)而聞名,拋物線轉向指標是一種發出潛在趨勢逆轉訊號的工具。顧名思義,它的意思是「停止和反轉位置」。其目的是識別趨勢可能停止並改變方向的時刻。

In the case of Dogecoin, the signal in 2020 indicated the exact point where the downtrend stopped and reversed. As a result, the cryptocurrency experienced a notable surge. With the retriggering of Parabolic SAR, the question arises: Can DOGE embark on another significant move?

就狗狗幣而言,2020 年的訊號顯示了下降趨勢停止並逆轉的確切點。結果,加密貨幣經歷了顯著的飆升。隨著拋物線轉向指標的重新觸發,問題出現了:DOGE 能否採取另一項重大舉措?

A Potential 14,600% Increase?

Since the last Parabolic SAR tagging occurred before a remarkable 23,000% increase, history points to significant gains. A previous example tagged with the same signal in April 2017 signaled a 6,200% increase. The average of these two rallies suggests a potential 14,600% increase in Dogecoin.

潛在的 14,600% 增長?由於上次拋物線 SAR 標記發生在顯著的 23,000% 增長之前,歷史表明增長顯著。 2017 年 4 月以相同訊號標記的先前範例顯示成長了 6,200%。這兩次反彈的平均值顯示狗狗幣可能會上漲 14,600%。

These examples so far are causing a new excitement in the cryptocurrency world, especially considering the upcoming enthusiasm in memes during the next bull run. This could potentially lead to a new rally for Dogecoin. However, it is important to remember that the volatile nature of the crypto world does not always provide opportunities for historical surges.



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