首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Pepe 和 Avalanche 經歷了市場暴跌,但這種山寨幣有望大幅上漲

Pepe and Avalanche Experience Market Slumps, But This Altcoin Is on Track for Major Gains

Pepe 和 Avalanche 經歷了市場暴跌,但這種山寨幣有望大幅上漲

發布: 2024/09/18 14:20 閱讀: 955

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


Pepe 和 Avalanche 經歷了市場暴跌,但這種山寨幣有望大幅上漲

Market Downturn Impacts Pepe and Avalanche; Low-Cap Projects See Increased Interest


As the cryptocurrency market continues its downward trend, Pepe and Avalanche have been particularly hard-hit. Frustrated investors are redirecting funds towards low-cap projects with promising potential, such as crypto casino Rollblock.

隨著加密貨幣市場持續下滑,Pepe 和 Avalanche 的打擊尤其嚴重。沮喪的投資者正在將資金轉向潛力巨大的低市值項目,例如加密貨幣賭場 Rollblock。

Pepe's Downward Spiral


Pepe's recent rebound has proven feeble, reaching a low of $0.0000064. Despite a retracement to $0.0000071, Pepe has experienced a 6.8% intraday decline. Notably, trading volume has surged by 71%, with $475 million traded in the past 24 hours.

佩佩最近的反彈被證明是微弱的,跌至 0.0000064 美元的低點。儘管回調至 0.0000071 美元,佩佩盤中仍下跌 6.8%。值得注意的是,過去 24 小時內交易量激增 71%,交易額達 4.75 億美元。

Pepe's price structure remains vulnerable to further losses, as a breach below support levels could trigger a downward spiral.


Avalanche's Ongoing Struggles


Avalanche has exhibited lackluster performance, with occasional price spikes quickly followed by significant sell-offs. Currently trading at $23.64, Avalanche has suffered a 4.2% decline over the past 24 hours.

Avalanche 表現平淡,價格偶爾飆升,隨後出現大幅拋售。 Avalanche 目前的交易價格為 23.64 美元,在過去 24 小時內下跌了 4.2%。

Despite holding 12th place in the cryptocurrency market cap rankings with $12 billion, Avalanche's viability is threatened if the downtrend persists. The recent hack of DeltaPrime, a borrowing protocol within the Avalanche ecosystem, has raised concerns about security vulnerabilities.

儘管 Avalanche 以 120 億美元的市值排名第 12 位,但如果下跌趨勢持續下去,其生存能力將受到威脅。 Avalanche 生態系統內的借貸協議 De​​ltaPrime 最近遭到駭客攻擊,引發了人們對安全漏洞的擔憂。

Rollblock Spearheads GambleFi Revolution

Rollblock 引領 GambleFi 革命

Amidst the market turbulence, Rollblock is emerging as a frontrunner in the GambleFi sector. This community-backed casino leverages the vast potential of the online gambling industry, projected to reach $750 billion by 2028.

在市場動盪中,Rollblock 正在成為 GambleFi 領域的領跑者。這家社區支持的賭場充分利用了線上賭博行業的巨大潛力,預計到 2028 年將達到 7500 億美元。

Rollblock provides a blockchain-powered casino experience that also enables users to earn passive income through its innovative revenue-sharing mechanism. With over 15,000 players, the platform boasts a wide selection of 150+ games without requiring KYC for registration.

Rollblock 提供了由區塊鏈驅動的賭場體驗,還使用戶能夠透過其創新的收入分享機制賺取被動收入。該平台擁有超過 15,000 名玩家,擁有 150 多種遊戲可供選擇,無需 KYC 註冊。

Staking RBLK tokens offers attractive annual percentage yields (APYs). Rollblock allocates up to 30% of its weekly revenue to buy back RBLK tokens, reducing supply and supporting sustainable price appreciation. Half of these tokens are burned, while the remaining half is distributed as staking rewards.

質押 RBLK 代幣可提供極具吸引力的年收益率 (APY)。 Rollblock 將其每週收入的高達 30% 用於回購 RBLK 代幣,從而減少供應並支持可持續的價格升值。這些代幣的一半被燒毀,而剩下的一半則作為質押獎勵進行分配。

Currently priced at $0.026, RBLK has raised approximately $3.5 million in its ongoing presale. Industry experts predict a 100x return multiplier in 2025 as interest in GambleFi grows and listings on major exchanges are finalized.

RBLK 目前售價為 0.026 美元,在正在進行的預售中籌集了約 350 萬美元。行業專家預測,隨著人們對 GambleFi 的興趣不斷增長以及在主要交易所上市的最終確定,到 2025 年回報率將達到 100 倍。


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