首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Pepe Coin (PEPE)、Shiba Inu (SHIB)、MoonTaurus (MNTR):到 2024 年 12 月,這 3 種 Meme 硬幣將使您的投資組合增加 10 倍

Pepe Coin (PEPE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), MoonTaurus (MNTR): 3 Meme Coins That Will 10x Your Portfolio by December 2024

Pepe Coin (PEPE)、Shiba Inu (SHIB)、MoonTaurus (MNTR):到 2024 年 12 月,這 3 種 Meme 硬幣將使您的投資組合增加 10 倍

發布: 2024/08/29 21:03 閱讀: 399



Pepe Coin (PEPE)、Shiba Inu (SHIB)、MoonTaurus (MNTR):到 2024 年 12 月,這 3 種 Meme 硬幣將使您的投資組合增加 10 倍

After a period of market fluctuations, the cryptocurrency sector is poised for a major surge as we approach Q4 2024. This presents a significant opportunity for investors to capitalize by investing in high-potential cryptocurrencies before they reach their peak value. According to expert analysts, Pepe Coin, Shiba Inu, and MoonTaurus are among the top picks, with the potential for substantial gains.

經過一段時間的市場波動後,隨著2024 年第四季的臨近,加密貨幣行業有望大幅上漲。資本化。據專家分析師稱,Pepe Coin、Shiba Inu 和 MoonTaurus 是首選,具有大幅上漲的潛力。

Pepe Coin (PEPE)

佩佩幣 (PEPE)

Inspired by the iconic internet meme Pepe the Frog, Pepe Coin has emerged as a leading player in the meme coin sector. Its popularity has soared since its launch in April 2023, driven by a vibrant community and a strong online presence.

受到標誌性網路迷因青蛙佩佩的啟發,佩佩幣已成為迷因硬幣領域的領導者。自 2023 年 4 月推出以來,在充滿活力的社群和強大的線上影響力的推動下,其受歡迎程度飆升。

Pepe Coin's current price stands at $0.000009, with a 24-hour trading volume of $625.04 million and a market capitalization of $3.77 billion. Despite a recent 2.02% decline, the coin has exhibited a 23.49% increase over the past week. However, it has experienced a bearish summer, losing approximately 46.27% in the last three months.

Pepe Coin目前價格為0.000009美元,24小時交易量為6.2504億美元,市值為37.7億美元。儘管最近下跌了 2.02%,但該代幣在過去一周卻上漲了 23.49%。然而,它經歷了一個熊市,在過去三個月下跌了約46.27%。

Experts predict a 229.34% rally for Pepe Coin in the next 30 days, with a projected price of $0.00002943 by the end of September. The coin's bullish momentum could drive it to a 10x surge by the end of the year, elevating its market cap to over $30 billion.

專家預測 Pepe Coin 在未來 30 天內將上漲 229.34%,預計到 9 月底價格將達到 0.00002943 美元。該代幣的看漲勢頭可能會使其在今年年底前飆升 10 倍,使其市值突破 300 億美元。

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

柴犬 (SHIB)

Shiba Inu gained prominence during the 2021 bull run, skyrocketing over 1 million percent to reach an all-time high of $0.00008819. Currently trading at $0.00001478, the coin is at an 83% discount from its peak.

Shiba Inu 在 2021 年牛市中脫穎而出,飆升超過 100 萬%,達到 0.0000819 美元的歷史新高。目前該代幣的交易價格為 0.00001478 美元,較其峰值折價 83%。

Shiba Inu has experienced a 2.89% drop in the last 24 hours but has increased 10.89% over the past week. The coin has also faced a bearish summer, losing 43.41% in the last three months.

Shiba Inu 在過去 24 小時內下跌了 2.89%,但在過去一周上漲了 10.89%。該幣也面臨一個看跌的夏季,過去三個月下跌了 43.41%。

Analysts forecast a potential 50% surge for Shiba Inu by the end of September, regaining the $0.000030 level. This momentum is anticipated to continue, aligning with a broader cryptocurrency market rally.

分析師預測,到 9 月底,柴犬價格可能會上漲 50%,重回 0.000030 美元的水平。預計這種勢頭將持續下去,與更廣泛的加密貨幣市場反彈保持一致。

MoonTaurus (MNTR)

月亮金牛座 (MNTR)

A newcomer to the meme coin market, MoonTaurus has gained rapid traction since its launch in late July 2024. Its presale has raised over $400,000 in just a few weeks, demonstrating strong investor interest.

作為迷因幣市場的新來者,MoonTaurus 自 2024 年 7 月下旬推出以來迅速獲得關注。

MoonTaurus has experienced promising early performance, with its presale phases showing high demand. The coin's price has risen from $0.005 in the first phase to $0.01 in the second phase. It is set to launch at $0.07 after 10 presale phases.

MoonTaurus 的早期表現令人鼓舞,其預售階段顯示出很高的需求。該幣的價格從第一階段的0.005美元上漲到第二階段的0.01美元。經過 10 個預售階段後,其發售價格為 0.07 美元。

Market analysts are bullish on MoonTaurus, predicting a 20x climb post-launch, with the price potentially reaching $1 by the end of 2024. Given the momentum and investor confidence, MNTR is poised to become a significant meme coin success story.

市場分析師看好 MoonTaurus,預測發行後將上漲 20 倍,到 2024 年底其價格可能達到 1 美元。

As the year draws to a close, Pepe Coin, Shiba Inu, and MoonTaurus stand out as meme coins with the potential to multiply your portfolio. Investing in these coins now could have a substantial impact on your investment returns by the end of 2024.

年末之際,Pepe Coin、Shiba Inu 和 MoonTaurus 作為迷因幣脫穎而出,有可能讓您的投資組合倍增。現在投資這些代幣可能會對您到 2024 年底的投資回報產生重大影響。


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