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Pepe Coin Price Soars As VanEck Shares Cryptic Frog Meme Post

隨著 VanEck 分享 Cryptic Frog Meme 帖子,Pepe Coin 價格飆升

發布: 2024/06/28 21:02 閱讀: 978



隨著 VanEck 分享 Cryptic Frog Meme 帖子,Pepe Coin 價格飆升

Pepe Coin Surges Amid VanEck's Cryptic Social Media Post

在 VanEck 的神秘社交媒體帖子中,佩佩幣飆升

Pepe Coin (PEPE), a popular meme cryptocurrency, recently experienced a surge in price. This rally follows a rebound from a test at its bottom support level and coincides with an enigmatic post from investment firm VanEck.

簡介佩佩幣(PEPE)是一種流行的迷因加密貨幣,最近經歷了價格飆升。這次反彈是在測試底部支撐位後出現反彈,並且與投資公司 VanEck 發布的神秘帖子同時發生。

VanEck Teases Pepe Coin Discussions
On social media platform X (formerly Twitter), VanEck shared a frog meme with animals gathered around a table, with the frog standing on the table and grabbing attention. The post's caption stated, "Important topics were discussed at the board meeting," sparking speculation within the cryptocurrency community.

VanEck 調侃 Pepe Coin 討論 在社群媒體平台 X(以前稱為 Twitter)上,VanEck 分享了一個青蛙表情包,動物們聚集在桌子周圍,青蛙站在桌子上吸引了人們的注意。該貼文的標題稱,“董事會會議討論了重要話題”,引發了加密貨幣社群的猜測。

Post's Impact on PEPE
Following VanEck's post, PEPE experienced volatility. Initially, there was a slight price dip (1.5% over 24 hours), hitting a low of $0.00001213. However, the meme coin rebounded quickly, capitalizing on the hype and social media traction.

在帖子對 PEPE 的影響 VanEck 發布帖子後,PEPE 經歷了波動。最初,價格小幅下跌(24 小時內下跌 1.5%),觸及 0.00001213 美元的低點。然而,利用炒作和社交媒體的吸引力,迷因幣迅速反彈。

VanEck's Crypto Involvement
VanEck's recent crypto-related endeavors have also fueled excitement around Pepe Coin. The firm has applied for a Solana ETF and became the first ETF issuer in the U.S. to apply for another altcoin ETF. While a Pepe Coin ETF is unlikely in the near future, VanEck's post still stirred optimism in the community.

VanEck 的加密貨幣參與 VanEck 最近在加密貨幣相關方面的努力也引發了人們對 Pepe Coin 的興奮。該公司已申請 Solana ETF,並成為美國第一家申請另一款山寨幣 ETF 的 ETF 發行人。雖然 Pepe Coin ETF 在不久的將來不太可能出現,但 VanEck 的貼文仍然激起了社群的樂觀情緒。

Pepe Coin Price Update
After the post, the PEPE price rose 3% from its low, reaching $0.00001245 at the time of writing. Its market cap increased to $5.25 billion, while trading volume declined by 11.80% to $500.55 million in the past 24 hours.

Pepe Coin 價格更新 發文後,PEPE 價格從低點上漲 3%,在撰寫本文時達到 0.00001245 美元。過去24小時內,其市值增至52.5億美元,而交易量下降11.80%至5.0055億美元。

Short Liquidations Boost Price
Short liquidations have contributed to the PEPE price rebound, with $1 million liquidated in the last 24 hours. This buying pressure could potentially push the price higher, although long liquidations ($715,610) may limit its impact.

空頭清算提振價格 空頭清算推動了 PEPE 價格反彈,過去 24 小時內清算了 100 萬美元。這種購買壓力可能會推高價格,儘管多頭清算(715,610 美元)可能會限制其影響。

Technical Analysis
Technical indicators for PEPE present a mixed but generally positive outlook. The RSI indicates a balance between buying and selling pressures, while the MACD suggests growing bullish momentum. On the 4-hour chart, PEPE has broken out from a bullish flag pattern but faces resistance from the ascending channel.

技術分析 PEPE 的技術指標呈現出好壞參半但整體正面的前景。 RSI 顯示買賣壓力之間存在平衡,而 MACD 顯示看漲勢頭不斷增強。 4小時圖上,PEPE已突破看漲旗形形態,但面臨上升通道的阻力。

Investor Sentiment
According to IntoTheBlock data, 84% of current PEPE holders are currently in profit, while 11% are at a loss. As prices rise, long holders may sell to realize profits, leading to potential volatility.

投資人情緒 根據IntoTheBlock數據,目前PEPE持有者中84%目前處於獲利狀態,而11%則處於虧損狀態。隨著價格上漲,多頭持有者可能會出售以實現利潤,從而導致潛在的波動。


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