首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Pepe 和 Dogecoin 價格下滑,但交易員支持這款新 Meme 幣迎來牛市

Pepe & Dogecoin Prices Slide, But Traders Are Backing This New Meme Coin to Have a Bull Run

Pepe 和 Dogecoin 價格下滑,但交易員支持這款新 Meme 幣迎來牛市

發布: 2023/11/02 17:56 閱讀: 790



The meme coin market is experiencing a pullback, with the price of Pepe (PEPE) and Dogecoin (DOGE) declining in the past 24 hours.


Both coins appear to be taking a breather after a period of bullish momentum, which saw them soar by double-digit percentages.


While DOGE and PEPE may be down, a new meme coin called Meme Kombat (MK) continues gaining traction in its presale – with early backers believing it could be the next token to experience a significant bull run.

雖然 DOGE 和 PEPE 可能會下跌,但一種名為 Meme Kombat (MK) 的新模因幣在預售中繼續受到關注——早期支持者相信它可能是下一個經歷重大牛市的代幣。

Pepe Rallies on ETF Hopes But Pulls Back From Local Peak

佩佩 (Pepe) 因 ETF 希望而反彈,但從局部峰值回落

Like most meme coins, PEPE has been rallying recently due to increased market optimism around a potential spot BTC ETF being approved.

與大多數 Meme 幣一樣,由於市場對潛在現貨 BTC ETF 獲得批准的樂觀情緒增加,PEPE 最近一直在上漲。

Although not directly related to PEPE, the launch of one of these ETFs in the US would likely positively affect the overall cryptocurrency market.

儘管與 PEPE 沒有直接關係,但在美國推出其中一款 ETF 可能會對整個加密貨幣市場產生正面影響。

More mainstream investment exposure to Bitcoin through an ETF could boost confidence in cryptocurrency as an asset class.

透過 ETF 對比特幣進行更多主流投資可能會增強人們對加密貨幣作為資產類別的信心。

This increased market confidence would likely benefit most coins and tokens, including meme coins.


Although ETF approval hasn’t been confirmed yet, investors have been piling into meme coins to gain exposure to their price movements.

儘管 ETF 的批准尚未得到確認,但投資者已經紛紛買入 meme 代幣,以了解其價格走勢。

Investor interest helped PEPE reach a high of $0.00000135 last Thursday, although the token has since experienced a 15% pullback.

上週四,投資者的興趣幫助 PEPE 達到了 0.00000135 美元的高位,儘管此後該代幣經歷了 15% 的回調。

At the time of writing, PEPE is trading around $0.00000114 and appears to be forming a large bull flag pattern on the 4-hour chart.

截至撰寫本文時,PEPE 的交易價格約為 0.00000114 美元,並且似乎正在 4 小時圖表上形成大型牛旗形態。

As such, although PEPE’s momentum has stalled, its current technical setup suggests that it could be preparing for another upward move, provided that market conditions remain favorable.

因此,儘管 PEPE 的勢頭已經停滯,但其當前的技術結構表明,如果市場條件仍然有利,它可能正在為另一次上漲做好準備。

Dogecoin Surges 30% on Investor Speculation Before Profit-Taking Commences

投資者獲利回吐前,狗狗幣飆漲 30%

Dogecoin has also benefited from the hype surrounding a spot BTC ETF approval, with the coin’s value soaring to $0.075 on Thursday.

狗狗幣也受益於現貨 BTC ETF 批准的炒作,該幣的價格週四飆升至 0.075 美元。

This marked DOGE’s highest value since mid-August and represented a 30% surge from October’s low.

這標誌著 DOGE 創下 8 月中旬以來的最高值,較 10 月的低點飆升 30%。

However, like PEPE, DOGE has pulled back from this peak and now trades around $0.068.

然而,與 PEPE 一樣,DOGE 已從這一高峰迴落,目前交易價格約為 0.068 美元。

Notably, DOGE’s spot trading volumes have surged by 64% in the past 24 hours, exceeding $400 million.

值得注意的是,DOGE 的現貨交易量在過去 24 小時內激增 64%,超過 4 億美元。

This is higher than major players like Litecoin (LTC) and Binance Coin (BNB), indicating that there’s still significant interest and activity around DOGE despite the pullback.

這高於萊特幣(LTC)和幣安幣(BNB)等主要參與者,表明儘管出現回調,但人們仍然對 DOGE 抱有濃厚的興趣和活動。

Although profit-taking has caused a dip in the coin’s price, there’s widespread belief that the uptrend could resume if Bitcoin continues its rally this week.


Overall, DOGE is now only down 2% year-to-date, meaning there’s finally scope for the world’s largest meme coin to finish 2023 in the green.

總體而言,DOGE 今年迄今僅下跌 2%,這意味著世界上最大的迷因幣終於有機會在 2023 年實現盈利。

Meme Kombat Poised to Be the Next Viral Meme Coin as Limited-Time Presale Raises $950k

Meme Kombat 預計將成為下一個病毒式 Meme 幣,限時預售籌集 95 萬美元

While established meme coins like Pepe and Dogecoin see increased volatility around macro events like potential ETF approvals, a new meme-powered gaming project is just getting started.

雖然像 Pepe 和 Dogecoin 這樣的老牌 meme 代幣在宏觀事件(如潛在的 ETF 批准)方面波動性增加,但一個新的 meme 驅動的遊戲項目才剛剛起步。

Meme Kombat (MK) is an innovative Ethereum-based platform that combines viral meme culture with competitive gaming mechanics.

Meme Kombat (MK) 是一個基於以太坊的創新平台,將病毒式迷因文化與競技遊戲機制結合。

In simple terms, Meme Kombat lets users bet on battles between popular internet meme characters brought to life through advanced AI animation technology.

簡單來說,Meme Kombat 讓用戶對透過先進的人工智慧動畫技術栩栩如生的流行網路迷因角色之間的戰鬥進行投注。



Players can wager MK tokens on unpredictable fight outcomes and climb the leaderboard for hefty rewards.

玩家可以用 MK 代幣押注不可預測的戰鬥結果,並登上排行榜以獲得豐厚獎勵。

The platform also features staking rewards of 112% APY for those who opt to lock up their MK tokens.

該平台還為選擇鎖定 MK 代幣的人提供 112% APY 的質押獎勵。

With a fixed supply of 10 million MK, Meme Kombat has allocated 50% to presale buyers, 30% to staking/gaming rewards, 10% to DEX liquidity, and 10% to community incentives.

Meme Kombat 的固定供應量為 1000 萬 MK,其中 50% 用於預售買家,30% 用於質押/遊戲獎勵,10% 用於 DEX 流動性,10% 用於社區激勵。

The project’s development roadmap begins with the ongoing presale, which has already raised more than $950,000.

該項目的開發路線圖從正在進行的預售開始,目前已籌集超過 95 萬美元。

After the presale ends, the Meme Kombat platform will officially launch, with Season 1 featuring 11 meme characters.

預售結束後,Meme Kombat 平台將正式上線,第一季將有 11 個 Meme 角色。

Season 2 will follow a few weeks later, bringing new battle types and gameplay improvements.


As a unique platform combining memes and crypto gaming with sizable earning opportunities, Meme Kombat is generating significant hype.

作為一個將 meme 和加密遊戲與大量盈利機會相結合的獨特平台,Meme Kombat 正在引起巨大的炒作。

The project’s Twitter following has grown to 7,800 people, while its official Telegram community now boasts 3,000 members.

該計畫的 Twitter 粉絲已增至 7,800 人,其官方 Telegram 社群目前擁有 3,000 名成員。

All in all, Meme Kombat’s groundbreaking design positions it as a serious contender to become the next meme coin to experience a bull run.

總而言之,Meme Kombat 的突破性設計使其成為下一個經歷牛市的 Meme 代幣的有力競爭者。

Visit Meme Kombat Presale

造訪 Meme Kombat 預售


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