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$PEPE Drops: Pepe Unchained – The Next $PEPE That Could Make You a Millionaire

$PEPE 掉落:Pepe Unchained – 下一個可以讓你成為百萬富翁的 $PEPE

發布: 2024/07/10 00:04 閱讀: 549



Summertime is here with sunny skies and birdsong, yet the crypto market is experiencing icy conditions. In 2014, Mt. Gox suffered a significant loss of billions worth of Bitcoin (BTC), which is now being reimbursed. Up to 99% of Mt. Gox's $8.2 billion Bitcoin could be sold, putting immense pressure on BTC holders to offload their assets.

夏日已至,天空晴朗,鳥語花香,但加密貨幣市場卻遭遇冰冷。 2014 年,Mt. Gox 遭受了價值數十億比特幣(BTC)的重大損失,目前正在償還。 Mt. Gox 價值 82 億美元的比特幣中,高達 99% 可能會被出售,這給 BTC 持有者帶來了拋售資產的巨大壓力。

As seasoned market analysts understand, Bitcoin's fate often influences the entire market. We are witnessing this again as prominent tokens experience price declines. Meme coins, which thrived in 2024, are currently facing challenges. However, there is a glimmer of hope for investors with the presale of Pepe Unchained ($PEPU).

正如經驗豐富的市場分析師所理解的那樣,比特幣的命運往往會影響整個市場。隨著知名代幣價格下跌,我們再次見證了這一點。 2024 年蓬勃發展的 Meme 幣目前正面臨挑戰。然而,Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) 的預售為投資者帶來了一線希望。

Let's delve into the project and explore why we believe Pepe Unchained has the potential to become a major player in the meme coin market upon its launch.

讓我們深入研究該項目,並探討為什麼我們相信 Pepe Unchained 有潛力在推出後成為模因幣市場的主要參與者。

Is Pepe Unchained Contributory to PEPE's Price Drop?

Pepe Unchained 是否是 PEPE 價格下跌的原因之一?

We will provide more details on Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) later, but it's worth noting that the presale of this emerging meme coin has already generated $2.8 million. These figures are impressive, considering the project's launch less than three weeks ago. Furthermore, the presale is reportedly attracting investment at an accelerated pace.

我們稍後將提供有關 Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) 的更多詳細信息,但值得注意的是,這種新興模因硬幣的預售已經產生了 280 萬美元。考慮到該計畫在不到三週前啟動,這些數字令人印象深刻。此外,據報道預售正在加速吸引投資。

Perhaps not coincidentally, the original Pepe Coin (PEPE) has lost 24% of its value since launch. Of course, June and July have been challenging months for the crypto market, which has undoubtedly impacted PEPE's price. However, we suspect that a substantial portion of PEPE holders are migrating to this new presale.

也許並非巧合的是,最初的佩佩幣 (PEPE) 自推出以來已經貶值了 24%。當然,六月和七月對於加密市場來說是充滿挑戰的幾個月,這無疑影響了 PEPE 的價格。然而,我們懷疑相當一部分 PEPE 持有者正在轉向這一新的預售。

For those unfamiliar with the meme coin market, it owes much of its success to Pepe Coin. In 2023, the meme coin market appeared on the verge of obscurity. Few new ventures were emerging, and established coins were rapidly losing value.

對於那些不熟悉迷因幣市場的人來說,它的成功很大程度上歸功於佩佩幣。 2023年,米姆幣市場出現了瀕臨默默無聞的邊緣。幾乎沒有新的企業出現,成熟的代幣正在迅速貶值。

Then, in May, Pepe Coin emerged from obscurity and surged dramatically, minting millionaires almost overnight. It achieved a 24-hour trading volume of $1.69 million and became a ubiquitous topic of conversation. The project embodied the crypto dream of overnight wealth, catalyzing the current era of meme coins.


Predictably, Pepe Coin's popularity spawned numerous spin-offs, as seen with Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). This is a natural consequence of popularity, with imitators seeking a piece of the action. However, Pepe Unchained is not a mere imitation; it is inspired by Pepe Coin but seeks to enhance the original rather than replicate it.

可以預見的是,佩佩幣的流行催生了許多衍生品,就像狗狗幣(DOGE)和柴犬幣(SHIB)一樣。這是受歡迎的自然結果,模仿者尋求分一杯羹。然而,《Pepe Unchained》並不是單純的模仿;它是一種模仿。它的靈感來自 Pepe Coin,但旨在增強原始版本而不是複製它。

Pepe Unchained: Freeing the Meme and Unleashing Its Power

Pepe Unchained:釋放迷因並釋放其力量

Why are we confident in Pepe Unchained's success? We believe the coin's slogan aptly summarizes it: "Pepe was a prisoner, chained to his old, clunky Layer ONE server room. Until' Until when? Until Pepe was unchained. No longer subservient to the constraints of a layer-1 network, Pepe Unchained has established its own blockchain on top of Ethereum.

為什麼我們對 Pepe Unchained 的成功充滿信心?我們相信這枚硬幣的口號恰如其分地概括了這一點:「Pepe 是一名囚犯,被鎖在他那又舊又笨重的第一層伺服器機房裡。直到『直到什麼時候?直到Pepe 被解放。Pepe不再屈服於第一層網路的約束, Unchained 在以太坊之上建立了自己的區塊鏈。

The Layer 2 architecture offers several advantages over the original Pepe:

與原始 Pepe 相比,第 2 層架構具有多個優勢:

  • Enhanced Speed: Transactions on Layer 2 are processed at a much faster rate than on Layer 1. This enables lightning-fast staking, trading, and interactions with PEPE Unchained.
  • Reduced Fees: With fewer transactions flooding the Ethereum network, gas fees on Layer 2 are significantly lower. Consequently, more of your investment is directed towards earning gains instead of transaction costs.

Pepe Unchained's dedicated blockchain opens up a vast new realm of possibilities, such as the creation of an entirely new ecosystem of tokens encompassing DeFi, NFTs, alternative meme coins, and even AI-related tokens. They have a successful example to emulate in Coinbase's Base chain.

速度提高:第2 層上的交易處理速度比第1 層快得多。 ,第2 層的Gas 費用減少明顯較低。因此,您的更多投資將用於賺取收益而不是交易成本。 NFT、另類meme 幣和甚至是與人工智慧相關的代幣。他們在 Coinbase 的 Base 鏈上有一個可以效仿的成功範例。

The crypto market is constantly evolving and adapting, so complacency is impossible. 2024 has demonstrated that even established networks are not immune to change. In 2023, Solana appeared to be a failed experiment, but in the current year, its meme coins have propelled it to become the most popular network among investors. The new Base chain is now hot on its heels, thanks in part to its own successful meme coins.

加密市場不斷發展和適應,因此不可能自滿。 2024 年已經證明,即使是已建立的網路也不能倖免於變化。 2023 年,Solana 似乎是一次失敗的實驗,但在今年,它的迷因幣已推動其成為最受投資者歡迎的網路。新的 Base 鏈現在緊隨其後,部分歸功於其自己成功的模因幣。

Pepe Unchained aspires to follow in their footsteps. Another factor that is particularly appealing to investors is double staking. Over 234 million $PEPU tokens have been staked, and the APY% remains at a robust 683%. This means that early adopters have a substantial opportunity to generate significant returns if Pepe Unchained performs as anticipated.

Pepe Unchained 渴望跟隨他們的腳步。另一個對投資者特別有吸引力的因素是雙重質押。超過 2.34 億美元的 PEPU 代幣已被質押,APY% 保持在 683% 的強勁水平。這意味著,如果 Pepe Unchained 的表現符合預期,早期採用者就有很大機會獲得可觀回報。



We have provided you with a comprehensive overview of Pepe Unchained. This project is not your average imitation coin. It represents a new level of innovation, with considerable effort dedicated to building a dedicated blockchain. The potential for this project is enormous, and we are only at the outset. The exceptionally low presale price makes it an attractive investment for investors of all types.


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請注意,本文並不構成CaptainAltcoin投資任何項目的認可。在分配資金之前要謹慎行事並進行徹底的研究。 CaptainAltcoin 對資訊的準確性或品質不承擔任何責任。第三方尚未撰寫此內容。我們鼓勵讀者在與任何特色公司合作之前進行自己的盡職調查。所提供的資訊不應被視為財務或法律建議。 CaptainAltcoin 或任何第三方不建議購買或出售任何金融產品。加密資產投資本質上是有風險的;承認潛在的損失。基於此內容的投資決策的風險完全由讀者承擔。 CaptainAltcoin 對因依賴或使用本內容而造成的任何損害或損失不承擔任何責任。

The article "PEPE Unchained – The Next $PEPE That Could Make You a Millionaire" originally appeared on CaptainAltcoin.

文章「PEPE Unchained – The Next $PEPE That Could Make You a Millionaire」最初發表在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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