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PEPE, FET See Sharp Growth In Adoption: Rally Soon?

PEPE、FET 的採用率急遽成長:很快就會反彈嗎?

發布: 2024/07/04 13:02 閱讀: 517



PEPE、FET 的採用率急遽成長:很快就會反彈嗎?

Network Growth Surge in Altcoins: PEPE, FET, and ENS

山寨幣網路成長激增:PEPE、FET 和 ENS

On-chain data from Santiment indicates that several altcoins have experienced a significant increase in their Network Growth, suggesting increased adoption.

Santiment 的鏈上數據表明,幾種山寨幣的網路成長顯著增加,這表明採用率有所增加。

Metrics and Significance


Network Growth measures the number of newly created addresses on a blockchain. This growth may indicate:


  • New investors entering the market
  • Existing investors re-entering
  • Existing users creating additional addresses for privacy

Assets with High Network Growth


As of recent, Pepe (PEPE), Fetch.ai (FET), and Ethereum Name Service (ENS) have seen notable spikes in Network Growth.

截至最近,Pepe (PEPE)、Fetch.ai (FET) 和以太坊名稱服務 (ENS) 的網路成長出現了顯著的高峰。

PEPE Leads Adoption

PEPE 引領採用率

PEPE's Network Growth has reached 4,196, indicating significant adoption. It is currently the altcoin with the highest Network Growth among the three.

PEPE 的網路成長已達到 4,196 個,顯示採用率很高。它是目前三者中網路成長最高的山寨幣。

FET's Historical Spike

FET 的歷史峰值

FET previously experienced a similar spike in Network Growth, suggesting that its rapid adoption phase may have occurred earlier than PEPE's.

FET 先前也經歷過類似的網路成長高峰,這表明其快速採用階段可能早於 PEPE。

Implications for Price Action


Historically, increased adoption has been a positive sign for cryptocurrencies in the long term. However, short-term spikes in Network Growth can be mixed, as they may also reflect FOMO.

從歷史上看,從長遠來看,加密貨幣採用率的提高一直是一個積極的信號。然而,網路成長的短期高峰可能好壞參半,因為它們也可能反映了 FOMO。

Case-by-Case Analysis


  • ENS: Recent price surge suggests FOMO could be influencing Network Growth.
  • PEPE and FET: Despite price declines, Network Growth spikes may have bullish implications.

Current Prices

ENS:最近的價格飆升表明 FOMO 可能會影響網路成長。

  • PEPE: $0.00001043 (-18% in the past week)

PEPE:0.00001043 美元(過去一週-18%)


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