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PEPE Price Analysis: Pepe Rally In Sight as Holder Count Hits New High

PEPE 價格分析:持有者數量創新高,佩佩反彈在望

發布: 2024/06/11 10:03 閱讀: 299



PEPE 價格分析:持有者數量創新高,佩佩反彈在望

PEPE Price Analysis: Poised for a Rebound

PEPE 價格分析:有望反彈

The PEPE coin surged to an all-time high on renewed interest in the Ethereum ecosystem. While it has since retreated, it has stabilized and is positioned for a rebound.

由於人們對以太坊生態系統的興趣重新燃起,PEPE 代幣飆升至歷史新高。雖然此後有所回落,但現已穩定並有望反彈。

Key Metrics:


  • Total token supply has increased by 1.77 trillion in three months.
  • Number of token holders has reached an all-time high of approximately 218,000.
  • PEPE could potentially surge by 59% to an $8 billion market cap if support at $0.000011 holds.

Price Action:

三個月內代幣總供應量增加了1.77 兆美元。億美元的市值。

PEPE's price peaked on May 27, 2024, but has subsequently retraced. However, it remains above the 50- and 200-day moving averages.

PEPE 的價格於 2024 年 5 月 27 日達到頂峰,但隨後有所回落。然而,它仍然高於 50 日和 200 日移動平均線。

The ascending triangle pattern broke out, leading to the previous all-time high. Bulls have faced resistance, but the price has bounced back from the 0.5 Fibonacci retracement level.

上升三角形型態突破,創造出先前的歷史新高。多頭面臨阻力,但價格已從 0.5 斐波那契回撤位反彈。

Support and Resistance:


  • Support at $0.00001 is crucial for recovery.
  • Resistance levels include $0.000014 and $0.000017.

Future Outlook:

0.00001 美元的支撐對於復甦至關重要。

Recent price gains were driven by renewed interest in Ethereum after the ETF application approval. While market sentiment has cooled, PEPE investors may be anticipating a significant rally.

ETF 申請獲批後,人們對以太坊重新產生了興趣,推動了近期價格上漲。雖然市場情緒已經降溫,但 PEPE 投資者可能會預期會大幅反彈。

Additional Observations:


  • Santiment data shows that the total number of PEPE holders is at an all-time high.
  • The token supply increased from 420.78 trillion to 422.55 trillion, raising questions about new token issuance.



Meme coins continue to drive market sentiment. PEPE investors believe in the potential for further price appreciation, but caution and due diligence are essential.

Meme 幣持續推動市場情緒。 PEPE 投資者相信價格進一步上漲的潛力,但謹慎和盡職調查至關重要。


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