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PEPE Price Consolidates Within a Horizontal Channel

PEPE 價格在水平通道內盤整

發布: 2024/07/25 04:03 閱讀: 422



PEPE 價格在水平通道內盤整

PEPE Price Stabilizes Within Horizontal Channel

PEPE 價格在水平通道內穩定

The price of the popular memecoin project, PEPE, has been confined within a narrow price range for an extended period. Analyzing the daily chart reveals a well-defined horizontal channel that has been guiding PEPE's trading since July 15.

流行的 memecoin 項目 PEPE 的價格長期以來一直被限制在狹窄的價格範圍內。分析日線圖揭示了一條明確的水平通道,自 7 月 15 日以來一直指導著 PEPE 的交易。

Horizontal Channel Dynamics


A horizontal channel is formed when an asset's price oscillates within a fixed range for a sustained duration. This implies a balance between buyers and sellers, where neither side can exert a dominant influence. The upper boundary of the channel constitutes resistance, while the lower boundary provides support. Since July 15, PEPE has faced resistance at $0.000012 and support at $0.000011.

當資產價格持續在固定範圍內波動時,就會形成水平通道。這意味著買家和賣家之間的平衡,任何一方都無法施加主導影響。通道上邊界構成阻力,下邊界提供支撐。自 7 月 15 日以來,PEPE 面臨 0.000012 美元的阻力和 0.000011 美元的支撐。

Market Sentiment and Whale Activity


On-chain data indicates a decline in PEPE's demand. IntoTheBlock notes a sharp 41% decrease in daily active addresses and a 43% drop in new address creations within the past week.

鏈上數據顯示 PEPE 的需求下降。 IntoTheBlock 注意到,過去一週每日活躍地址急劇下降 41%,新地址創建量下降 43%。

Additionally, PEPE whales have been reducing their risks by minimizing large transactions. Over the past seven days, transactions exceeding $100,000 have plummeted by 51%, suggesting a cautious approach by major holders.

此外,PEPE 鯨魚一直透過最大限度地減少大額交易來降低風險。過去 7 天,超過 10 萬美元的交易量暴跌 51%,顯示主要持有者持謹慎態度。

Technical Outlook


The market's prevailing bullish momentum could potentially propel PEPE beyond its current resistance level of $0.000012. This optimism is supported by the Parabolic SAR indicator, which positions its points below PEPE's price, signaling a potential uptrend.

市場普遍的看漲勢頭可能會推動 PEPE 突破當前 0.000012 美元的阻力位。這種樂觀情緒得到了拋物線轉向指標 (Parabolic SAR) 的支持,該指標將其點位置於 PEPE 價格下方,預示著潛在的上升趨勢。

If PEPE breaches the resistance, the next target would be $0.000013. However, if the bulls fail to sustain support, PEPE may slide back to $0.0000098.

如果 PEPE 突破阻力位,下一個目標將是 0.000013 美元。然而,如果多頭未能維持支撐,PEPE 可能會回落至 0.0000098 美元。


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