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Pepe Price Pumps, Can It Recover To Flip Bonk?


發布: 2024/01/02 22:33 閱讀: 912



The frog-based meme coin Pepe is having a strong start to 2024, thanks to Bitcoin’s explosive move up to the $45,800 price point. 

由於比特幣價格爆炸性地上漲至 45,800 美元,以青蛙為主題的迷因幣 Pepe 在 2024 年迎來了強勁的開局。

After a 10% rise in its value, the Pepe coin was trading as high as $0.00000144 before a marginal pullback. The Pepe price is currently hovering near the $0.0000014 mark, with a market capitalization of $588 million. 

在價格上漲 10% 後,Pepe 幣的交易價格高達 0.00000144 美元,然後出現小幅回檔。目前 Pepe 價格徘徊在 0.0000014 美元大關附近,市值為 5.88 億美元。

However, despite a steep 30% decline in the Solana-based meme token Bonk, Pepe remains only the fourth-largest meme coin by market cap, unable to overtake $BONK’s $875 million valuation. 

然而,儘管基於 Solana 的 meme 代幣 Bonk 大幅下跌 30%,但按市值計算,Pepe 仍然只是第四大 meme 代幣,無法超越 $BONK 的 8.75 億美元估值。

Bonk itself has appreciated by 7.5% on Tuesday and is currently trading at $0.0000144. 

Bonk 本身週二升值了 7.5%,目前交易價格為 0.0000144 美元。

There is a fierce competition between two meme coins - Pepe and Bonk - vying for the third spot behind Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. This rivalry could ultimately determine which meme coin becomes investors' favorite in the upcoming crypto bull run. While Bonk is in the lead at present - buoyed by Solana’s continued ascent - Pepe backers remain confident that the frog-based meme coin will soon edge back out. 

Pepe 和 Bonk 兩種 meme 幣之間展開了激烈的競爭,爭奪僅次於狗狗幣和柴犬的第三名。這種競爭最終可能決定哪種迷因幣會在即將到來的加密貨幣牛市中成為投資者的最愛。雖然 Bonk 目前在 Solana 的持續上升的推動下處於領先地位,但 Pepe 的支持者仍然相信這種基於青蛙的 meme 代幣很快就會退出。

Analysts Reveal How High Can Pepe Price Go?


Crypto analysts remain bullish on Pepe, considering that it is one of the few meme coins that is available on Binance.

加密貨幣分析師仍然看好 Pepe,因為它是幣安上為數不多的 meme 幣之一。

Trader Jeremy “Pauly” Cahen, who is also the founder of Not Larva Labs, sees “striking similaritities” between Pepe coin in 2024 and Dogecoin in 2020. He highlights that even their respective market capitalizations were also the same - both hovering around $600 million. 

交易員Jeremy “Pauly” Cahen 也是Not Larva Labs 的創始人,他認為2024 年的Pepe 幣和2020 年的狗狗幣之間有「驚人的相似之處」。他強調,甚至它們各自的市值也相同- 都徘徊在6 億美元左右。

Ultimately, analysts such as Cahen, Crypto Kaleo and CryptoGodJohn are in consensus that Pepe’s best days are still ahead, especially when Ethereum starts its parabolic rally. Just as Bonk received a strong boost from Solana’s rally, ETH’s rise will catapult the Pepe price to new highs. 

最終,Cahen、Crypto Kaleo 和 CryptoGodJohn 等分析師一致認為,Pepe 最好的日子還在後面,尤其是當以太坊開始拋物線反彈時。正如 Bonk 受到 Solana 上漲的強勁提振一樣,ETH 的上漲也將推動 Pepe 價格再創新高。

Cahen highlights that $PEPE has been trading like a leveraged Ethereum asset - whenever $ETH pumps, $PEPE pumps even more. Crypto Kaleo agrees with this sentiment, revealing that the PEPE/ETH trading pair appears poised to explode in the lower time frame. 

Cahen 強調,$PEPE 一直像槓桿以太坊資產一樣進行交易 - 每當 $ETH 上漲時,$PEPE 就會上漲得更多。 Crypto Kaleo 同意這種觀點,並透露 PEPE/ETH 交易對似乎準備在較短的時間範圍內爆發。

Kaleo also makes a bold prediction about the Pepe price, anticipating the frog-based to hit a new all-time high and reach a market capitalization of $5 - $10 billion. 

Kaleo 也對 Pepe 的價格做出了大膽的預測,預計這款青蛙將創下歷史新高,市值達到 5 至 100 億美元。

Pepe’s technical analysis, especially in the higher time frames, also give a “Buy” signal to the meme coin. However, the token would need to flip a number of moving average indicators in the 1-hour time frame to resume its bullish trajectory. 

佩佩的技術分析,尤其是在較高的時間範圍內,也向模因幣發出了「買入」訊號。然而,該代幣需要在 1 小時時間範圍內翻轉多個移動平均線指標才能恢復其看漲軌跡。

Pepe’s Biggest Competitor? New Meme Coins


Dogecoin and Shiba Inu were the two of the top performing cryptocurrencies in the last bull market. This has led many investors to expect that already-established tokens such as Pepe and even Bonk will be able to dominate in the upcoming bull run and will reach new all-time highs. 


However, this is far from given. Dogecoin and Shiba Inu did not face nearly as much competition in 2021 as Pepe and Bonk are this time around. New meme tokens are entering the arena everyday, drawing investments away from the established assets. 

然而,這還遠遠未實現。狗狗幣和柴犬在 2021 年面臨的競爭並不像佩佩和邦克這次那麼激烈。新的迷因代幣每天都在進入這個領域,吸引了對現有資產的投資。

For instance, the Pepe price and Bonk have been outperformed by a new token over the past week - Seiyan - which has exploded by 166% in the past 7 days. Similarly, analysts believe that Meme Kombat ($MK) - which is still in its presale - will be the next big money-making opportunity and could display a 1000% bull rally in 2024. 

例如,過去一周,新代幣 Seiyan 的表現優於 Pepe 和 Bonk,後者在過去 7 天暴漲了 166%。同樣,分析師認為,仍處於預售階段的 Meme Kombat ($MK) 將是下一個賺錢的大機會,並可能在 2024 年出現 1000% 的牛市反彈。

Meme Kombat - A New Play-To-Earn Meme Coin With 10x Potential

Meme Kombat - 具有 10 倍潛力的全新玩賺 Meme 硬幣

Meme Kombat is one of the most exciting meme coins that are yet to be launched, thanks to its artificial intelligence, play-to-earn and staking feature. 

Meme Kombat 是尚未推出的最令人興奮的 Meme 幣之一,這要歸功於它的人工智慧、邊玩邊賺錢和質押功能。

Unlike meme coins that rely solely on hype, $MK offers access to its own Web3 gaming platform. The game will have 11 fictional characters - each representing popular meme coins such as Doge, Shiba, Pepe and Floki. The characters will engage in AI-simulated battles, the outcome of which will be unpredictable and decided on-chain through random sequencing. 

與僅依賴炒作的 meme 幣不同,$MK 提供對其自己的 Web3 遊戲平台的存取。遊戲將有 11 個虛構角色 - 每個角色都代表流行的迷因硬幣,例如 Doge、Shiba、Pepe 和 Floki。角色將進行人工智慧模擬的戰鬥,其結果將是不可預測的,並透過隨機排序在鏈上決定。

Players of the game will be allowed to bet on their favorite champion in various gaming modes such as player vs player, player vs game and direct betting. This “war of meme coins” allows Meme Kombat to benefit from the popularity of the aforementioned meme coins, which could offer a massive boost to its price. 

遊戲玩家將可以透過多種遊戲模式(例如玩家對玩家、玩家對遊戲和直接投注)對自己喜歡的冠軍進行投注。這場「迷因幣之戰」使 Meme Kombat 從上述迷因幣的受歡迎程度中受益,這可能會大幅提升其價格。

Furthermore, $MK holders can also choose to stake their tokens and earn passive income, currently at an APY of 164%. 

此外,$MK 持有者還可以選擇質押其代幣並賺取被動收入,目前年化收益率為 164%。

However, Meme Kombat’s most exciting characteristic is its prioritization of security and transparency. For instance, the identity of all key project members behind $MK has been revealed, eliminating any risk of scams or rug pulls. Furthermore, the token smart contract has been audited by Coinsult, which did not reveal any vulnerability or security risks. 

然而,Meme Kombat 最令人興奮的特點是它優先考慮安全性和透明度。例如,$MK 背後的所有關鍵項目成員的身份均已公開,從而消除了任何詐騙或拉扯的風險。此外,代幣智能合約已過Coinsult的審核,未發現任何漏洞或安全風險。

Due to Meme Kombat’s unique value proposition, $MK has already raised over $5.7 million in its ICO in just 3 months. Analysts such as Michael Wrubel, Crypto Tony and Matthew Perry are extremely bullish on the new meme coin, with Perry predicting it to 10x after launch. 

由於 Meme Kombat 獨特的價值主張,$MK 在短短 3 個月內就透過 ICO 籌集了超過 570 萬美元。 Michael Wrubel、Crypto Tony 和 Matthew Perry 等分析師都非常看好這款新的 Meme 代幣,Perry 預測其發行後的漲幅將達到 10 倍。

Visit Meme Kombat Presale

造訪 Meme Kombat 預售

Source: https://thebittimes.com/pepe-price-pumps-can-it-recover-to-flip-bonk-tbt75357.html



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