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PEPE Price Recovery Delayed Despite Preventing a Major Drop

儘管阻止了大幅下跌,但 PEPE 價格復甦仍被推遲

發布: 2024/06/24 14:03 閱讀: 424



儘管阻止了大幅下跌,但 PEPE 價格復甦仍被推遲

PEPE Price Analysis Indicates Bullish Potential, but Recovery Faces Challenges

PEPE 價格分析顯示看漲潛力,但復甦面臨挑戰

PEPE, the meme coin that recently experienced a correction, is showing signs of a potential recovery. However, conditions remain challenging, with bearish cues prevailing in the market.

最近經歷調整的模因幣 PEPE 正顯示出潛在復甦的跡象。然而,情況仍充滿挑戰,市場普遍存在看跌跡象。

RSI Remains Bearish

RSI 仍然看跌

Despite a slight uptick in PEPE's price, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) remains below the neutral line at 50.0. This suggests that selling pressure continues to dominate the market, and a breakout above this level is necessary for a sustained recovery.

儘管 PEPE 的價格小幅上漲,但相對強弱指數 (RSI) 仍低於 50.0 的中性線。這表明賣壓繼續主導市場,突破該水平對於持續復甦是必要的。

Profit Booking Poses Risk


A significant number of PEPE investors are in profit, which increases the risk of profit-taking. As these investors seek to realize their gains, they may sell their holdings, further driving down the price of the meme coin.

大量 PEPE 投資者處於獲利狀態,這增加了獲利了結的風險。當這些投資者尋求實現收益時,他們可能會出售所持股份,從而進一步壓低模因幣的價格。

Support Level Critical


PEPE's price currently hovers slightly above $0.00001146, a key support line. A sustained presence above this level is crucial for a potential recovery. However, if support is lost, a significant drawdown could follow, with the price dropping towards $0.00000775.

PEPE 的價格目前徘徊在關鍵支撐線 0.00001146 美元上方。持續高於這一水平對於潛在的復甦至關重要。然而,如果失去支撐,價格可能會大幅下跌,跌至 0.00000775 美元。



While PEPE shows some signs of recovery, the market conditions remain unfavorable. The bearish RSI and the threat of profit booking cast doubt on the sustainability of any upward momentum. Until these factors turn bullish, the chances of a significant PEPE recovery remain uncertain.

儘管 PEPE 顯示出一些復甦的跡象,但市場狀況仍然不利。看跌的相對強弱指數和利潤預定的威脅使人們對任何上升勢頭的可持續性產生懷疑。在這些因素轉為看漲之前,PEPE 大幅復甦的可能性仍不確定。


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