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Here’s Why PEPE Price Has Been Struggling Over The Weekend

這就是 PEPE 價格在周末苦苦掙扎的原因

發布: 2024/06/30 22:03 閱讀: 385



這就是 PEPE 價格在周末苦苦掙扎的原因

PEPE Price Drops Significantly, Exacerbated by Whale Movement

PEPE 價格大幅下跌,鯨魚活動加劇了這種情況

On Saturday, PEPE's price plummeted drastically, reversing some of its gains from earlier in the week. The decline saw PEPE fall to $0.00001088, a 7.5% drop in 24 hours.

週六,PEPE 價格大幅下跌,扭轉了本週稍早的部分漲幅。 PEPE 下跌至 0.00001088 美元,24 小時內下跌 7.5%。

While PEPE's price struggles reflect the broader market downturn, recent whale movement has intensified the situation. A major crypto whale recently unloaded a substantial amount of PEPE tokens for ETH. On-chain data reveals that a single wallet swapped over 1.4 trillion PEPE tokens for ETH, contributing to the downward pressure on price.

雖然 PEPE 的價格困境反映了更廣泛的市場低迷,但最近的鯨魚運動加劇了這種情況。一隻主要的加密鯨魚最近拋售了大量 PEPE 代幣以換取 ETH。鏈上數據顯示,單一錢包將超過 1.4 兆個 PEPE 代幣兌換成 ETH,導致價格下行壓力。

Whale "0x837" Triggers Exodus from PEPE


Over the weekend, a notable PEPE whale, "0x837," executed a strategic shift by converting over $18 million from PEPE to Ethereum. This significant exit serves as a bearish signal for PEPE. The Ethereum holdings were subsequently staked into the Compound protocol, indicating a long-term investment strategy.

上週末,著名的 PEPE 鯨魚「0x837」執行了戰略轉變,將超過 1800 萬美元從 PEPE 轉換為以太坊。這一重大退出對 PEPE 來說是一個看跌訊號。隨後,以太坊資產被投入到Compound協議中,這顯示了長期投資策略。

On-chain data shows that the whale also deposited 300 billion PEPE, valued at approximately $3.85 million, into crypto exchange Binance. This deposit incurred an estimated $1.73 million loss. However, this was not an isolated incident.

鏈上數據顯示,鯨魚也向加密貨幣交易所幣安置了 3,000 億個 PEPE,價值約 385 萬美元。這筆存款估計損失了 173 萬美元。然而,這並不是孤立的事件。

The whale had initially deposited 1.1 trillion PEPE tokens worth $14.42 million to Binance, likely for conversion to ETH. In total, the whale has deposited 1.4 trillion PEPE on Binance within the past two days.

該鯨魚最初向幣安存入了 1.1 兆個 PEPE 代幣,價值 1,442 萬美元,可能會轉換為 ETH。過去兩天內,鯨魚在幣安上總共存入了 1.4 兆個 PEPE。

Furthermore, data reveals that "0x837" withdrew 1,728 ETH worth $5.86 million from Binance, increasing its ETH accumulation to 4,374 ETH valued at $14.91 million over the last two days.

此外,數據顯示,「0x837」從幣安提取了 1,728 個 ETH,價值 586 萬美元,過去兩天其 ETH 累積量增加至 4,374 個 ETH,價值 1,491 萬美元。

Ethereum Spot ETFs Fuel Sentiment

以太坊現貨 ETF 刺激市場情緒

The whale's decision to convert all PEPE holdings into ETH, despite incurring a loss, suggests a deliberate strategic investment. This action reflects market confidence in Ethereum, driven by the anticipated launch of Spot Ethereum ETFs in July.

儘管遭受損失,鯨魚還是決定將所有 PEPE 資產轉換為 ETH,這表明這是一項深思熟慮的戰略投資。這項行動反映了市場對以太坊的信心,這是由預計 7 月推出的現貨以太坊 ETF 所推動的。

Many market participants have drawn parallels to the events surrounding the launch of Spot Bitcoin ETFs, speculating that Ethereum could experience a similar surge in demand.

許多市場參與者將現貨比特幣 ETF 推出的事件進行了類比,推測以太坊可能會經歷類似的需求激增。

While the launch of Spot Ethereum ETFs may not generate the same level of excitement as Bitcoin ETFs due to differences in market size, it remains a positive catalyst for Ethereum.

儘管由於市場規模的差異,現貨以太坊 ETF 的推出可能不會產生與比特幣 ETF 相同程度的興奮,但它仍然是以太坊的積極催化劑。

At the time of writing, PEPE is trading at $0.00001129, showing a slight recovery from Saturday's lows. However, the meme token has faced a 3.58% decline over the past 24 hours and a 3.77% drop in the past week. Ethereum has also experienced a 3.2% decline in the last seven days, currently trading at $3,390.

截至撰寫本文時,PEPE 交易價格為 0.00001129 美元,較週六低點略有回升。然而,meme 代幣在過去 24 小時內下跌了 3.58%,在過去一周下跌了 3.77%。以太坊在過去 7 天也經歷了 3.2% 的下跌,目前交易價格為 3,390 美元。


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