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Why Is PEPE Price Up 50% Today?

為什麼 PEPE 價格今天上漲 50%?

發布: 2024/02/27 21:05 閱讀: 771



The Pepe (PEPE) coin has emerged at the forefront of the crypto market today after an impressive rally. In the last day, the meme coin’s price has risen by over 50% amid wild speculation and bullishness as the Bitcoin price touched $57,000 for the first time in more than two years.

佩佩(PEPE)代幣在經歷了令人印象深刻的反彈後,今天已成為加密貨幣市場的前沿。最後一天,在瘋狂的投機和看漲情緒中,這款 Meme 幣的價格上漲了 50% 以上,比特幣價格兩年多來首次觸及 57,000 美元。

Why Is PEPE Price Surging?


The current uptrend being recorded by PEPE is not out of the ordinary, but there is no single factor driving the price either. As crypto investors regain their bullishness, coins which have previously failed to rally seem to be taking front and center this time around, and the meme coin fits this narrative perfectly.

PEPE 目前的上漲趨勢並不異常,但也沒有單一因素推動價格。隨著加密貨幣投資者重拾看漲情緒,先前未能上漲的代幣似乎在這次佔據了主導地位,而迷因代幣完美地符合了這一敘述。

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After being sidelined for months by the likes of Solana-based BONK and WIF taking up all of investors’ interest, attention is turning back to Ethereum meme coins once again. PEPE, which is currently the second-largest meme coin on the Ethereum blockchain, offers similar popularity to the likes of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, but with a market cap below $1 billion, holds the promise of more upside as well.

在被基於 Solana 的 BONK 和 WIF 等公司排除在外幾個月後,投資者的興趣全部被吸引,人們的注意力再次回到了以太坊 meme 幣上。 PEPE 目前是以太坊區塊鏈上第二大迷因幣,其受歡迎程度與狗狗幣和柴犬等類似,但其市值低於 10 億美元,也有望獲得更大的上漲空間。

The PEPE coin is currently trending on Twitter, with more than 53,000 posts on the topic. This suggests a rising interest in the coin, thereby giving it the boost it needs to continue to surge. At the same time, there has been a significant uptick in the daily trading volume of the meme coin.

PEPE 幣目前在 Twitter 上很流行,有超過 53,000 個關於該主題的貼文。這表明人們對代幣的興趣不斷增加,從而為其繼續飆升提供了所需的推動力。同時,meme幣的每日交易量也出現了顯著上升。

According to CoinMarketCap, the trading volume has been up 359% in the last 24 hours, reaching $751 million at the time of writing.

根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,過去 24 小時內交易量增加了 359%,截至撰寫本文時達到 7.51 億美元。

Price rises over 50% to $0.000002144 | Source: PEPEUSDT on Tradingview.com

價格上漲超過 50% 至 0.000002144 美元 |資料來源:Tradingview.com 上的 PEPEUSDT

Gunning For Third-Largest Meme Coin


The PEPE rally has made it the best-performing meme coin in the last day. With its 52% increase during this time, it has pushed ahead and is now hot on the heels of BONK. BONK is currently the third-largest meme coin in the space after overtaking PEPE late last year. However, the latter is back with a vengeance, with less than $20 million now separating the two.

PEPE 的反彈使其成為最後一天表現最好的模因幣。在此期間,它的漲幅達到了 52%,已經遙遙領先,緊隨 BONK 之後。 BONK 繼去年年底超越 PEPE 後,目前是該領域第三大迷因幣。然而,後者捲土重來,目前兩者的收入差距還不到 2,000 萬美元。

In the last week, PEPE’s price is up 79%, while BONK is seeing meager gains of 8.8% in comparison. There is also a wide disparity in their daily gains of BONK’s 16.2% compared to PEPE’s 52.8%, according to data from CoinGecko.

上週,PEPE 的價格上漲了 79%,而 BONK 相較之下僅上漲了 8.8%。根據 CoinGecko 的數據,BONK 的日漲幅為 16.2%,而 PEPE 的日漲幅為 52.8%,兩者之間也存在很大差距。

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PEPE’s market cap is now sitting at $895 million compared to BONK’s $908 million. In terms of daily volume, the latter also pales in comparison to the former, with PEPE at $778 million and BONK at $200 million. Given this wide disparity, if PEPE continues to outperform today, then it will quickly reclaim the third spot.

PEPE 的市值目前為 8.95 億美元,而 BONK 的市值為 9.08 億美元。從每日交易量來看,後者與前者相比也相形見絀,PEPE 為 7.78 億美元,BONK 為 2 億美元。鑑於這種巨大的差距,如果 PEPE 今天繼續跑贏大盤,那麼它將很快奪回第三位。

Other meme coins that have seen significant upside over the past day as well include WIF and FLOKI. WIF has risen to a new all-time high after a 50% surge brought it to $0.57, bringing its market cap to $570 million, before settling back down around $0.53. On the other hand, the FLOKI price is up approximately 19% in the same time period to bring its market cap to $434 million.

其他在過去一天中也出現顯著上漲的 meme 代幣包括 WIF 和 FLOKI。 WIF 飆升 50% 至 0.57 美元,創下歷史新高,市值達到 5.7 億美元,隨後回落至 0.53 美元左右。另一方面,FLOKI 價格同期上漲約 19%,市值達到 4.34 億美元。

Follow Best Owie on X (formerly Twitter) for market insights, updates, and the occasional funny tweet… Featured image from FMCPay News, chart from TradingView.com

請關注 X(以前的 Twitter)上的 Best Owie,了解市場見解、更新以及偶爾有趣的推文…精選圖片來自 FMCPay News,圖表來自 TradingView.com


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