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Is Pepe setting up for a range? 50% retracement level holds the key

佩佩正在為練習場做準備嗎? 50%回檔水準是關鍵

發布: 2024/07/02 09:04 閱讀: 488



佩佩正在為練習場做準備嗎? 50%回檔水準是關鍵

The 50% retracement level and the daily RSI indicated a possible range formation. However, the rising buying pressure and the liquidation heatmap gave opposing signals.

50% 回撤水準和日 RSI 顯示可能形成區間。然而,不斷上升的購買壓力和清算熱圖發出了相反的訊號。

Pepe (PEPE) struggled to break past a local resistance level. The memecoin showed signs of forming a range, but a bullish chart pattern is also a viable scenario, according to a previous AMBCrypto report. The on-chain metrics showed that the selling pressure might rise in the coming days, the report added.

佩佩(PEPE)難以突破當地阻力位。根據先前的 AMBCrypto 報告,memecoin 顯示出形成區間的跡象,但看漲圖表模式也是可行的情況。報告補充說,鏈上指標顯示未來幾天拋售壓力可能會上升。

To determine the more likely path for PEPE, liquidation levels data was investigated alongside technical analysis.

為了確定 PEPE 更可能的路徑,我們對清算水平數據和技術分析進行了調查。

Key Long-Term Fibonacci Retracement Level Defended
Source: PEPE/USDT on TradingView

關鍵的長期斐波那契回檔水平 DefendedSource:TradingView 上的 PEPE/USDT

During the retracement in the second half of May, the selling pressure began to intensify. In mid-June, the CMF fell below -0.05, signaling hefty capital outflows. It was anticipated at that time that PEPE prices would retrace the entire mid-May rally and fall to $0.0000089.

5月下旬回檔期間,拋售壓力開始加劇。 6月中旬,CMF跌破-0.05,顯示資本大量外流。當時預計 PEPE 價格將回溯整個 5 月中旬的漲勢並跌至 0.0000089 美元。

The bulls ensured that this did not happen and valiantly defended the 78.6% retracement level at $0.0000107. However, they were not strong enough to force a breakout past the 50% retracement level at $0.000013.

多頭確保這種情況不會發生,並勇敢地捍衛了 0.0000107 美元的 78.6% 回檔位。然而,它們的強度不足以突破 0.000013 美元的 50% 回檔位。

The CMF was also back above the +0.05 level, but the daily RSI was sluggish. It fluctuated around the neutral 50 mark and did not yet signal a bullish shift in momentum.

CMF 也回到+0.05 水準上方,但日線 RSI 低迷。它在中性 50 關卡附近波動,尚未表明看漲勢頭發生轉變。

Should Traders Prepare for Another PEPE Price Slump?
Source: Hyblock

交易員是否應該為 PEPE 價格再次暴跌做好準備?

The liquidation heatmap data of the past three months noted that the $0.000008-$0.000009 zone had a large cluster of liquidation levels. They could attract prices like a magnet, especially since the 50% Fib retracement level continued to serve as a strong barrier. Not every liquidity cluster is guaranteed to be visited. If the bulls establish themselves in the coming weeks, the $0.000018 zone would be the next liquidity target.
Source: Hyblock

過去三個月的清算熱圖數據表明,0.000008-0.000009 美元區域存在大量清算水準。它們可以像磁鐵一樣吸引價格,特別是因為 50% 斐波那契回撤水平繼續充當強大的障礙。並非每個流動性集群都保證被存取。如果多頭在未來幾週內站穩腳跟,0.000018 美元區域將成為下一個流動性目標。

Realistic or Not, Here's PEPE's Market Cap in BTC's Terms

不管現實與否,這是 PEPE 以 BTC 計算的市值

The liquidation levels of the past two days showed that short positions far outnumbered the long positions. This meant that a price bounce to squeeze these short positions was likely. The next large pockets of liquidity in the short term are at $0.0000122 and $0.0000134.

近兩日的清算水準顯示,空頭部位數量遠多於多頭部位。這意味著價格反彈可能會擠壓這些空頭部位。短期內下一個大的流動性是 0.0000122 美元和 0.0000134 美元。

Next: Will 1 Million Bitcoin 'Wholecoiners' Plunge BTC Below $60K?

下一篇: 100 萬比特幣「Wholecoiners」會讓 BTC 跌破 6 萬美元嗎?


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