首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著 $PEPE 和 Layer 2 活動的飆升,Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) 預售突破 900 萬美元

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) Presale Blasts Past $9 Million As $PEPE And Layer 2 Activity Skyrocket

隨著 $PEPE 和 Layer 2 活動的飆升,Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) 預售突破 900 萬美元

發布: 2024/08/17 12:06 閱讀: 470

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


隨著 $PEPE 和 Layer 2 活動的飆升,Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) 預售突破 900 萬美元

Pepe Unchained Smashes Past $9 Million in Presale

Pepe Unchained 預售突破 900 萬美元

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) has surged past the $9 million mark in funding raised during its presale, just six days after reaching $8 million.

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) 在預售期間籌集的資金已突破 900 萬美元大關,距離達到 800 萬美元僅六天。

Investors have been drawn to the new Pepe token, which operates on its own Layer 2 blockchain on Ethereum. Notably, a whale recently invested $3.13 million in $PEPE during a market dip.

投資者被新的 Pepe 代幣所吸引,該代幣在以太坊上自己的第 2 層區塊鏈上運行。值得注意的是,鯨魚最近在市場下跌期間向 $PEPE 投資了 313 萬美元。

Simultaneously, there has been a significant increase in activity surrounding Ethereum Layer 2 solutions. Coinbase's Base chain processed 3.6 million transactions on Monday, while all Layer 2 protocols collectively handled over 12 million transactions on Tuesday.

同時,圍繞以太坊第 2 層解決方案的活動顯著增加。 Coinbase 的 Base 鏈週一處理了 360 萬筆交易,而周二所有第 2 層協議總共處理了超過 1,200 萬筆交易。

Influencers such as Austin Hilton, with 273,000 subscribers, are promoting $PEPU, contributing to its momentum.

Austin Hilton 等擁有 273,000 名訂閱者的影響者正在推廣 $PEPU,為其發展勢頭做出了貢獻。

With the presale approaching its two-month anniversary, Pepe fever is expected to propel Pepe Unchained to $10 million by the end of the weekend. Investors can still purchase $PEPU at $0.00909010, the lowest remaining price.

隨著預售兩週年紀念日的臨近,《Pepe Unchained》的熱潮預計將在周末將其推至 1000 萬美元。投資者仍可以以 0.00909010 美元(剩餘最低價格)購買 $PEPU。

Pepe: From Imprisonment to Unchained


$PEPU is popular among meme coin enthusiasts due to its high staking rewards (over 218% APY), as well as its low fees and lightning-fast speeds compared to other ERC-20 meme coins.

與其他 ERC-20 Meme 幣相比,$PEPU 因其高質押獎勵(超過 218% APY)、低廉的費用和閃電般的速度而受到 Meme 幣愛好者的歡迎。

The token's potential listing on exchanges following its ICO could attract further funding. An initial investment of $100 would yield over $11,000 $PEPU tokens.

該代幣在 ICO 後可能在交易所上市,可能會吸引更多資金。 100 美元的初始投資將產生超過 11,000 美元的 $PEPU 代幣。

Inside Pepe's Layer 2

Pepe 的第 2 層內部

Pepe Unchained is the first Pepe token to operate on its own proprietary Ethereum Layer 2 blockchain. Ethereum, known for its smart contracts, experiences congestion and high transaction fees due to its limited transaction processing capacity.

Pepe Unchained 是第一個在其專有的以太坊第 2 層區塊鏈上運行的 Pepe 代幣。以智慧合約聞名的以太坊,由於交易處理能力有限,出現了擁擠和高交易費用的問題。

Layer 2 protocols, like Pepe Unchained's, address this limitation by processing transactions off-chain before adding them to the main Ethereum ledger. As a result, Pepe Unchained offers significantly faster and cheaper transactions.

第 2 層協定(如 Pepe Unchained 的協議)透過在將交易添加到以太坊主帳本之前處理鏈下交易來解決此限制。因此,Pepe Unchained 提供更快、更便宜的交易。

Pepe Unchained has its own dedicated block explorer and allows for instant, low-cost bridging to Ethereum's Layer 1. Its unique combination of utility and cost-efficiency sets it apart in the meme coin landscape.

Pepe Unchained 擁有自己的專用區塊瀏覽器,可即時、低成本地橋接到以太坊的第 1 層。

Pepe Unchained has been thoroughly audited and found to be secure. Given its strong momentum and the growing popularity of Layer 2 solutions, $PEPU is poised to make a significant impact on the meme coin and Layer 2 markets.

Pepe Unchained 已經徹底審核並證明是安全的。鑑於其強勁勢頭和 Layer 2 解決方案的日益普及,$PEPU 預計將對 meme 幣和 Layer 2 市場產生重大影響。

Don't miss the opportunity to join the rising tide of $PEPU. Visit the Pepe Unchained presale website today.

不要錯過加入$PEPU 上漲浪潮的機會。立即造訪 Pepe Unchained 預售網站。


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