首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Pepe Whale 成為百萬富翁,投資回報率達到 10 倍,還有哪些 Meme 幣可以遵循同樣的軌跡?

Pepe Whale Becomes a Millionaire Makes 10X ROI, Which Other Meme Coins Can Follow The Same Trajectory?

Pepe Whale 成為百萬富翁,投資回報率達到 10 倍,還有哪些 Meme 幣可以遵循同樣的軌跡?

發布: 2024/06/08 21:03 閱讀: 701

原文作者:The Coin Republic


Pepe Whale 成為百萬富翁,投資回報率達到 10 倍,還有哪些 Meme 幣可以遵循同樣的軌跡?

Less than two days ago, a large-scale investor made a significant profit with the Pepe meme coin. This particular investor held their Pepe Coin for almost six months and while selling it, they minted a cool 976% in profits. According to Lookonchain, the investor initially held only $494,000 worth of Pepe coins which later appreciated to $5.3 Million owing to Pepe’s impressive surge in the past few months. Reflecting a 10X return over investment, this shows how profitable (and equally risky) investing in meme coins can be, due to their high tendency to skyrocket in a short time frame. This year, some other meme coins are expected to follow the same trajectory, especially the new, Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) token whose emergence is about to take the meme coin space by storm.

不到兩天前,一位大型投資者透過 Pepe meme 幣獲得了可觀的利潤。這位特殊的投資者持有 Pepe Coin 近六個月,在出售時,他們獲得了高達 976% 的利潤。據 Lookonchain 稱,該投資者最初僅持有價值 494,000 美元的 Pepe 幣,由於過去幾個月 Pepe 的驚人飆升,該幣後來升值至 530 萬美元。這反映了 10 倍的投資回報率,這表明投資模因幣可以帶來多麼有利可圖(並且同樣具有風險),因為它們在短時間內飆升的趨勢很高。今年,其他一些 meme 幣預計也會遵循相同的軌跡,特別是新的 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) 代幣,它的出現即將席捲 meme 幣領域。

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) Can Deliver Astounding Profits and Rank Among Top Meme Coins This Q3

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) 可以帶來驚人的利潤,並在第三季度躋身頂級 Meme 代幣之列

So far, the crypto market has experienced many Solana-based meme coins like Bonk and Dogwifhat soaring to amazing heights. However, the Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) token is set to be the most outstanding. Considering its intriguing “Conquer-to-Earn” mechanism and a strong security protocol, Angry Pepe Fork is set to take over the meme coin space this year.

到目前為止,加密市場已經經歷了許多基於 Solana 的迷因幣,例如 Bonk 和 Dogwifhat,飆升至驚人的高度。然而,Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) 代幣無疑是最出色的。考慮到其有趣的「征服賺錢」機制和強大的安全協議,Angry Pepe Fork 今年將佔領迷因幣領域。

Angry Pepe Fork plans to take over the meme coin space via its unique earning mechanism. This Conquer-to-Earn mechanism places both motive and an incentive on its community members. The motive entails knocking out all other zombie (stale) meme coins in the market, while the incentive includes earning $APORK tokens while at it. The earning mechanism is also tied to its staking pool which is already ongoing simultaneously with the token presale.

Angry Pepe Fork 計劃透過其獨特的獲利機制接管 meme 幣空間。這種「征服即賺錢」機制為其社群成員提供了動力和激勵。其動機是淘汰市場上所有其他殭屍(陳舊)模因幣,而激勵措施包括賺取 $APORK 代幣。賺取機制也與其質押池相關,該質押池已與代幣預售同時進行。

In Angry Pepe Fork staking pool, users can lock up their $APORK for either 30, 60 or 90 days; the higher the lock up period, the higher the staking returns. And more importantly, while the community works together to knock out stale meme coins, each meme coin being conquered automatically raises the APY interest in the staking pool. This inciting feature has placed Angry Pepe Fork among the most anticipated meme coins to watch out for in Q3.

在Angry Pepe Fork質押池中,使用者可以將$APORK鎖定30天、60天或90天;鎖定期越長,質押收益越高。更重要的是,當社區共同努力淘汰陳舊的 Meme 幣時,每一枚被征服的 Meme 幣都會自動提高質押池中的 APY 利息。這項令人興奮的功能使 Angry Pepe Fork 成為第三季最值得關注的迷因幣之一。

The meme coin has only just launched and is currently in its initial presale stage, selling for just $0.014; however, analysts believe that this Solana-based community driven token can experience a 200% rise by the time it concludes its presale. With an additional 150% rise when it lists on tier-1 exchange platforms, Angry Pepe Fork is set to eventually outshine other Solana-based meme coins like Bonk and Dogwifhat.

Meme 幣剛推出,目前處於初始預售階段,售價僅 0.014 美元;然而,分析師認為,這個基於 Solana 的社群驅動的代幣在預售結束時可能會上漲 200%。在一級交易平台上市後,Angry Pepe Fork 的漲幅額外達到 150%,最終將超越 Bonk 和 Dogwifhat 等其他基於 Solana 的模因幣。

Pepe Token Can Potentially See A Massive Influx Again After Recent Huge Investment Gain

在近期巨額投資收益之後,Pepe 代幣可能會再次出現大規模湧入

The impressive ascent in both the price of Pepe Token and its trading volume have influenced many meme crypto enthusiasts in the market, especially after a certain investor made over $4.8 Million after holding their meme coin for almost six months.

Pepe Token 價格及其交易量的驚人上漲影響了市場上許多 Meme 加密貨幣愛好者,特別是在某位投資者持有 Meme 幣近六個月後賺取了超過 480 萬美元之後。

Just recently, this particular investor sent 365.96 billion Pepe tokens, valued at $5.3 Million, to the Binance Exchange. However, this investor had previously taken out the same amount in December last year when the entire holding was worth $494,000. Therefore, the profit made amounted to $4.8 Million after 5 months. This significant Pepe investment gain has sparked more interest in Pepe Token and the broader meme coin market.

就在最近,這位投資者向幣安交易所發送了 3,659.6 億個 Pepe 代幣,價值 530 萬美元。然而,該投資者去年 12 月曾提取相同金額的資金,當時持有的全部資產價值 494,000 美元。因此,5個月後利潤達到480萬美元。 Pepe 的這一重大投資收益引發了人們對 Pepe Token 和更廣泛的 meme 幣市場的更多興趣。

Amid Price Uncertainty, Dogecoin Can Potentially Go Bullish This Year


The price of Dogecoin (DOGE) has been somewhat unpredictable this year, however, the potential for the token to rank among the top meme coins for the highest gains this year is indeed high. At the moment, Dogecoin is consolidating after hitting a yearly peak of $0.2201, but the token is maintaining an overall bullish trend in the past year.

今年狗狗幣(DOGE)的價格有些難以預測,但是,該代幣躋身今年漲幅最高的迷因代幣之列的潛力確實很高。目前,狗狗幣在觸及 0.2201 美元的年度高峰後正在盤整,但該代幣在過去一年中保持著整體看漲趨勢。

With over 121% price appreciation year-to-date, Dogecoin hasn’t lost momentum at all. The Dogecoin token may not be among the best performing meme coins this Q2, however, it holds enough market dominance to keep it atop all other meme coins. And, considering this year’s bull run, Dogecoin could potentially turn thousands into millions.

今年迄今為止,狗狗幣的價格上漲了 121% 以上,但其勢頭絲毫沒有減弱。狗狗幣代幣可能不是本季表現最好的迷因代幣之一,但是,它擁有足夠的市場主導地位,使其保持在所有其他迷因代幣之上。而且,考慮到今年的多頭市場,狗狗幣有可能將數千美元變成數百萬美元。

Dog to the Moon Token is the Latest Trending Meme Coin with High Bullish Potential

Dog to the Moon 代幣是最新趨勢的 Meme 代幣,具有很高的看漲潛力

Despite just being launched on April 24, Dog To The Moon token (DOG) has appreciated significantly, now ranking among the top ten meme coins by market cap. This impressive Dog To The Moon milestone can be seen in its striking market cap around $957 Million and currently TVL strongly above $70 Million, with more growth potential ahead.

儘管 4 月 24 日才剛推出,但 Dog To The Moon 代幣 (DOG) 已大幅升值,目前已躋身市值前十名的 meme 幣之列。這一令人印象深刻的「狗登月」里程碑可以從其約 9.57 億美元的驚人市值中看出,目前 TVL 遠高於 7000 萬美元,未來還有更大的成長潛力。

The value of the Dog To The Moon token has appreciated by over 112% since it was launched on the Bitcoin blockchain. However, we are bound to see more price appreciation, considering that the token has only just been launched. With more potential to contend with other larger meme coins, Dog To The Moon is currently among the top ten meme coins to watch out for this year.

自從在比特幣區塊鏈上推出以來,Dog To The Moon 代幣的價值已升值超過 112%。然而,考慮到該代幣剛剛推出,我們必然會看到更多的價格升值。 Dog To The Moon 具有與其他更大的 meme 幣競爭的潛力,目前是今年值得關注的十大 meme 幣之一。

BOOK OF MEME (BOME) Has Solidified a Strong Position Among Top Cryptos to Buy

BOOK OF MEME (BOME) 鞏固了在頂級加密貨幣中的強勢地位

Since its launch in the middle of March, BOOK OF MEME (BOME) has maintained quite a decent price momentum as the token has not dropped significantly for the past month now. The token has appreciated by over 1200% since its launch and considering how positive its price chart has been, there’s no doubt the token could eventually take on a bullish spree before the end of the year.

自 3 月中旬推出以來,BOOK OF MEME (BOME) 一直保持著相當不錯的價格勢頭,過去一個月代幣沒有大幅下跌。該代幣自推出以來已升值超過 1200%,考慮到其價格圖表的積極性,毫無疑問該代幣最終可能會在年底前迎來看漲熱潮。

Currently, BOOK OF MEME token is slightly declining however, its momentum is more of a consolidation than a bearish trend. Overall, BOOK OF MEME has enough momentum to resume a bullish need if the circumstances are right. Its quick ascent to the 8th largest meme coin by market cap is enough reason for investors to hold onto.

目前,BOOK OF MEME 代幣略有下降,但其勢頭更多的是盤整而不是看跌趨勢。整體而言,如果情況合適,BOOK OF MEME 有足夠的動力恢復看漲需求。以市值計算,它迅速升至第八大模因幣,這足以讓投資者有理由持有。

How Long Before Angry Pepe Fork Surpasses the Likes



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