首頁 > 資訊新聞 > PEPE Whales 將其 ETFSwap (ETFS) 袋子翻倍,巨額買入 50 萬美元

PEPE Whales Double Their ETFSwap (ETFS) Bag With Massive $500,000 Buy

PEPE Whales 將其 ETFSwap (ETFS) 袋子翻倍,巨額買入 50 萬美元

發布: 2024/08/17 03:05 閱讀: 367



PEPE Whales 將其 ETFSwap (ETFS) 袋子翻倍,巨額買入 50 萬美元

ETFSwap (ETFS): A Crypto Platform of Note

ETFSwap (ETFS):值得注意的加密貨幣平台

The crypto market's attention has shifted towards the Ethereum-based ETFS token, with a recent influx of $500,000 from PEPE whales. This highlights the growing appeal of ETFSwap (ETFS), a platform offering tokenized ETFs for access to the burgeoning ETF market.

加密市場的注意力已轉向基於以太坊的 ETFS 代幣,最近 PEPE 鯨魚湧入了 50 萬美元。這突顯了 ETFSwap (ETFS) 日益增長的吸引力,該平台提供代幣化 ETF,以進入蓬勃發展的 ETF 市場。

ETFS: A Game-Changer in the Crypto Market


ETFS provides a comprehensive suite of ETFs including commodities, fixed-income, and crypto. It offers investors the flexibility to seamlessly switch between crypto and ETFs, facilitating a swift and efficient trading experience.

ETFS 提供一整套 ETF,包括商品、固定收益和加密貨幣。它為投資者提供了在加密貨幣和 ETF 之間無縫切換的靈活性,促進快速且有效率的交易體驗。

Through partnerships with MiCa-compliant investment banks, ETFS ensures optimal liquidity and market-making expertise. Additionally, its AI-enabled trading tools (ETF Finder, Filter, and Tracker) optimize trading strategies, providing insights into the ETF market and recommending profitable ETF selections.

透過與符合 MiCa 標準的投資銀行合作,ETFS 可確保最佳的流動性和做市專業知識。此外,其人工智慧交易工具(ETF Finder、Filter 和 Tracker)可優化交易策略,提供對 ETF 市場的洞察並推薦有利可圖的 ETF 選擇。

Passive Income and Leverage Opportunities


ETFS offers attractive passive income opportunities through staking, with annual percentage yields (APY) of up to 87%. Furthermore, investors can leverage the platform's 10x leverage for options, futures, and perpetual trading, and access 50x leverage for all listed ETFs, presenting the potential for substantial profits.

ETFS 透過質押提供有吸引力的被動收入機會,年收益率 (APY) 高達 87%。此外,投資人還可以利用該平台的10倍槓桿進行選擇權、期貨和永續交易,並為所有上市ETF提供50倍槓桿,帶來豐厚的利潤潛力。

Security and Trust


ETFS's reputation has been reinforced by its KYC verification with SolidProof and the successful audit of its smart contracts by CyberScope. These measures attest to the platform's transparency and have instilled confidence among investors.

ETFS 的聲譽因 SolidProof 的 KYC 驗證以及 Cyber​​Scope 對其智能合約的成功審核而得到加強。這些措施證明了該平台的透明度,並增強了投資者的信心。

The Allure for PEPE Whales

PEPE 鯨魚的魅力

The recent price decline in PEPE, a popular meme coin, has prompted PEPE whales to seek diversification. One such whale has invested heavily in ETFS, recognizing its value proposition and potential for profit maximization.

流行的模因幣 PEPE 最近的價格下跌促使 PEPE 鯨魚尋求多元化。其中一隻鯨魚已大力投資 ETFS,認識到其價值主張和利潤最大化的潛力。

Conclusion: ETFS's Growing Influence

結論:ETFS 的影響力與日俱增

ETFS has emerged as a key player in the crypto space, offering tokenized ETFs that bridge the gap between crypto and traditional finance. The platform's utility, passive income opportunities, and leverage options make it an attractive investment for both crypto and non-crypto investors.

ETFS 已成為加密貨幣領域的關鍵參與者,提供代幣化 ETF,以彌合加密貨幣與傳統金融之間的差距。該平台的實用性、被動收入機會和槓桿選項使其成為對加密貨幣和非加密貨幣投資者都有吸引力的投資。


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