首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 為什麼 PEPE 和 WIF 投資者應該轉向這個熱門的新 Meme 代幣

Why PEPE and WIF Investors Should Turn to This Hot New Meme Coin

為什麼 PEPE 和 WIF 投資者應該轉向這個熱門的新 Meme 代幣

發布: 2024/09/02 15:05 閱讀: 291

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


為什麼 PEPE 和 WIF 投資者應該轉向這個熱門的新 Meme 代幣

When you talk with experienced traders in the market, you get the sense that they are not necessarily opposed to trading and investing in meme coins, but they often criticize the lack of utility these coins typically possess.


Whether we like it or not, memes might be speculative and lacking in real utility, but the trading volumes for meme coins have been high this year.


Just look at PEPE: this meme coin skyrocketed to over a $7 billion market cap in May. It’s now at just $3 billion, so does this mean we are potentially late to the party?

看看 PEPE:這款 meme 代幣在 5 月市值飆升至超過 70 億美元。現在只有 30 億美元,這是否意味著我們可能遲到了?

A similar story applies to WIF, another huge meme coin that lost 23% of its value last week. In fact, Dogwifhat’s token is now 70% lower than its all-time high (ATH) in March. This has to hurt their respective holders.

類似的故事也適用於 WIF,這是另一個巨大的迷因幣,上週價值下跌了 23%。事實上,Dogwifhat 的代幣現在比 3 月的歷史高點 (ATH) 低了 70%。這必然會傷害他們各自的持有者。

Why PandaWorld Could Be the Next Big Thing


So, should PEPE and WIF holders turn their attention to an early-stage meme coin with real utility and fundamentals? Enter PandaWorld.

那麼,PEPE 和 WIF 持有者是否應該將注意力轉向具有真正實用性和基本面的早期 Meme 幣呢?進入熊貓世界。

PandaWorld is built as a P2E (play-to-earn) gaming platform that includes a casino, content hub, and other revenue-generating components. The native token of the ecosystem is called PADW. This meme coin is currently in presale, which is progressing rapidly, having already raised over $114,000.

PandaWorld 是一個 P2E(玩即賺)遊戲平台,包括賭場、內容中心和其他創收組件。生態系的原生代幣稱為PADW。該模因幣目前正在進行預售,進展迅速,並已籌集超過 114,000 美元。

A portion of the revenue generated from the platform’s various elements is allocated to a central pool. A casino platform is incorporated into the PandaWorld ecosystem, leveraging blockchain technology to ensure fairness. Users who stake their PADW tokens become eligible to receive a share of this revenue, enabling passive income generation. The total supply of PADW tokens is set at 88.8 billion.

平台各元素產生的部分收入分配給中央資金池。 PandaWorld生態系統中融入了賭場平台,利用區塊鏈技術確保公平性。質押 PADW 代幣的用戶有資格獲得該收入的一部分,從而實現被動創造收入。 PADW代幣的總供應量設定為888億。

Token distribution includes allocations for presale (40%), liquidity (20%), staking rewards (15%), marketing (10%), an ecosystem fund (10%), and a project fund (5%).


All in all, even though PEPE and WIF made a lot of traders happy earlier this year, they are now, like most top meme coins, frustrating investors with their significant declines. Many are beginning to seek out projects with more tangible utility, making PandaWorld an option for those looking to invest in a meme coin with potential.

總而言之,儘管 PEPE 和 WIF 今年早些時候讓許多交易者感到高興,但現在,像大多數頂級 meme 代幣一樣,它們的大幅下跌令投資者感到沮喪。許多人開始尋找具有更多實際效用的項目,這使得 PandaWorld 成為那些希望投資具有潛力的迷因幣的人的選擇。


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