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Pepennedy Presale Has Started. New Potential Gem?


發布: 2024/06/29 01:06 閱讀: 821




John F. Pepennedy Presale Commences, Offering Discounted Token Purchase

John F. Pepennedy 預售開始,提供代幣購買折扣

The presale of the novel meme token John F. Pepennedy is now underway. This exclusive period allows investors to acquire tokens at a reduced price, potentially yielding significant returns when the token value appreciates later. Participating in the early stages can exponentially enhance returns upon the token's public listing on exchanges.

小說迷因代幣 John F. Pepennedy 的預售正在進行中。這個獨家期限允許投資者以較低的價格購買代幣,當代幣價值稍後升值時,可能會產生可觀的回報。參與早期階段可以倍增代幣在交易所公開上市後的回報。

Pepennedy: Blending Meme Culture and Legacy


Memes continue to captivate the cryptocurrency realm. Following the success of Dogecoin and Pepe, Pepennedy emerges, fusing the popularity of Pepe with the iconic legacy of President John F. Kennedy. This fusion, coupled with the transparency afforded by smart contracts and third-party audits, makes Pepennedy an enticing proposition for investors seeking innovative projects.


Technical Specifications and Tokenomics


John F. Pepennedy operates on the Ethereum blockchain, adhering to the ERC-20 standard. This guarantees broad compatibility with wallets and exchanges. The token's smart contract, meticulously coded in Solidity, incorporates essential features for secure and efficient token management.

John F. Pepennedy 在以太坊區塊鏈上運營,遵守 ERC-20 標準。這保證了與錢包和交易所的廣泛兼容性。該代幣的智能合約在 Solidity 中精心編碼,包含了安全高效代幣管理的基本功能。

The total token supply is set at 10 million, with the following tokenomics:

代幣供應總量設定為 1,000 萬枚,代幣經濟如下:

  • 50% Presale
  • 20% Investment Funds
  • 10% Project Team
  • 10% Marketing
  • 10% Liquidity Exchanges

Roadmap and Milestones

50% 預售20% 投資基金10% 專案團隊10% 行銷10% 流動性交易所路線圖與里程碑

Pepennedy's roadmap outlines key milestones, including:


  • Website launch
  • Smart contract development and audit
  • Presale launch and community engagement
  • DEX listings and enhancements
  • Marketing campaign and CoinMarketCap/CoinGecko applications
  • CEX listings and ongoing marketing initiatives


網站啟動智慧合約開發和審計預售啟動和社群參與DEX 清單和增強行銷活動和 CoinMarketCap/CoinGecko 應用程式CEX 清單和持續的行銷活動結論

Pepennedy presents a unique opportunity to capitalize on the intersection of meme culture and historical significance. Its well-structured tokenomics and defined roadmap make it an attractive investment option. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a novice in the cryptocurrency world, John F. Pepennedy offers a compelling proposition for exploration.

佩彭尼迪提供了一個利用迷因文化和歷史意義的交集的獨特機會。其結構良好的代幣經濟學和明確的路線圖使其成為有吸引力的投資選擇。無論您是加密貨幣領域經驗豐富的投資者還是新手,約翰·F·佩彭尼迪 (John F. Pepennedy) 都會為您提供令人信服的探索建議。


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