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Phenomenal 100X Potential Project Shifts Projects Like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin To The Trashheap

驚人的 100 倍潛力項目將 Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 等項目轉移到垃圾堆

發布: 2023/10/04 18:16 閱讀: 550



A fast-rising project has caught the crypto world’s attention with its remarkable potential for 100X gains. Bitcoin Spark (BTCS) is causing a seismic shift in the crypto landscape, overshadowing the hype that once surrounded Shiba Inu and Dogecoin. The frenzy around the once-popular dog-themed meme coins seems to have simmered in the wake of BTCS’ meteoric rise.

一個快速崛起的項目以其100倍收益的巨大潛力引起了加密世界的注意。比特幣 Spark(BTCS)正在為加密貨幣領域帶來巨大的變化,掩蓋了曾經圍繞著柴犬和狗狗幣的炒作。隨著 BTCS 的迅速崛起,一度流行的以狗為主題的迷因幣的狂熱似乎已經醞釀已久。

Bitcoin Spark (BTCS)


BTCS’ rich utility and new blockchain platform overshadow the meme craze, casting SHIB and DOGE to the past. The new craze is Bitcoin Spark’s record-breaking ICO that continues its run in phase six at an affordable $2.75 with an 8% bonus. This 100x ICO has an expected ROI of 393% for phase six holders after its launch on November 30. BTCS will launch at $10, and the early adopters could gain more, considering the initial $1.50 BTCS price.

BTCS 豐富的實用性和新的區塊鏈平台掩蓋了迷因熱潮,使 SHIB 和 DOGE 成為過去。新的熱潮是 Bitcoin Spark 破紀錄的 ICO,該項目在第六階段繼續運行,價格實惠,價格為 2.75 美元,還有 8% 的獎金。這次100 倍ICO 在11 月30 日推出後,第六階段持有者的預期投資回報率為393%。BTCS 將以10 美元的價格推出,考慮到BTCS 的初始價格為1.50 美元,早期採用者可以獲得更多收益。

Bitcoin Spark (BTCS) is a robust solution to the challenges of traditional digital currencies. It deploys advanced blockchain technology and unique consensus algorithms to enhance security, speed, and digital asset scalability. BTCS introduces a Proof-of-Process (PoP) mechanism, revolutionizing mining and promoting more equitable reward distribution. Its approach of amalgamating stake and Proof-of-Work sets it miles apart from meme coins, creating a more balanced and efficient cryptocurrency experience.

比特幣 Spark (BTCS) 是應對傳統數位貨幣挑戰的強大解決方案。它部署先進的區塊鏈技術和獨特的共識演算法,以增強安全性、速度和數位資產可擴展性。 BTCS引入了過程證明(PoP)機制,徹底改變了挖礦並促進更公平的獎勵分配。其將股權和工作量證明相結合的方法使其與模因幣相距甚遠,從而創造了更平衡和高效的加密貨幣體驗。

Bitcoin Spark introduces a unique approach to mining by allowing users to rent out their mining devices’ processing power for various tasks. This innovative feature sets it apart from traditional mining models, making the network incredibly lightweight and enabling lower-power devices to participate in the validation process.

Bitcoin Spark 引入了一種獨特的挖礦方法,讓使用者可以出租其挖礦設備的處理能力來執行各種任務。這項創新功能使其有別於傳統的挖礦模型,使網路變得極為輕量,並使低功耗設備能夠參與驗證過程。

This approach is executed via a Bitcoin Spark application, a user-friendly interface facilitating participation in the network. Through this application, BTCS holders can stake their tokens following the principles of PoS (Proof-of-Stake) blockchains. Bitcoin Spark’s mechanism goes beyond the traditional linear correlation between stake size and earnings, promoting a more balanced distribution of rewards regardless of the stake size.

這種方法是透過 Bitcoin Spark 應用程式執行的,這是一個用戶友好的介面,有助於參與網路。透過此應用程序,BTCS 持有者可以遵循 PoS(權益證明)區塊鏈的原則來質押其代幣。 Bitcoin Spark 的機制超越了股權規模和收益之間傳統的線性相關性,無論股權規模如何,都促進了更平衡的獎勵分配。

With a mission to improve transaction speed and encourage decentralization, BTCS remains a potential disruptor in the cryptocurrency world.

BTCS 的使命是提高交易速度並鼓勵去中心化,它仍然是加密貨幣世界的潛在顛覆者。

Will Shiba Inu go up


Shiba Inu (SHIB), a prominent meme cryptocurrency, gained significant attention during the 2021 meme-stock frenzy. However, it has since fallen drastically, currently at 92% below its all-time high. Looking ahead, Shiba Inu could gain more prominence, evident from its current position in the top 20 coins by market cap during the bear market.

柴犬 (SHIB) 是一種著名的 meme 加密貨幣,在 2021 年 meme 股票熱潮中獲得了極大關注。然而,此後大幅下跌,目前比歷史高點低 92%。展望未來,柴犬可能會獲得更多的關注,從熊市期間其目前在市值排名前 20 的代幣中的位置就可以看出這一點。

Shiba Inu enthusiasts are optimistic, anticipating a renewed surge in community support and increased investor excitement that could elevate the token’s value. Speculators who didn’t participate in the 2021 rally are likely hoping for a similar scenario, although predicting this is highly uncertain. The viability of any cryptocurrency lies in its real-world utility and applications beyond speculation. In this regard, Shiba Inu lacks a strong advantage, especially with its enormous SHIB supply of 589T. While designed to offer more functionality than Dogecoin and compatible with the Ethereum network, its utility and adoption potential remain uncertain.

柴犬愛好者很樂觀,預計社區支持將再次激增,投資者的興奮度也會增加,這可能會提升代幣的價值。沒有參與 2021 年漲勢的投機者可能希望出現類似的情況,儘管預測這種情況具有很大的不確定性。任何加密貨幣的可行性都在於其現實世界的效用和超越猜測的應用。在這方面,柴犬缺乏強大的優勢,尤其是擁有龐大的589T SHIB供應量。雖然旨在提供比狗狗幣更多的功能並與以太坊網路相容,但其實實用性和採用潛力仍然不確定。

Will Dogecoin do to $1

狗狗幣會達到 1 美元嗎

Dogecoin conquered the crypto arena in 2013 and rose to fame in 2021, thanks to its hype and speculation. But the drop was fast as hype fizzled out, threatening to confine DOGE success to the past. Dogecoin has witnessed notable price fluctuations, surging to its peak at $0.74, but it currently stands at approximately $0.0605, with a circulating supply of 141 billion DOGE.

狗狗幣於 2013 年征服了加密貨幣領域,並在 2021 年憑藉其炒作和投機而聲名鵲起。但隨著炒作的失敗,下跌速度很快,DOGE 的成功可能會被限制在過去。狗狗幣的價格波動顯著,飆升至 0.74 美元的峰值,但目前約為 0.0605 美元,流通量為 1,410 億 DOGE。

This reflects a substantial decrease of 91.8% from its ATH during the 2021 crypto surge. In the last 24 hours, the price has experienced a decline of -2.56%, and the trading volume amounted to $133 million.

這反映了 2021 年加密貨幣激增期間其 ATH 大幅下降了 91.8%。過去24小時內,價格下跌-2.56%,交易量達1.33億美元。

Despite gaining support from enthusiasts and notable figures on platforms like X (Twitter), uncertainties plaque Dogecoin’s true value and long-term sustainability as it relies on hype and speculation. However, DOGE’s lack of utility and unlimited supply makes its quest for $1 uncertain.

儘管狗狗幣在X(Twitter)等平台上獲得了愛好者和知名人士的支持,但由於狗狗幣依賴炒作和投機,因此不確定性損害了狗狗幣的真正價值和長期可持續性。然而,DOGE 缺乏實用性且供應量無限,這使得它對 1 美元的追求充滿不確定性。

Learn more about Bitcoin Spark on:

了解有關比特幣 Spark 的更多資訊:

Website | Buy BTCS

網站 |購買比特幣

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驚人的 100 倍潛力項目將柴犬和狗狗幣等項目轉移到垃圾堆首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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