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Popcat up over 90%, as SHIB and DOGE see price declines

由於 SHIB 和 DOGE 價格下跌,Popcat 上漲超過 90%

發布: 2024/07/01 01:07 閱讀: 602



由於 SHIB 和 DOGE 價格下跌,Popcat 上漲超過 90%

In the past 14 days, Popcat (POPCAT) has shown strong bullish momentum, rising by 113.8%. Meanwhile, established meme coins Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) have recorded price declines.

過去14天,Popcat(POPCAT)表現出強勁的看漲勢頭,上漲113.8%。同時,老牌迷因幣狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 的價格均出現下跌。

Popcat Price Analysis:


Over the past seven days, Popcat has outperformed the cryptocurrency market, increasing over 99% while the global market has fallen by 3.90%. It has also outperformed other meme cryptocurrencies, which have seen a 3.3% gain during the same period. Popcat reached an all-time high of $0.6840 on May 4, with the current price sitting 12.5% below this peak. Conversely, the all-time low (ATL) was recorded on Jan. 5 at $0.0408, making the current price 16,417.60% above the ATL.

過去 7 天,Popcat 的表現跑贏了加密貨幣市場,漲幅超過 99%,而全球市場卻下跌了 3.90%。它的表現也優於其他 meme 加密貨幣,後者同期上漲了 3.3%。 Popcat 於 5 月 4 日達到歷史新高 0.6840 美元,目前價格比該高峰低 12.5%。相反,1 月 5 日創下歷史最低點 (ATL) 0.0408 美元,使當前價格比 ATL 高出 16,417.60%。

At the time of writing, Popcat is trading at $0.5844, with a 24-hour trading volume of $49,458,132. The token's total supply is 979.98 million POPCAT.

截至撰寫本文時,Popcat 的交易價格為 0.5844 美元,24 小時交易量為 49,458,132 美元。 POPCAT代幣總供應量為97998萬枚。

Charts indicate a generally positive outlook for Popcat, with the price expected to fluctuate between $0.3922 and $0.9363, averaging around $0.6834.

圖表顯示 Popcat 的前景總體樂觀,預計價格在 0.3922 美元至 0.9363 美元之間波動,平均約為 0.6834 美元。

POPCAT tokens are available for trading on several centralized crypto exchanges. The most popular exchange for buying and trading Popcat is OrangeX, where the POPCAT/USDT trading pair has a 24-hour trading volume of $4,447,410.83. Other popular options include Crypto.com Exchange and Gate.io.

POPCAT 代幣可在多個集中式加密貨幣交易所進行交易。購買和交易 Popcat 最受歡迎的交易所是 OrangeX,其中 POPCAT/USDT 交易對的 24 小時交易量為 4,447,410.83 美元。其他受歡迎的選項包括 Crypto.com Exchange 和 Gate.io。

The recent listing of Popcat on Bybit has been a significant development for the project, contributing to the recent price surge and increased trading volume.

最近 Popcat 在 Bybit 上的上市是該項目的重大發展,促成了近期價格飆升和交易量增加。

Shiba Inu and Dogecoin Performance:


Both Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) have been trading sideways, underperforming compared to other altcoins. Their lackluster performance is attributed to their correlation with Bitcoin's price movements.


Technical analysis indicates a bearish outlook for these meme coins. Dogecoin's net network growth is declining, while Dogecoin whales have been relatively inactive. Shiba Inu faces similar challenges, with its on-chain metrics suggesting that whales are selling rather than accumulating.

技術分析顯示這些模因幣的前景看跌。狗狗幣的網路淨增長正在下降,而狗狗幣鯨魚則相對不活躍。 Shiba Inu 面臨著類似的挑戰,其鏈上指標表明鯨魚正在出售而不是累積。

Despite recent setbacks, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu still have healthy 365-day MVRV ratios, indicating that holders remain profitable. However, their potential recovery depends on a rebound in the broader cryptocurrency market.

儘管最近遭遇挫折,狗狗幣和柴犬仍然擁有健康的 365 天 MVRV 比率,表明持有者仍然有利可圖。然而,它們的潛在復甦取決於更廣泛的加密貨幣市場的反彈。


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