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$PORK: Will the Altcoin be Listed on Binance?


發布: 2024/02/16 14:03 閱讀: 332

原文作者:Coingape News Media


PEPE Coin has disappointed the crypto community after its lack of transparency and embezzlement-related issues. A distant cousin, PEPEFORK (PORK), has entered the market on promises of being different. It’s a distant cousin because PORK is a fork of the PEPE coin, which has the code of PEPE but came with new features. Within 12 hours of launch, it gained $41 million in swap volume, snatching all the attention. But even with this achievement, will PORK get listed on Binance? Let’s have a look into that.

PEPE 幣因缺乏透明度和貪污相關問題而令加密社群感到失望。 PEPEFORK(豬肉)的遠房表親已進入市場,承諾與眾不同。它是遠親,因為 PORK 是 PEPE 幣的分叉,它具有 PE​​PE 的代碼,但具有新功能。推出後 12 小時內,掉期交易量增加了 4,100 萬美元,吸引了所有的注意。但即使取得了這樣的成績,PORK 會在幣安上市嗎?讓我們來看看。

Introducing PORK and Its Market Significance


PORK is a pink frog-themed meme coin that was launched recently in the market. It is being traded at $0.00000035 and has gained a market cap of $290 Million within a week of launch.

PORK是最近在市場上推出的以粉紅色青蛙為主題的迷因幣。它的交易價格為 0.00000035 美元,推出一周內市值就達到了 2.9 億美元。

Exchanges like Uniswap, Gate.io, and others have already listed PORK on their platforms. Pauly0X created the PORK after the community’s harsh treatment of the PEPE team, as they got accused of lack of transparency, mismanagement, rug pulling, etc. Because of this, he introduced PORK to rebuild, redefine community projects, and introduce future utility.

Uniswap、Gate.io 等交易所已經在其平台上列出了 PORK。 Pauly0X 在社區對 PEPE 團隊進行嚴厲對待後創建了 PORK,因為他們被指責缺乏透明度、管理不善、拉扯等。因此,他引入 PORK 來重建,重新定義社區項目,並引入未來的實用性。

Pauly0x ran multiple marketing campaigns, and with the promise of transparency, this coin reached its perfect audience. There was a moment when PORK took over the Baby Dogecoin in the 9th position of largest meme coin.

Pauly0x 進行了許多行銷活動,憑藉著透明度的承諾,這款代幣吸引了完美的受眾。有一段時間,PORK 取代了 Baby Dogecoin,成為最大 meme 幣的第九名。

Even some influential people, including Matt Furie, have endorsed PORK. Matt Furie is the artist behind OG Pepe, the frog aesthetic.

甚至包括 Matt Furie 在內的一些有影響力的人物也支持 PORK。 Matt Furie 是 OG Pepe(青蛙美學)背後的藝術家。

Despite garnering the affection and interest of the cryptocurrency community, PORK remains unlisted on Binance. Binance’s approval for a coin matters while predicting the future of a coin.

儘管贏得了加密貨幣社群的愛和興趣,但 PORK 仍未在幣安上上市。幣安對代幣的認可在預測代幣的未來時很重要。

How Altcoins Listing on Binance Works?


In 2021, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao revealed various factors Binance considered before listing a token. Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange by volume and has listed 403 tokens by now. They seriously consider the number of users the most necessary criterion during listing. Binance also looks at the number of active addresses on the blockchain, code commits, and the audience of altcoin.

2021 年,幣安執行長趙長鵬透露了幣安在上市代幣之前考慮的各種因素。幣安是交易量最大的加密貨幣交易所,目前已上線 403 種代幣。他們認真地將用戶數量視為上市時最重要的標準。幣安也關注區塊鏈上的活躍地址數量、代碼提交以及山寨幣的受眾。

In an interview with Forbes, Chan said,


If a coin has a large number of users, then we will list it. That’s the overwhelming significant attribute. Consider for example, meme coins even though I personally don’t get it, if it’s used by a large number of users we list it. We go by the community, my opinion doesn’t matter.


So, if PORK has an adequate number of users and value, it will have a chance to get listed on Binance. At the same time, we need to know that Binance doesn’t need to add every token with an audience because their earnings come from volume rather than listings.


PORK is in demand now, but its shortcomings might hinder it from getting listed on Binance.  The altcoin has seen the highs and lows too soon of launch. It reached a market cap of $290 Million impressively, but it also fell to $50 Million within a few days. Other than that, around 420.69T tokens are in circulation, which can dilute its value majorly, pushing it toward inflation.

PORK現在很受歡迎,但它的缺點可能會阻礙它在幣安上市。山寨幣在推出之初就經歷了高點和低點。它的市值令人印象深刻地達到了 2.9 億美元,但幾天之內又跌至 5000 萬美元。除此之外,大約有 420.69T 代幣在流通,可以大幅稀釋其價值,推動其走向通貨膨脹。



PORK has made a place in the hearts of meme crypto lovers, but as with any other meme coin, it is prone to fall depending on the trends. If it adds more people to its community while maintaining the adequate traded volume, there’s a good chance of getting added to the Binance exchange.  It is a new meme coin, so it might take some time to get stable and added to Binance. Check out the Upcoming Binance Listing For 2024.

PORK 在 meme 加密貨幣愛好者的心中佔有一席之地,但與其他 meme 代幣一樣,它很容易根據趨勢而下跌。如果它在保持足夠的交易量的同時增加更多的人加入其社區,那麼就有很大的機會加入幣安交易所。它是一種新的模因幣,因此可能需要一些時間才能穩定並添加到幣安。查看即將在 2024 年上線的幣安。


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