首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著預售的繼續,萊特幣 (LTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 億萬富翁表示,將 20% 的投資組合保留在 Pushd (PUSHD) 中

Keep 20% of your portfolio in Pushd (PUSHD) says Litecoin (LTC) & Dogecoin (DOGE) billionaire, as Presale continues

隨著預售的繼續,萊特幣 (LTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 億萬富翁表示,將 20% 的投資組合保留在 Pushd (PUSHD) 中

發布: 2024/02/03 06:12 閱讀: 622

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


隨著預售的繼續,萊特幣 (LTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 億萬富翁表示,將 20% 的投資組合保留在 Pushd (PUSHD) 中

An early Dogecoin (DOGE) and Litecoin (LTC) whale has recently allocated 20% of their portfolio into new presale crypto and decentralized online marketplace Pushd (PUSHD), based on on-chain statistics, and it makes perfect sense. Ever since, fortunes in crypto are made by acting early on clear-cut opportunities, with the potential to appreciate in value, of which Pushd (PUSHD) has demonstrated it has in spades. Pushd (PUSHD) is on record-breaking pace to hit a total of 25,000 registrants since its launch, giving it the perfect launchpad to deliver a greater ROI than Dogecoin (DOGE) or Litecoin (LTC) at this stage in the game.

根據鏈上統計數據,早期的狗狗幣(DOGE) 和萊特幣(LTC) 鯨魚最近將其投資組合的20% 分配到新的預售加密貨幣和去中心化線上市場Pushd (PUSHD),這是完全合理的。從那時起,加密貨幣領域的財富都是透過儘早採取明確的機會來創造的,這些機會具有升值的潛力,Pushd (PUSHD) 已經證明了它的實力。自推出以來,Pushd (PUSHD) 正以破紀錄的速度達到25,000 名註冊者,使其成為完美的啟動平台,在遊戲的現階段提供比狗狗幣(DOGE) 或萊特幣(LTC) 更高的投資報酬率。

Can Dogecoin (DOGE) Ever Retest All-Time Highs Again?


Dogecoin (DOGE) is a household name at this point. The dog-themed meme coin has generated astronomical gains for early holders who bought before it peaked 2021 at $0.72. However, the bloom is off the rose for Dogecoin (DOGE), which is down 90% from all-time highs. As of this writing, Dogecoin (DOGE) changed hands at $0.07964 as per crypto aggregator CoinGecko. 

狗狗幣(DOGE)在這一點上是家喻戶曉的名字。這款以狗為主題的 meme 代幣為早期持有者帶來了天文數字的收益,他們在 2021 年達到 0.72 美元的峰值之前購買了這款代幣。然而,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的盛景已經結束,較歷史高點下跌了 90%。截至撰寫本文時,根據加密貨幣聚合商 CoinGecko 的數據,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 易手價格為 0.07964 美元。

Dogecoin (DOGE) has failed to sustain any sort of momentum despite some false starts in January 2024. Dogecoin (DOGE) has been steadily losing ground to undervalued gems and new meme coins and projects without any indication as to when it could retest anywhere close to its all-time highs even with the Bitcoin halving just around the corner.

儘管2024 年1 月出現了一些錯誤的開始,狗狗幣(DOGE) 未能維持任何形式的勢頭。狗狗幣(DOGE) 一直在被低估的寶石和新的模因硬幣和項目穩步失去陣地,但沒有任何跡象表明它何時可以重新測試接近儘管比特幣即將減半,但仍創下歷史新高。

Can Litecoin (LTC) Snap Out of the Doldrums?


Open-source P2P digital currency Litecoin (LTC) has continued to trade around support at $64 and heavy resistance at $72, trading at $67.73 as of this writing. Litecoin (LTC) has continued its sub-par to mediocre performance over the past 12 months, with the token down 34% from yearly highs. Litecoin (LTC) hasn’t shown any signs of breaking out in 2024 as of yet, forcing Litecoin (LTC) holders to diversify their portfolios with an infinitely higher chance to bring in more substantial gains this year.

開源 P2P 數位貨幣萊特幣 (LTC) 繼續在 64 美元支撐位和 72 美元阻力位附近交易,截至撰寫本文時,交易價格為 67.73 美元。在過去 12 個月裡,萊特幣 (LTC) 的表現持續低於平均水平,較年度高點下跌 34%。截至目前,萊特幣 (LTC) 尚未顯示出任何在 2024 年爆發的跡象,這迫使萊特幣 (LTC) 持有者分散投資組合,今年獲得更豐厚收益的機會無限大。

Pushd (PUSHD) Approaches 25,000 Sign-up Milestone

Pushd (PUSHD) 註冊人數接近 25,000 人里程碑

Pushd (PUSHD) is closing in on a major milestone of 25,000 holders just barely a month since it launched its highly-touted presale. The decentralized peer-to-peer online marketplace platform is well-positioned to compete with more established platforms like Amazon, with a good chance of carving out its own niche in the $9 trillion ecommerce industry as an alternative to Web2 platforms that dominate the market.

Pushd (PUSHD) 距離 25,000 名持有者的重要里程碑已經很近了,距離推出備受推崇的預售僅一個月時間。這個去中心化的點對點線上市場平台處於有利地位,可以與亞馬遜等更成熟的平台競爭,並且很有可能在價值9 兆美元的電子商務行業中開闢自己的利基市場,作為主導市場的Web2平台的替代品。

The Pushd (PUSHD) marketplace will feature all the benefits of using platforms like Amazon, without their usual weak points like exorbitant fees, numerous charges, circuitous KYC’s,  onboarding processes and slow payment processing times. The platform will be governed entirely by smart contracts instead of a centralized authority with unchecked power. That’s not to mention the fact that early presale investors will be able to earn passive income in the form of a revenue share proportional to the number of PUSHD tokens they hold.

Pushd (PUSHD) 市場將具有使用亞馬遜等平台的所有優勢,而沒有其通常的弱點,如高昂的費用、大量的費用、迂迴的 KYC、入職流程和緩慢的付款處理時間。該平台將完全由智能合約管理,而不是由權力不受限制的中心化機構管理。更不用說早期預售投資者將能夠以與他們持有的 PUSHD 代幣數量成比例的收入份額的形式獲得被動收入。

Users can ensure that their funds are safe and secure from any untoward incidents thanks to Pushd’s (PUSHD) audited smart contracts, locked platform liquidity and locked team token allocations. This sets the stage for a run that could go anywhere from 20x to 40x in the next couple of years, something Dogecoin (DOGE) and Litecoin (LTC) may not ever achieve again. Back a winner in 2024 and join one of the top presale investment opportunities of the year in Pushd.

透過 Pushd (PUSHD) 審計的智慧合約、鎖定的平台流動性和鎖定的團隊代幣分配,用戶可以確保其資金安全,免受任何意外事件的影響。這為未來幾年可能上漲 20 倍到 40 倍的價格奠定了基礎,而狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和萊特幣 (LTC) 可能永遠不會再實現這一目標。支持 2024 年獲勝者,並加入 Pushd 年度最佳預售投資機會之一。

Find out more about the Pushd presale at their official website.

在其官方網站上了解有關 Pushd 預售的更多資訊。

The post Keep 20% of your portfolio in Pushd (PUSHD) says Litecoin (LTC) & Dogecoin (DOGE) billionaire, as Presale continues appeared first on Latest News and Insights on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Investing.

隨著預售的繼續,萊特幣(LTC) 和狗狗幣(DOGE) 億萬富翁將20% 的投資組合保留在Pushd (PUSHD) 中的帖子首先出現在區塊鏈、加密貨幣和投資的最新新聞和見解上。


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