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The Power of Memes: How Fun and Community Drive the Crypto Market


發布: 2024/09/25 00:30 閱讀: 866

原文作者:The Crypto Times



Meme culture has played a significant role in the adoption of cryptocurrency over the past decade. In fact, the growth of meme culture and crypto adoption have gone hand in hand.


Currently, there are over 300 memecoins with a total market cap of $41.3 billion, as per Coingecko. While this may seem insignificant compared to the larger crypto market ($2.1 trillion), it's remarkable that memecoins have endured, despite initial skepticism surrounding Dogecoin in 2013.

據 Coingecko 稱,目前有 300 多種 memecoin,總市值達 413 億美元。雖然與更大的加密貨幣市場(2.1兆美元)相比,這似乎微不足道,但值得注意的是,儘管 2013 年人們最初對狗狗幣持懷疑態度,但迷因幣仍然能夠持續存在。

The Power of Meme Culture in Crypto


Memecoins have existed for over a decade, with Dogecoin being the pioneer. Initially created as a parody of Bitcoin, the idea was to inject some fun into the digital asset industry.

Memecoin 已經存在十多年了,狗狗幣是先驅。最初是為了模仿比特幣而創建的,其想法是為數位資產產業注入一些樂趣。

Today, there are various memecoins, ranging from DOGs and CATs to Election tokens. Notably, these memecoins have fostered vibrant communities, including those around PEPE, WIF, Shiba Inu, and Elon Musk-endorsed coins like DOGE and LADYs.

如今,有各種各樣的模因幣,從狗和貓到選舉代幣。值得注意的是,這些迷因幣培育了充滿活力的社區,包括 PEPE、WIF、Shiba Inu 以及埃隆馬斯克認可的 DOGE 和 LADY 等代幣周圍的社區。

Growth of the Meme Culture


Solana's ecosystem has recently experienced tremendous growth, showcasing the influence of meme culture in crypto. DeFi Llama metrics indicate that the total value locked (TVL) has surged from $1.4 billion to $4.8 billion. Additionally, the number of active wallets on Solana has reached 3.2 million in the past 24 hours, exceeding Ethereum's 349K.

Solana 的生態系統最近經歷了巨大的成長,展示了迷因文化對加密貨幣的影響。 DeFi Llama 指標顯示,鎖定的總價值 (TVL) 已從 14 億美元飆升至 48 億美元。此外,Solana 上的活躍錢包數量在過去 24 小時內已達到 320 萬個,超過以太坊的 34.9 萬個。

Many memecoins are constantly being launched on Solana, each targeting specific niches. This culture, coupled with the appeal to organic communities for entertainment or viral jokes, has led to massive growth in memecoins like WIF, which has soared by over 100,000% in just nine months.

Solana 上不斷推出許多迷因幣,每種都針對特定的利基市場。這種文化,再加上有機社群對娛樂或病毒式笑話的吸引力,導致了 WIF 等迷因幣的大幅增長,在短短 9 個月內飆升了 100,000% 以上。

Influence of Prominent Figures


The memecoin culture has gained traction thanks to the support of influential figures like Elon Musk. Musk's enthusiasm for Dogecoin, particularly in 2020 and 2021, has drawn attention to memecoins. His suggestion that DOGE could become the official currency on Mars has further amplified its significance.

由於馬斯克等有影響力人物的支持,模因幣文化獲得了關注。馬斯克對狗狗幣的熱情,尤其是在 2020 年和 2021 年,引起了人們對迷因幣的關注。他關於 DOGE 可能成為火星上官方貨幣的建議進一步放大了其重要性。

The approval of influential figures has attracted more users and capital to the digital asset industry. When Musk tweets about DOGE, it not only generates interest among speculators, but also influences the investment strategies of traditional entities.


Beyond Speculation: Real-World Adoption


The meme culture is extending beyond entertainment into real-world use cases. Tesla's recent adoption of DOGE as an alternative payment option demonstrates the potential for memecoins to evolve. It raises questions about whether memecoins could gain a foothold in everyday transactions.

迷因文化正在從娛樂領域擴展到現實世界的用例。特斯拉最近採用 DOGE 作為替代支付選項,證明了迷因幣的發展潛力。這引發了關於模因幣能否在日常交易中立足的問題。

While it's premature to draw definitive conclusions, it's evident that "community" consensus on a memecoin's value can establish it as a form of currency. Moreover, with on-chain lending platforms like Youholder, memecoin investors can now use their assets as collateral to access loans in USD, EUR, and CHF.

雖然現在下明確的結論還為時過早,但很明顯,「社群」對迷因幣價值的共識可以將其確立為一種貨幣形式。此外,透過像 Youholder 這樣的鏈上借貸平台,memecoin 投資者現在可以使用他們的資產作為抵押品來獲得美元、歐元和瑞士法郎的貸款。



The rise of meme culture in crypto highlights a changing landscape in the financial ecosystem. Fun and entertainment are becoming increasingly important factors for investors. Memecoins, with their hype-driven communities and speculative appeal, have emerged as a reflection of this shift.

加密貨幣中迷因文化的興起凸顯了金融生態系統中不斷變化的格局。樂趣和娛樂正成為投資者越來越重要的因素。 Memecoins 以其炒作驅動的社區和投機吸引力,已成為這種轉變的反映。


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