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The latest price of Dogecoin at 20:00 on August 27, 2024


發布: 2024/08/27 20:01 閱讀: 316


(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)


Dogecoin Price Update: August 27, 2024

狗狗幣價格更新:2024 年 8 月 27 日

As of August 27, 2024, at 08:00 PM ET, Dogecoin (DOGE) is trading at $0.10438632224146. The cryptocurrency has recorded a 24-hour trading volume of $548,859,675.70845.

截至 2024 年 8 月 27 日美國東部時間晚上 8:00,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的交易價格為 0.10438632224146 美元。該加密貨幣的 24 小時交易量為 548,859,675.70845 美元。

Market Analysis


Over the past 24 hours, the price of Dogecoin has experienced a downward trend, dropping by approximately 4.14903676%. This decline follows a period of relative stability for DOGE, which had been trading within a narrow range for several days.

在過去24小時內,狗狗幣的價格經歷了下跌趨勢,下跌了約4.14903676%。這次下跌是在 DOGE 經歷了一段相對穩定的時期之後發生的,該指數連續幾天都在窄幅區間內交易。

Supply and Market Capitalization


The circulating supply of Dogecoin is currently 145,706,606,383.71. The cryptocurrency's maximum supply is not defined, and the total supply stands at 145,706,606,383.71. With its current circulating supply and price, Dogecoin's market capitalization amounts to $15,209,776,766.679.

目前狗狗幣的流通量為145,706,606,383.71。該加密貨幣的最大供應量尚未確定,總供應量為145,706,606,383.71。以目前的流通供應量和價格計算,狗狗幣的市值達到 15,209,776,766.679 美元。



The short-term outlook for Dogecoin remains uncertain. While the cryptocurrency has experienced some downward pressure in recent days, it is too early to determine whether this will continue or if DOGE will rebound.

狗狗幣的短期前景仍然不確定。雖然加密貨幣最近幾天經歷了一些下行壓力,但現在判斷這種情況是否會持續或 DOGE 是否會反彈還為時過早。

Market dynamics, including investor sentiment and regulatory developments, will likely play a significant role in shaping Dogecoin's price movement in the coming days and weeks. Investors are advised to monitor the market closely and make informed decisions based on their own risk tolerance and investment objectives.



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