首頁 > 資訊新聞 > BCH 轉折點前景、看漲 Toncoin (TON) 預測以及 BlockDAG 平台創新

Prospek Titik Balik BCH, Prediksi Bullish Toncoin (TON), hingga Inovasi Platform BlockDAG

BCH 轉折點前景、看漲 Toncoin (TON) 預測以及 BlockDAG 平台創新

發布: 2024/06/24 15:07 閱讀: 385

原文作者:Blockchain Media Indonesia


BCH 轉折點前景、看漲 Toncoin (TON) 預測以及 BlockDAG 平台創新

The Prospects for Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Toncoin (TON), and BlockDAG

比特幣現金 (BCH)、Toncoin (TON) 和 BlockDAG 的前景

The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) community eagerly anticipates a potential turning point that could propel BCH higher, while Toncoin (TON) basks in the enthusiasm of bullish predictions following its recent all-time high (ATH) on June 15, 2024. Amidst these fluctuations, BlockDAG has gained attention by building a strong foundation that signals a shift towards a more user-friendly and accessible blockchain.

比特幣現金 (BCH) 社群熱切期待一個可能推動 BCH 走高的潛在轉折點,而 Toncoin (TON) 在 2024 年 6 月 15 日創下近期歷史新高 (ATH) 後,沉浸在看漲預測的熱情之中。透過建立堅實的基礎而受到關注,這標誌著向更用戶友好和易於訪問的區塊鏈的轉變。

Reasons for BCH's Potential Turning Point Amidst the Downtrend


Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has faced a downturn, recently trading around $469 and as of Monday afternoon hovering near $367, a 12.86% decrease over the last 7 days. Despite the decline, there is growing hope within the community for a significant rally towards $1000.

比特幣現金(BCH)面臨低迷,近期交易價格約為 469 美元,截至週一下午徘徊在 367 美元附近,過去 7 天下跌 12.86%。儘管下跌,社區內對大幅反彈至 1000 美元的希望越來越大。

This optimism is driven primarily by the potential for a surge in Bitcoin (BTC), which some predict could surpass $100,000.

這種樂觀情緒主要是由比特幣 (BTC) 飆升的潛力推動的,有些人預測比特幣可能會突破 10 萬美元。

Bullish signs are emerging in the Bitcoin Cash market. One is the decreasing availability of BCH tokens on exchanges, indicating that holders are choosing to store their crypto rather than sell, often a signal of future price appreciation. Additionally, the increase in illiquid BCH, or BCH unavailable for trading, points to another possible price surge.

比特幣現金市場正在出現看漲跡象。一是 BCH 代幣在交易所的可用性不斷下降,這表明持有者選擇儲存加密貨幣而不是出售,這通常是未來價格升值的訊號。此外,非流動性 BCH 或無法交易的 BCH 的增加表明價格可能再次飆升。

Bitcoin Cash currently holds a market capitalization of $9.2 billion, ranking it as the world's 16th largest cryptocurrency. While it maintains a strong market position, BCH's price is currently stuck in a consolidation pattern, characterized by relatively stable price action without significant spikes or drops.

比特幣現金目前的市值為 92 億美元,位居全球第 16 大加密貨幣。雖然 BCH 保持著強勁的市場地位,但其價格目前陷入盤整格局,其特點是價格走勢相對穩定,沒有大幅上漲或下跌。

A key hurdle to BCH's price increase is its resistance at the 50-day ($418) and 100-day ($445) Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs). These resistance levels represent price points at which BCH has struggled to move higher.

BCH 價格上漲的一個關鍵障礙是其 50 天(418 美元)和 100 天(445 美元)指數移動平均線 (EMA) 的阻力。這些阻力位代表了 BCH 難以走高的價格點。

To break above these levels, more favorable market conditions and positive investor sentiment are needed.


The Bitcoin Cash community is currently awaiting a positive market shift that could push BCH higher, especially if Bitcoin (BTC) also shows a significant increase, particularly given that the daily RSI is currently in the oversold zone.

比特幣現金社群目前正在等待積極的市場轉變,這可能會推動 BCH 走高,特別是如果比特幣 (BTC) 也顯示出大幅上漲,特別是考慮到每日 RSI 目前處於超賣區域。

Historically, BTC price movements have often influenced the altcoin market, including BCH. Should BTC breach the $100,000 level, BCH could also experience a significant price increase, even though it is currently 91% below its ATH of $4,355.

從歷史上看,BTC 的價格走勢經常影響山寨幣市場,包括 BCH。如果 BTC 突破 10 萬美元的水平,BCH 的價格也可能會大幅上漲,儘管目前其價格比 4,355 美元的 ATH 低 91%。

Toncoin's Bullish Predictions After Reaching ATH

Toncoin 達到 ATH 後的看漲預測

Toncoin has reached a new all-time high (ATH) of $7.78 on June 15, 2024, driven by a surge in trading volume and strong buyer interest. Over the past week, Toncoin's price jumped by 24.71% before experiencing a 5.2% drop over the last day, currently trading around $7.20 as of Monday afternoon, contributing to an 8.65% weekly decline.

在交易量激增和買家興趣濃厚的推動下,Toncoin 於 2024 年 6 月 15 日創下歷史新高 (ATH) 7.78 美元。過去一周,Toncoin 的價格上漲了 24.71%,最後一天下跌了 5.2%,截至週一下午目前交易價格約為 7.20 美元,週跌幅為 8.65%。

This milestone has positioned Toncoin as the ninth largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, surpassing Cardano (ADA) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

這一里程碑使 Toncoin 成為按市值計算的第九大加密貨幣,超過了卡爾達諾 (ADA) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE)。

The significant price increase reflects growing investor interest in Toncoin. Within a short period, Toncoin has managed to increase its market capitalization and establish itself among the top ten cryptocurrencies. This is a significant achievement that indicates potential for further growth within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

價格的大幅上漲反映了投資者對 Toncoin 的興趣不斷增長。在很短的時間內,Toncoin 就成功增加了其市值,並躋身十大加密貨幣之列。這是一項重大成就,顯示加密貨幣生態系統有進一步成長的潛力。

Current technical indicators suggest a strong bullish outlook. Toncoin's price has remained above $7.250, a positive sign for investors and traders. Stability at this level could propel the price towards $10 in the near future, if the bullish trend continues and buyer interest remains strong. Technically, the price is above the EMA20 and EMA50.

目前的技術指標顯示前景強勁。 Toncoin 的價格一直保持在 7.250 美元以上,這對投資者和交易者來說是一個積極的信號。如果看漲趨勢持續且買家興趣依然強勁,該水準的穩定可能會在不久的將來推動價格升至 10 美元。技術上,價格位於 EMA20 和 EMA50 上方。

Traders may anticipate a minor correction towards $6.83 (EMA50) which will be confirmed by the RSI data continuing to drop below 50.

交易者可能預計將小幅調整至 6.83 美元(EMA50),RSI 數據繼續跌破 50 將證實這一點。

BlockDAG's Strengths as an Innovative Blockchain Platform

BlockDAG 作為創新區塊鏈平台的優勢

BlockDAG, touted as an innovative platform in the blockchain space, envisions a more accessible and efficient landscape. With a successful presale that raised over $52.3 million, BlockDAG instills investor confidence, bolstered by the versatile ecosystem it offers.

BlockDAG 被譽為區塊鏈領域的創新平台,它設想了一個更容易存取和更有效率的環境。 BlockDAG 的預售成功,籌集了超過 5,230 萬美元的資金,在其提供的多功能生態系統的支持下,為投資者註入了信心。

One of BlockDAG's key strengths lies in its simplified system for creating utility tokens, meme tokens, and NFTs. Through its user-friendly low-code/no-code solution, the platform enables customization with ready-made templates. This not only reduces development time but also broadens blockchain accessibility for individuals and organizations that may lack in-depth technical expertise. Consequently, more users can engage with the blockchain ecosystem without facing significant technical barriers.

BlockDAG 的主要優勢之一在於其用於創建實用代幣、迷因代幣和 NFT 的簡化系統。透過其用戶友好的低程式碼/無程式碼解決方案,該平台可以使用現成的模板進行客製化。這不僅減少了開發時間,還為可能缺乏深入技術專業知識的個人和組織擴大了區塊鏈的可訪問性。因此,更多的用戶可以參與區塊鏈生態系統,而不會面臨重大的技術障礙。

The recent updates to the BlockDAG dashboard are a significant strategic move. New features like the up-to-date news section, user rankings, and comprehensive transaction history provide a more polished and interactive user experience. These enhancements increase transparency and user engagement by offering clear insights into user activity and rewards. This allows users to more easily track and understand their interactions with the platform, fostering more active participation in the BlockDAG ecosystem.

BlockDAG 儀表板的最新更新是一項重大策略舉措。最新新聞部分、用戶排名和全面的交易歷史記錄等新功能提供了更精緻和互動的用戶體驗。這些增強功能透過提供對用戶活動和獎勵的清晰洞察來提高透明度和用戶參與度。這使得用戶能夠更輕鬆地追蹤和了解他們與平台的交互,從而促進更積極地參與 BlockDAG 生態系統。

Amidst the anticipation of a turning point, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Toncoin portray contrasting market dynamics, yet BlockDAG captures attention with its project's strategic advancements. With a solid foundation, BlockDAG not only responds to market demands but also reshapes how blockchain technology is efficiently accessed and utilized.

在轉折點的預期中,比特幣現金 (BCH) 和 Toncoin 描繪了截然不同的市場動態,而 BlockDAG 則以其專案的策略進展吸引了人們的注意。憑藉著堅實的基礎,BlockDAG不僅響應了市場需求,而且重塑了區塊鏈技術的高效接入和利用方式。


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