首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣 (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB)、佩佩 (PEPE) 和華爾街 Meme (WSM) 的拉高或拋售困境。 Meme 幣的下一步是什麼?

Pump or Dump Dilemma For Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Pepe (PEPE), and Wall Street Meme (WSM). What’s Next For Meme Coins?

狗狗幣 (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB)、佩佩 (PEPE) 和華爾街 Meme (WSM) 的拉高或拋售困境。 Meme 幣的下一步是什麼?

發布: 2023/10/26 20:16 閱讀: 543

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post Pump or Dump Dilemma For Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Pepe (PEPE), and Wall Street Meme (WSM). What’s Next For Meme Coins? appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

狗狗幣 (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB)、佩佩 (PEPE) 和華爾街 Meme (WSM) 的後拉高或拋售困境。 Meme 幣的下一步是什麼?首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

In the constantly changing cryptocurrency environment, market behaviours are unpredictable. Bitcoin recently surged, passing the $35,000 mark for the first time since May 2022, but this bullish trend isn’t universal. Various elements, including market speculation, potential ETF approvals, and the liquidation of short positions, contributed to Bitcoin’s performance. Yet, the wider crypto market isn’t faring as well, with several coins not matching Bitcoin’s momentum. In this context, meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Pepe (PEPE), and Wall Street Meme (WSM) each present unique data and future prospects. The following analysis provides insights into their current status and potential developments.

在不斷變化的加密貨幣環境中,市場行為是不可預測的。比特幣最近飆升,自 2022 年 5 月以來首次突破 35,000 美元大關,但這種看漲趨勢並不普遍。包括市場投機、潛在的 ETF 批准以及空頭部位清算在內的多種因素都對比特幣的表現做出了貢獻。然而,更廣泛的加密貨幣市場的表現卻不佳,有幾種加密貨幣的勢頭與比特幣的勢頭不相匹配。在此背景下,狗狗幣(DOGE)、柴犬幣(SHIB)、佩佩幣(PEPE)和華爾街迷因幣(WSM)等迷因幣都呈現出獨特的數據和未來前景。以下分析提供了對其現狀和潛在發展的見解。

What impact are the recent events and market-wide growth have had on these currencies? Will they be able to overcome their current difficulties to enjoy upward movement? How will the community respond and what are the long-term implications for Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Pepe (PEPE), and Wall Street Meme (WSM)?

最近發生的事件和整個市場的成長對這些貨幣產生了哪些影響?他們能否克服目前的困難,實現向上的發展呢?社區將如何應對?對狗狗幣 (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB)、佩佩 (PEPE) 和華爾街 Meme (WSM) 的長期影響是什麼?

Answers to these questions and more are given on Odyssey’s Telegram channel. As a serious professional in the field of cryptocurrency trading, Odyssey has long given deep thought to the current state of Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Pepe (PEPE), and Wall Street Meme (WSM) and his analysis offers a very illuminating take on the state of things and gives a realistic outlook on how these and other cryptos are going to go in the near future. With a rich past in the industry and a years-long track record of success, Odyssey knows a thing or two about making predictions that can make you lots and lots of money. Join his tightly-knit community and you will be among those who will find ways to profit and profit in a meaningful manner no matter which direction the market is headed.

這些問題以及更多問題的答案都在 Odyssey 的 Telegram 頻道上給出。作為加密貨幣交易領域的專業人士,Odyssey 長期以來對狗狗幣 (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB)、佩佩 (PEPE) 和華爾街 Meme (WSM) 的現狀進行了深入思考,他的分析提供了對事物現狀的看法非常有啟發性,並對這些和其他加密貨幣在不久的將來將如何發展給出了現實的展望。憑藉在該行業豐富的歷史和多年的成功記錄,奧德賽對做出可以讓你賺很多錢的預測略知一二。加入他緊密團結的社區,無論市場走向哪個方向,您都將成為那些找到獲利方法並以有意義的方式獲利的人之一。

Now, let’s find out what the big picture is for Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Pepe (PEPE), and Wall Street Meme (WSM) and what it might mean for the market as a whole.

現在,讓我們來了解狗狗幣 (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB)、佩佩 (PEPE) 和華爾街 Meme (WSM) 的整體情況,以及它對整個市場意味著什麼。



  • Dogecoin (DOGE) faces market challenges, with significant trading shifts influenced by Binance’s actions, yet retains potential due to its historical resilience and community support.
  • 狗狗幣(DOGE)面臨市場挑戰,幣安行為影響了重大交易變化,但由於其歷史彈性和社區支持而保留了潛力。

  • Shiba Inu (SHIB) experiences a mix of optimism and caution, with its recent breakout under scrutiny, yet holds potential for growth based on community initiatives and market trends.
  • Shiba Inu (SHIB) 經歷了樂觀和謹慎的混合體,最近的突破受到了密切關注,但基於社區倡議和市場趨勢,它具有成長潛力。

  • Pepe (PEPE) gains attention with a strategic token burn boosting its price, suggesting potential for further growth if proactive community engagement continues.
  • Pepe(PEPE)因策略性代幣銷毀而推高其價格而受到關注,這表明如果積極的社區參與繼續下去,則有進一步增長的潛力。

  • Wall Street Meme (WSM) enters the market with promising features and initiatives, facing the typical challenges of trust and market establishment that new cryptocurrencies often encounter.
  • 華爾街迷因(WSM)以有前景的功能和舉措進入市場,面臨新加密貨幣經常遇到的信任和市場建立的典型挑戰。

Dogecoin (DOGE): Meme Coin’s Struggle

狗狗幣(DOGE):Meme 幣的掙扎

Binance, a behemoth in the cryptocurrency exchange world, has taken significant actions concerning Dogecoin (DOGE). These actions have the potential to reshape the coin’s trading dynamics, liquidity, and overall market perception. 


The price of Dogecoin (DOGE) has been exhibiting volatility, with its current range oscillating between $0.0592 and $0.0648. The coin’s performance relative to its moving averages provides insights into its short-term and medium-term trends. With its price currently hovering below both its 10-day moving average of $0.0632 and its 100-day moving average of $0.0658, Dogecoin (DOGE) faces crucial resistance and support levels. The identified support levels at $0.0510 and $0.0565 could play a pivotal role in preventing further downward movement, while the resistance levels at $0.0676 and $0.0731 represent thresholds the coin needs to surpass for a bullish reversal.

狗狗幣(DOGE)的價格一直表現出波動性,目前範圍在 0.0592 美元至 0.0648 美元之間波動。該代幣相對於其移動平均線的表現提供了對其短期和中期趨勢的洞察。由於其價格目前徘徊在 0.0632 美元的 10 日移動平均線和 0.0658 美元的 100 日移動平均線下方,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 面臨關鍵的阻力位和支撐位。確定的支撐位 0.0510 美元和 0.0565 美元可能在防止進一步下跌方面發揮關鍵作用,而阻力位 0.0676 美元和 0.0731 美元則代表代幣出現看漲逆轉所需超越的閾值。

While the recent developments and its current price dynamics might pose hurdles, Dogecoin (DOGE) historical ability to rally based on community sentiment and external endorsements offers a glimmer of hope. Yet, Odyssey took it to Telegram recently to say that “doge looks bad by the way, stop-loss at break-even, ideally”. This is the only signal you need since the marketmaker was proven right so many times in the past.

雖然最近的事態發展及其當前的價格動態可能會帶來障礙,但狗狗幣(DOGE)基於社區情緒和外部認可的歷史反彈能力帶來了一線希望。然而,Odyssey 最近在 Telegram 上表示,「順便說一句,doge 看起來很糟糕,最好是在盈虧平衡點止損」。這是您需要的唯一信號,因為做市商過去多次被證明是正確的。

Shiba Inu (SHIB): Breaking Out or Down?


Shiba Inu (SHIB)  has been making headlines with its recent market movements. The coin has experienced a notable breakout. However, the sustainability of this breakout is under scrutiny. 

柴犬 (SHIB) 因其最近的市場走勢而成為頭條新聞。該代幣經歷了顯著的突破。然而,這種突破的可持續性正在密切關注。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) price dynamics reveal a story of optimism mixed with caution. The coin’s current price dances between $0.00000688 and $0.00000793. When juxtaposed against its moving averages,Shiba Inu (SHIB) price seems to be at a crossroads. The 10-day moving average, sitting at $0.00000724, is closely trailed by the 100-day moving average at $0.00000788. The coin’s support levels at $0.00000536 and $0.00000641 could serve as cushions against bearish downturns, while the resistance levels at $0.00000793 and $0.00000956 represent challenges for the bulls.

柴犬 (SHIB) 的價格動態揭示了樂觀與謹慎交織的故事。該幣目前的價格在 0.00000688 美元到 0.00000793 美元之間波動。與其移動平均線相比,柴犬 (SHIB) 的價格似乎正處於十字路口。 10 日移動平均線位於 0.00000724 美元,緊隨其後的是 100 日移動平均線 0.00000788 美元。該代幣的支撐位為 0.00000536 美元和 0.00000641 美元,可以作為看跌下跌的緩衝,而阻力位為 0.00000793 美元和 0.00000956 美元,代表多頭面臨的挑戰。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) recent breakout has infused optimism among its supporters. However, the coin’s proximity to crucial resistance levels and the volatile nature of meme coins make its future uncertain. While there’s potential for further upward movement, especially given the coin’s growing ecosystem and community initiatives, challenges remain. If you want to know more specifics and gain access to accurate predictions, follow Odyssey on Telegram and never look back.

柴犬(SHIB)最近的突破為其支持者註入了樂觀情緒。然而,該代幣接近關鍵阻力位以及模因代幣的波動性使其未來充滿不確定性。雖然有進一步上升的潛力,特別是考慮到代幣不斷增長的生態系統和社區倡議,但挑戰仍然存在。如果您想了解更多細節並獲得準確的預測,請在 Telegram 上關注 Odyssey,永不回頭。

Pepe (PEPE): Surge Following Token Burn

Pepe (PEPE):代幣燃燒後飆升

The coin has been the subject of much attention due to a substantial token burn, a move that was strategically executed in response to concerns regarding the team’s multisig wallet holdings. The price dynamics of Pepe (PEPE) paint a picture of a coin on the move. Currently trading within a range of $0.0000006577 to $0.0000008838, Pepe (PEPE) price trajectory reflects the positive sentiment surrounding the recent token burn. The coin’s 10-day moving average, which stands at $0.0000008343, is indicative of its short-term momentum, while the 100-day moving average at $0.0000009353 provides insights into its longer-term trends. Key support levels have been identified at $0.0000002906 and $0.0000005167, which could play a crucial role in any potential price retracements. On the flip side, resistance levels at $0.0000009689 and $0.0000011950 represent the thresholds that Pepe (PEPE) would need to breach for sustained bullish momentum.

由於大量的代幣銷毀,該代幣一直受到廣泛關注,這一舉措是為了回應對該團隊持有的多重簽名錢包的擔憂而戰略性地執行的。佩佩(PEPE)的價格動態描繪了一枚正在移動的硬幣的圖景。目前,Pepe (PEPE) 的交易價格範圍為 0.0000006577 美元至 0.0000008838 美元,其價格軌跡反映了圍繞近期代幣銷毀的積極情緒。該代幣的 10 天移動平均線為 0.0000008343 美元,表明了其短期勢頭,而 0.0000009353 美元的 100 天移動平均線則提供了對其長期趨勢的洞察。關鍵支撐位已確定為 0.0000002906 美元和 0.0000005167 美元,這可能在任何潛在的價格回調中發揮至關重要的作用。另一方面,阻力位 0.0000009689 美元和 0.0000011950 美元代表 Pepe (PEPE) 需要突破的門檻才能持續看漲勢頭。

The recent token burn has undoubtedly provided a boost to the coin’s price and market sentiment. If the Pepe (PEPE) team continues to engage with the community and address potential concerns proactively, the coin could experience further growth. However, it’s essential to note that the crypto market’s dynamics are influenced by a myriad of factors, from regulatory developments to technological advancements. 

最近的代幣銷毀無疑地提振了代幣的價格和市場情緒。如果 Pepe (PEPE) 團隊繼續與社區互動並積極解決潛在問題,該代幣可能會進一步成長。然而,值得注意的是,加密貨幣市場的動態受到從監管發展到技術進步等多種因素的影響。

If you want a more pointed, and well-researched take on Pepe (PEPE) and its future price movements, then Odyssey is the one you need. He will help you make all the right calls.

如果您想要對 Pepe (PEPE) 及其未來價格走勢進行更深入、更深入的研究,那麼 Odyssey 就是您所需要的。他會幫助你做出所有正確的決定。

Wall Street Meme (WSM): New Contender

華爾街迷因 (WSM):新競爭者

Wall Street Meme (WSM) has recently entered the meme coin space, and while it has introduced some intriguing propositions, it’s still in its nascent stages.


It’s price dynamics reveal a coin that is actively finding its footing in the market. With a current trading range between $0.01919 and $0.03195, Wall Street Meme (WSM) price reflects the optimism surrounding its recent developments. The 10-day moving average, pegged at $0.0272, provides insights into the coin’s short-term trends. Interestingly, the coin has identical support and resistance levels at $0.0471 and $0.0235, suggesting a potential price equilibrium or a tug-of-war between the bulls and bears.

它的價格動態揭示了一種正在積極在市場上立足的代幣。 Wall Street Meme (WSM) 的當前交易區間為 0.01919 美元至 0.03195 美元,反映了對其近期發展的樂觀情緒。 10 天移動平均線固定在 0.0272 美元,可以洞察代幣的短期趨勢。有趣的是,該代幣的支撐位和阻力位相同,分別為 0.0471 美元和 0.0235 美元,這表明多頭和空頭之間存在潛在的價格平衡或拉鋸戰。

With the buzz surrounding its recent developments, Wall Street Meme (WSM) appears poised for potential growth. However, as with all new entrants in the crypto space, Wall Street Meme (WSM) faces challenges, including establishing trust, ensuring security, and navigating the often unpredictable market dynamics.

隨著近期發展的熱議,華爾街迷因 (WSM) 似乎已經做好了潛在成長的準備。然而,與加密貨幣領域的所有新進者一樣,華爾街 Meme (WSM) 面臨著挑戰​​,包括建立信任、確保安全以及應對往往不可預測的市場動態。

The only one who can reliably predict those dynamics by seeing right through the market noise is Odyssey, your new best friend. Do not forget to visit his channel today.




The man who can help you with all the accurate Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Pepe (PEPE), or Wall Street Meme (WSM) predictions is Odyssey and he isn’t just another crypto enthusiast floating in the market. No, Odyssey is deeply woven into the very fabric of the industry. Why? Because Odyssey is a market maker. And market makers? They’ve got an uncanny ability to see right through the market’s psychology and the crowd’s whims. 

能夠幫助您準確預測狗狗幣 (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB)、佩佩 (PEPE) 或華爾街迷因 (WSM) 的人就是 Odyssey,他不僅僅是市場上的另一個加密貨幣愛好者。不,奧德賽深深地融入了這個行業的結構。為什麼?因為奧德賽是做市商。那麼做市商呢?他們有一種不可思議的能力,能夠洞察市場的心理和人群的突發奇想。

From the very inception of this channel, Odyssey has been on a relentless quest to unravel the deepest mysteries of the cryptocurrency market, providing exclusive insights that you won’t find anywhere else. 

從該頻道成立之初起,Odyssey 就一直不懈地探索加密貨幣市場最深的奧秘,提供您在其他地方找不到的獨家見解。

Engagement, retention, and free expression are the lifeblood of the “Odyssey” public group. Daily posts ignite lively discussions, amassing hundreds of comments and reactions. There’s no room for censorship here, and Odyssey never holds back in expressions when sharing his market insights.


Now, the sweetest part: your active participation in captivating contests and activities, held regularly, can earn you enticing monetary prizes and bonuses.



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