首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 權威人士看好 PEPE 和 ETFSwap (ETFS),拒絕 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Fantom (FTM)

Pundit Bullish On PEPE And ETFSwap (ETFS), Turns Down Shiba Inu (SHIB) And Fantom (FTM)

權威人士看好 PEPE 和 ETFSwap (ETFS),拒絕 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Fantom (FTM)

發布: 2024/07/04 00:05 閱讀: 970

原文作者:Crypto News Land


權威人士看好 PEPE 和 ETFSwap (ETFS),拒絕 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Fantom (FTM)

A Pundit's Perspective: Bullish on ETFSwap (ETFS), Cautious on PEPE, Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Fantom (FTM)

專家觀點:看漲 ETFSwap (ETFS),謹慎對待 PEPE、Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Fantom (FTM)

An esteemed cryptocurrency expert has expressed bullish sentiments towards ETFSwap (ETFS), projecting a promising future for the innovative DeFi trading platform.

一位受人尊敬的加密貨幣專家表達了對 ETFSwap (ETFS) 的看好情緒,並預測創新的 DeFi 交易平台前景光明。

ETFSwap (ETFS): Groundbreaking DeFi Trading Platform

ETFSwap (ETFS):突破性的 DeFi 交易平台

ETFSwap is an Ethereum-based DeFi platform that stands out from the competition with its hybrid trading platform. This novel approach enables investors to capitalize on lucrative ETF listings without tedious KYC requirements.

ETFSwap 是一個基於以太坊的 DeFi 平台,以其混合交易平台在競爭中脫穎而出。這種新穎的方法使投資者能夠利用利潤豐厚的 ETF 上市,而無需繁瑣的 KYC 要求。

The platform fosters profitability for traders by offering 50x leverage, allowing them to maximize returns on their tokenized ETF investments and crypto holdings. ETFSwap caters to both novice and experienced investors with user-friendly trading strategies and customizable AI tools.

該平台透過提供 50 倍槓桿來提高交易者的獲利能力,使他們能夠最大限度地提高代幣化 ETF 投資和加密資產的回報。 ETFSwap 為新手和經驗豐富的投資者提供用戶友好的交易策略和可自訂的人工智慧工具。

Traders can earn passive income by staking assets and providing liquidity, with an impressive 87% APR. The expert anticipates a 4000% surge in ETFS, outperforming PEPE, Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Fantom (FTM).

交易者可以透過抵押資產和提供流動性來賺取被動收入,年利率高達 87%,令人印象深刻。專家預計 ETFS 將飆升 4000%,表現優於 PEPE、Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Fantom (FTM)。

PEPE: Potential Scenarios and Wave Patterns


Crypto analyst Davie Satoshi has outlined potential scenarios for PEPE, suggesting either a跟随BTC走势或独立上涨的可能性。他预测即将出现第三波上涨,并表示绿柱出现将标志着PEPE的复苏。目前,PEPE交易价格为0.000000001094美元,24小时内上涨11.76%。

Crypto analyst Davie Satoshi has outlined potential scenarios for PEPE, suggesting either a跟隨BTC走勢或獨立上漲的可能性。他預測即將出現第三波上漲,並表示綠柱出現將標誌著PEPE的復甦。目前,PEPE交易價格為0.000000001094美元,24小時內上漲11.76%。

Shiba Inu (SHIB): Discouraging Downtrend


Shiba Inu has failed to impress investors with its lackluster price performance in recent weeks. The steady decline has eroded investor confidence, as evidenced by the narrowing gap between profitable and unprofitable holders. The asset currently trades around $0.000017, reflecting a drop of over 2.24%.

最近幾週,柴犬的價格表現不佳,未能給投資者留下深刻印象。持續下跌削弱了投資者的信心,獲利和虧損持有者之間差距的縮小就證明了這一點。該資產目前交易價格約為 0.000017 美元,跌幅超過 2.24%。

Fantom (FTM): Bearish Price Performance

Fantom (FTM):看跌價格表現

Fantom has also failed to attract the expert's favor due to its bearish price performance throughout most of the year. The asset has lost nearly 30% in the past month, despite the Fantom Foundation's announcement of a $114 million investment to develop the Sonic blockchain. However, the weak bullish momentum has led the pundit to prioritize ETFSwap (ETFS) as a more attractive investment.

Fantom也因其全年大部分時間的價格表現看跌而未能吸引專家的青睞。儘管 Fantom 基金會宣布投資 1.14 億美元開發 Sonic 區塊鏈,但該資產在過去一個月仍損失了近 30%。然而,疲弱的看漲勢頭導致專家優先考慮 ETFSwap(ETFS)作為更具吸引力的投資。

Why ETFSwap (ETFS) Stands Out

為什麼 ETFSwap (ETFS) 脫穎而出

ETFSwap's viral ICO, priced at $0.01831, offers a potential for significant returns. As the platform progresses, the price is expected to increase to $0.03846 in the next stage.

ETFSwap 的病毒式 ICO 價格為 0.01831 美元,提供了巨大回報的潛力。隨著平台的進展,下一階段價格預計將上漲至 0.03846 美元。

For further information on the ETFS presale:

有關 ETFS 預售的更多資訊:

[ETFS Presale](https://www.etfswap.finance/)
[ETFS Community](https://t.me/ETFS_Swap)



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