首頁 > 資訊新聞 > QED Protocol 和 Nexus 旨在將智能合約引入 DOGE 和 SHIB;道元翱翔

QED Protocol and Nexus aim to bring smart contracts to DOGE and SHIB; Dogen soars

QED Protocol 和 Nexus 旨在將智能合約引入 DOGE 和 SHIB;道元翱翔

發布: 2024/09/29 12:01 閱讀: 231



QED Protocol 和 Nexus 旨在將智能合約引入 DOGE 和 SHIB;道元翱翔

Smart Contracts Impact Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Burn Rates, Boosting Dogen's Price Surge

智能合約影響狗狗幣和柴犬銷毀率,推動 Dogen 價格飆升

Smart contract capabilities are now targeting Dogecoin and Shiba Inu cryptocurrencies, leading to a surge in their burn rates and attracting investor interest. Amid these developments, Dogen has emerged as a promising player in the cryptocurrency landscape, with its price skyrocketing.

智慧合約功能現在針對狗狗幣和柴犬加密貨幣,導致其燒錢率激增並吸引投資者的興趣。在這些發展中,Dogen 已成為加密貨幣領域的一個有前途的參與者,其價格飛漲。

DOGEN: A New Memecoin for Sophisticated Investors

DOGEN:適合成熟投資者的新 Memecoin

DOGEN is a recently launched memecoin that targets a niche of investors seeking exceptional growth potential. Positioned as a token for "alpha investors," DOGEN aims to provide substantial returns in the competitive altcoin market. Its presale anticipates a 700% growth rate by completion.

DOGEN 是最近推出的迷因幣,針對尋求非凡成長潛力的投資者。 DOGEN 定位為「阿爾法投資者」的代幣,旨在在競爭激烈的山寨幣市場中提供可觀的回報。預計其預售完成後將實現 700% 的成長率。

Dogecoin: From Humility to Market Phenom


Dogecoin (DOGE) originated in 2013 as a playful alternative to traditional cryptocurrencies. Despite its modest beginnings, DOGE's value soared in 2021, propelling it into the top ten cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. Social media influence, particularly from Elon Musk, played a significant role in its rise.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 起源於 2013 年,作為傳統加密貨幣的有趣替代品。儘管起步階段並不起眼,但 DOGE 的價值在 2021 年飆升,使其躋身市值前十名的加密貨幣之列。社群媒體的影響力,尤其是馬斯克的影響力,在其崛起中發揮了重要作用。

Shiba Inu Coin: Utility Beyond Meme Status

柴犬幣:超越 Meme 地位的實用性

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is an Ethereum-based memecoin inspired by Dogecoin. Its initial supply of one quadrillion tokens was launched in 2020 by an anonymous developer. Unlike Dogecoin, SHIB seeks to expand its utility through projects like decentralized exchanges and NFT platforms.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 是一種基於以太坊的迷因幣,靈感來自狗狗幣。其初始供應量為 1000 億枚代幣,由一位匿名開發人員於 2020 年推出。與狗狗幣不同的是,SHIB 尋求透過去中心化交易所和 NFT 平台等項目來擴大其效用。



While Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have exhibited notable activity, their short-term potential may be limited. In contrast, DOGEN has garnered attention with its exclusive brand and focus on investor benefits. With its high growth potential and community-driven approach, DOGEN aligns with successful predecessors like BONK and Popcat. Its presale offers substantial rewards to early adopters and positions it as an attractive option for investors seeking significant returns.

雖然狗狗幣和柴犬表現出了顯著的活動,但它們的短期潛力可能有限。相比之下,DOGEN憑藉其獨特的品牌和對投資者利益的關注而受到關注。憑藉其高成長潛力和社區驅動的方法,DOGEN 與 BONK 和 Popcat 等成功的前輩保持一致。它的預售為早期採用者提供了豐厚的回報,並使其成為尋求高回報的投資者的一個有吸引力的選擇。

For further inquiries, visit the official DOGEN website or connect with its community on X and Telegram.

如需進一步諮詢,請造訪 DOGEN 官方網站或在 X 和 Telegram 上聯絡其社群​​。


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