首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Queen Cardi B Memecoin在KuCoin上市前暴漲14,000%,而SHIB、Bonk和Dogecoin陷入困境

Queen Cardi B Memecoin to Skyrocket 14,000% Before KuCoin Listing, While SHIB, Bonk and Dogecoin Struggle

Queen Cardi B Memecoin在KuCoin上市前暴漲14,000%,而SHIB、Bonk和Dogecoin陷入困境

發布: 2024/06/21 01:07 閱讀: 722

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence


Queen Cardi B Memecoin在KuCoin上市前暴漲14,000%,而SHIB、Bonk和Dogecoin陷入困境

High-Growth Memecoin: Queen Cardi B (CARDIQUE) poised for a Surging

高成長的 Memecoin:Queen Cardi B (CARDIQUE) 蓄勢待發



Early investors in memecoins like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Bonk (BONK), and Dogecoin (DOGE) often reaped substantial returns. Queen Cardi B (CARDIQUE), a newly launched Solana memecoin, presents a similar opportunity for a limited time. It's projected to potentially experience significant growth in value.

Shiba Inu (SHIB)、Bonk (BONK) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 等迷因幣的早期投資者經常獲得豐厚的回報。 Queen Cardi B (CARDIQUE) 是一種新推出的 Solana memecoin,在有限的時間內提供了類似的機會。預計其價值可能會顯著增長。

Upcoming Listing on KuCoin:


CARDIQUE is set to be listed on KuCoin, one of the world's leading centralized exchanges. This listing will provide easy access for millions of investors, likely driving demand for the token.

CARDIQUE 即將在全球領先的中心化交易所之一庫幣 (KuCoin) 上市。此次上市將為數百萬投資者提供便利的存取方式,可能會推動對該代幣的需求。

Early Investment Potential:


Currently, CARDIQUE is accessible through decentralized exchanges like Jupiter and Raydium. Early investors have the opportunity to acquire the token before the broader market becomes aware of its potential, thus potentially maximizing their returns.

目前,CARDIQUE 可透過 Jupiter 和 Raydium 等去中心化交易所進行存取。早期投資者有機會在更廣泛的市場意識到其潛力之前購買代幣,從而有可能最大化他們的回報。

Instruction for Purchasing:


To purchase CARDIQUE on these platforms:

要在這些平台上購買 CARDIQUE:

  • Connect a supported wallet (Solflare, MetaMask, or Phantom).
  • Exchange Solana for Queen Cardi B (using the contract address: GJENg6JvfcLYYD7UTAiyWrBq5PirrjV9aiN6hc1cNK7e).

Upside Potential:

連接支援的錢包(Solflare、MetaMask 或 Phantom)。

With a current market cap below $6,000, CARDIQUE exhibits significant room for growth. Its locked liquidity status of over $2,500 further reinforces its potential for price appreciation.

目前 CARDIQUE 的市值低於 6,000 美元,具有巨大的成長空間。其超過 2,500 美元的鎖定流動性狀態進一步增強了其價格升值的潛力。

Echoes of Previous Memecoin Success:

先前 Memecoin 成功的迴響:

Early investors in CARDIQUE may mirror the success stories of Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Bonk (BONK), which experienced dramatic surges in value.

CARDIQUE 的早期投資者可能會效仿柴犬幣 (SHIB)、狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和邦克幣 (BONK) 的成功故事,這些幣都經歷了價值的急劇飆升。

Potential for Wealth Creation:


If CARDIQUE gains traction similar to its predecessors, a new wave of memecoin investors could potentially witness substantial financial gains in a short time frame.

如果 CARDIQUE 獲得與其前輩類似的吸引力,新一波 memecoin 投資者可能會在短時間內見證可觀的財務收益。


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