首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 哈伊馬角推出新自由區以吸引 Web3 公司

Ras Al Khaimah Introduces New Free Zone To Attract Web3 Firms

哈伊馬角推出新自由區以吸引 Web3 公司

發布: 2023/10/20 08:15 閱讀: 769



  • The goal of this project is to promote Ras Al Khaimah as a center for innovative technology.
  • 該計畫的目標是促進哈伊馬角成為創新技術中心。

  • The United Arab Emirates is aggressively courting crypto and blockchain startups.
  • 阿拉伯聯合大公國正在積極吸引加密貨幣和區塊鏈新創公司。

One of the Emirates of UAE, Ras Al Khaimah, is taking deliberate effort to broaden its financial landscape. The RAK Digital Assets Oasis (RAK DAO) is a new free zone in the emirate that aims to support and promote the digital and virtual asset industry. The goal of this project is to promote Ras Al Khaimah as a center for innovative technology and attract crypto businesses from across the world.

阿聯酋酋長國之一的哈伊馬角正刻意努力擴大其金融版圖。哈伊馬角數位資產綠洲 (RAK DAO) 是酋長國的一個新自由區,旨在支持和促進數位和虛擬資產產業。該計畫的目標是促進哈伊馬角成為創新技術中心並吸引來自世界各地的加密業務。

Ras Al Khaimah, eager to keep up with the rapidly developing digital boom has announced RAK DAO, which aims to boost future technologies. This innovative project will likely create a tailored environment, inviting business owners from all around the globe to take part in the expanding digital and blockchain industry.

哈伊馬角渴望跟上快速發展的數位熱潮,宣布推出 RAK DAO,旨在推動未來技術的發展。這個創新項目可能會創造一個量身定制的環境,邀請來自世界各地的企業主參與不斷擴大的數位和區塊鏈產業。

Favorable Regulatory Climate


For its part, RAK DAO is dedicated to backing startups working with cutting-edge technologies like Web3 and its associated segments including NFTs and DeFi. In this free zone, company owners may keep all of the profits they make, and they’ll also benefit from reduced taxes and fewer rules.

就其本身而言,RAK DAO 致力於支援使用 Web3 等尖端技術及其相關領域(包括 NFT 和 DeFi)的新創公司。在這個自由區,公司所有者可以保留他們賺取的所有利潤,他們也將受益於減稅和更少的規則。

While non-financial activities will be the first emphasis of RAK DAO, the emirate plans to include financial activities in the future to demonstrate its commitment to innovation and regulatory compliance.

雖然非金融活動將是 RAK DAO 的首要重點,但酋長國計劃未來將金融活動納入其中,以展示其對創新和監管合規的承諾。

The United Arab Emirates is aggressively courting crypto and blockchain startups, promising them a favorable regulatory climate in which to thrive. Other major Emirates, including Dubai and Abu Dhabi, have already adopted virtual asset-friendly legislation and regulations, making it possible for crypto firms to establish themselves there.


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