首頁 > 資訊新聞 > RIP Bears:隨著 PlayDoge ICO 突破 570 萬美元,Meme 幣飆升

RIP Bears: Meme Coins Soar As PlayDoge ICO Zooms Past $5.7M

RIP Bears:隨著 PlayDoge ICO 突破 570 萬美元,Meme 幣飆升

發布: 2024/07/17 21:46 閱讀: 895

原文作者:InsideBitcoin News


RIP Bears:隨著 PlayDoge ICO 突破 570 萬美元,Meme 幣飆升

With over $5.7 million raised, PlayDoge ($PLAY) continues to hit big in its presale and is even ready to eclipse the $6 million mark this week.

PlayDoge ($PLAY) 籌集了超過 570 萬美元的資金,其預售繼續取得巨大成功,本週甚至準備突破 600 萬美元大關。

This meme coin, infused with a Web3 gaming twist, has investors eagerly anticipating the release of its crypto reinterpretation of a beloved 90s favorite, Tamagotchi.

這款 Meme 代幣融入了 Web3 遊戲元素,讓投資者熱切期待其對 90 年代最受歡迎的電子寵物 Tamagotchi 進行加密貨幣重新詮釋的發布。

Featuring a playable Shiba Inu character, PlayDoge has struck a chord with the Shiba Inu-loving crypto community, resulting in a substantial influx of capital in its barely two-month-old presale.

PlayDoge 以可玩的柴犬角色為特色,引起了喜愛柴犬的加密貨幣社群的共鳴,在其僅兩個月的預售中就吸引了大量資金湧入。

Currently priced at a discounted rate of $0.00519, the native token $PLAY is poised to rise to $0.00520 within hours as it consistently meets and surpasses presale targets.

目前,原生代幣 $PLAY 的折扣價為 0.00519 美元,由於它始終達到並超過預售目標,預計將在幾個小時內升至 0.00520 美元。

Investors looking to strengthen their meme coin portfolio should not overlook allocating some funds to $PLAY, especially at its current rate, given its strong presale performance even amid the market downturn in June, presenting a potential moonshot opportunity.

想要加強meme 幣投資組合的投資者不應忽視向$PLAY 分配一些資金,尤其是按照目前的匯率,因為即使在6 月份市場低迷的情況下,其預售表現依然強勁,這提供了潛在的登月機會。

This scenario isn't unrealistic as PlayDoge's presence on the BNB Smart Chain positions itself as a strong candidate for a Binance listing that could substantially enhance liquidity and drive its price upward.

這種情況並非不現實,因為 PlayDoge 在 BNB 智慧鏈上的存在將自己定位為幣安上市的有力候選者,這可以大大增強流動性並推動其價格上漲。

Meme Coins Are Back And PlayDoge Is Poised To Steal The Show

Meme 幣回歸,PlayDoge 準備搶盡風頭

The bears are currently resting in peace as the entire market has surged, gaining approximately $270 billion in the past week alone, now totaling $2.41 trillion following a significant rebound from the failed assassination plot on Donald Trump.

目前,空頭們正在安息,整個市場飆升,僅過去一周就上漲了約 2700 億美元,在刺殺唐納德·特朗普陰謀失敗後大幅反彈,目前總計 2.41 萬億美元。

Bitcoin has rebounded strongly, now hovering around $65,000 and tantalizingly close to $66,000, with Bitcoin ETFs seeing a $300 million inflow on Monday.

比特幣強勁反彈,目前徘徊在 65,000 美元左右,非常接近 66,000 美元,週一比特幣 ETF 流入 3 億美元。

This resurgence in the top crypto naturally trickled down to the meme coin sector. Leading the charge is our familiar frog-faced friend, Pepe ($PEPE), with a notable 40% increase over the past week.

頂級加密貨幣的復甦自然而然地蔓延到了迷因幣領域。領漲的是我們熟悉的青蛙臉朋友 Pepe ($PEPE),過去一週股價上漲了 40%。

Other top meme coins, not of the amphibious kind but of the canine variety like Dogecoin ($DOGE), Shiba Inu ($SHIB), DogWifHat ($WIF), and Bonk ($BONK), have also seen gains of 14.91%, 16.75%, 29.36%, and 7.85%, respectively.

其他頂級迷因幣,不是兩棲類而是犬類品種,如狗狗幣 ($DOGE)、柴犬 ($SHIB)、DogWifHat ($WIF) 和 Bonk ($BONK),也上漲了 14.91%,分別為16.75%、29.36% 和7.85%。

While $PEPE's recent gains are indeed significant, PlayDoge sees them merely as a warm-up act, with the potential to make $PEPE its personal foot massager – talk about turning Tamagotchi to Tama-Gucci.

雖然 $PEPE 最近的收益確實很可觀,但 PlayDoge 將其視為熱身行為,有可能使 $PEPE 成為其個人足部按摩器 - 談論將 Tamagotchi 變成 Tama-Gucci。

Because, unlike Pepe, PlayDoge isn't just another meme coin – it's also a Play-to-Earn (P2E) token packed with utilities across its soon-to-launch mobile game available on Google Play and Apple App Store.

因為,與Pepe 不同,PlayDoge 不僅僅是另一種迷因幣,它還是一種Play-to-Earn (P2E) 代幣,其中包含其即將在Google Play 和Apple App Store 上推出的手機遊戲的實用程式.

And the fact that PlayDoge has raised nearly $6 million, achieved without major VC funds and just with pure retail investor faith – in contrast to the recent report of 141 billion $PEPE purchases that significantly boosted its value – makes PlayDoge even more impressive.

事實上,PlayDoge 已經籌集了近600 萬美元,無需大型風險投資基金,僅憑藉純粹的散戶投資者信心即可實現— 與最近報道的1,410 億美元PEPE 購買大幅提升其價值— — 相比,這一事實讓PlayDoge 更加令人印象深刻。

PlayDoge Capitalizes On Web3 Gaming, May Help Balance The Gender Disparity In Crypto Ownership

PlayDoge 利用 Web3 遊戲,可能有助於平衡加密貨幣所有權中的性別差異

Web3 gaming remains a pivotal catalyst for crypto adoption. One major factor contributing to this is the involvement of prominent game developers like Ubisoft, which is introducing a new game with its own crypto twist.

Web3 遊戲仍然是加密貨幣採用的關鍵催化劑。促成這一現象的一個主要因素是育碧等著名遊戲開發商的參與,育碧正在推出一款帶有自己的加密貨幣的新遊戲。

Ubisoft recently launched Champion Tactics, its “first original Web3 game developed with NFTs front and center,” utilizing HOME Verse and Twentysix Cloud for its Web3 infrastructure.

育碧最近推出了 Champion Tactics,這是其“首款以 NFT 為核心開發的原始 Web3 遊戲”,利用 HOME Verse 和 Twentysix Cloud 作為其 Web3 基礎設施。

Similarly, PlayDoge's innovative approach to integrating crypto features into a game that resonates with millions who grew up playing Tamagotchi in the 90s certainly holds promise.

同樣,PlayDoge 將加密功能整合到遊戲中的創新方法引起了數百萬在 90 年代玩電子雞長大的人的共鳴,這無疑是有希望的。

PlayDoge rekindles this nostalgic appeal in a mobile app format, featuring the iconic Shiba Inu pup as a virtual pet, where players can earn $PLAY as reward for their care and attention.

PlayDoge 以行動應用程式的形式重新點燃了這種懷舊的吸引力,以標誌性的柴犬幼崽作為虛擬寵物,玩家可以賺取 $PLAY 作為對他們的照顧和關注的獎勵。

Furthermore, akin to Ubisoft's role in introducing crypto to newcomers, PlayDoge also has the potential to attract more female users to the space, reminiscent of how Tamagotchi devices captured the hearts of girls worldwide back in the day.

此外,類似於育碧向新手介紹加密貨幣的角色,PlayDoge 也有可能吸引更多女性用戶進入該領域,讓人想起當年電子寵物設備如何俘獲全世界女孩的心。

PlayDoge has the potential to capture a vast market, highlighted by the significant gender disparity in crypto ownership. Current data from the US reveals that 74% of crypto owners are male.

PlayDoge 有潛力佔領廣闊的市場,加密貨幣所有權方面存在的巨大性別差異凸顯了這一點。美國目前的數據顯示,74% 的加密貨幣所有者是男性。

$PLAY A Top Three Meme Coin Set To Shine In 2024's Bull Market

$PLAY 前三名 Meme 代幣將在 2024 年牛市中大放異彩

Thanks to the vast market it can capture, its exciting Play-to-Earn (P2E) gameplay, and irresistible memetic charm, PlayDoge is making its case in the meme coin race and it's a strong one.

憑藉其能夠佔領的廣闊市場、令人興奮的「邊玩邊賺」(P2E) 遊戲玩法以及不可抗拒的模因魅力,PlayDoge 在模因幣競賽中脫穎而出,並且表現強勁。

Early supporters are catching on, fueling PlayDoge's successful presale efforts as funds continue to stack up.

早期的支持者正在追捧,隨著資金的不斷積累,PlayDoge 的預售工作也取得了成功。

In addition, investors have locked in 220 million $PLAY tokens in the project's verified Web3Payments staking contract – equivalent to a fifth of the presale funds at $1.1 million – offering an 85% annual percentage yield (APY).

此外,投資者已在該項目經過驗證的 Web3Payments 質押合約中鎖定了 2.2 億美元 PLAY 代幣,相當於 110 萬美元預售資金的五分之一,年收益率 (APY) 為 85%。

This momentum has caught the attention of No BS Crypto, a YouTube channel with 90,500 subscribers, ranking PlayDoge among the top 10 meme coins expected to shine in the 2024 bull market.

這一勢頭引起了擁有 90,500 名訂閱者的 YouTube 頻道 No BS Crypto 的注意,將 PlayDoge 列為預計在 2024 年牛市中大放異彩的十大模因幣之一。

So for investors who don't want to miss out on the action, visit the PlayDoge website, connect your wallet, and secure your $PLAY tokens using BNB, ETH, or USDT. Bank cards are also accepted.

因此,對於不想錯過此機會的投資者,請訪問 PlayDoge 網站,連接您的錢包,並使用 BNB、ETH 或 USDT 保護您的 $PLAY 代幣。也接受銀行卡。

Rest assured, PlayDoge's smart contract has undergone a full audit by SolidProof, revealing no critical issues in its code.

請放心,PlayDoge 的智能合約已經過 SolidProof 的全面審核,其程式碼中沒有發現任何關鍵問題。

Keep up to speed with everything that's happening with this exciting new game by joining its community on X and Telegram.

加入 X 和 Telegram 社區,了解這款令人興奮的新遊戲的最新動態。

Buy $PLAY tokens now and prepare for the upcoming launch of this crypto-powered Tamagotchi-like game!

立即購買 $PLAY 代幣,為即將推出的這款加密電子寵物遊戲做好準備!


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