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Ripple CTO Issues Statement to Defend Open Source AI

Ripple 技術長發表聲明捍衛開源人工智慧

發布: 2024/01/15 22:00 閱讀: 293



Ripple 技術長發表聲明捍衛開源人工智慧

Ripple chief technology officer and one of the XRP Ledger founders, David Schwartz, has taken to the X/Twitter social media network to respond to the idea of banning open-source artificial intelligence products.

Ripple 技術長兼 XRP Ledger 創辦人之一 David Schwartz 在 X/Twitter 社群媒體網路上回應了禁止開源人工智慧產品的想法。

Analyzing a recent article published by tech magazine IEEE Spectrum, the Ripple CTO issued a critical comment on it, sharing his take on how he sees the role of decentralization in the AI space.

Ripple 技術長分析了科技雜誌 IEEE Spectrum 最近發表的一篇文章,對此發表了批評性評論,分享了他如何看待去中心化在人工智慧領域的作用。

This is quite literally a complaint that people were given access to tools that can make strong arguments in support of things others judge to be wrongthink. pic.twitter.com/MbyztNF1V8

這實際上是一種抱怨,即人們獲得了可以使用的工具,可以提出強有力的論點來支持其他人認為錯誤的想法。 pic.twitter.com/MbyztNF1V8

— David "JoelKatz" Schwartz (@JoelKatz) January 15, 2024

— 大衛「JoelKatz」施瓦茨 (@JoelKatz) 2024 年 1 月 15 日

“Open source AI dangerous,” Ripple CTO responds

Ripple 首席技術長回應:“開源人工智慧很危險”

Taking to the X platform, David Schwartz made a sarcastic comment on this article, hinting that the goal of the elite - the wealthy and privileged - is to seize control of tools that can perform unbiased analyses. The rest of the population, according to their logic, should be able to only access “tools purged of anything the elites judge to be wrongthink and unable and unwilling to challenge societal assumptions.”

David Schwartz 在 X 平台上對這篇文章做出了諷刺性評論,暗示精英——富有和特權階層——的目標是奪取能夠執行公正分析的工具的控制權。根據他們的邏輯,其他人應該只能使用「清除了菁英認為錯誤的想法、無法也不願意挑戰社會假設的工具」。

The article complains about “uncensored” versions of AI systems that are released following the ones with “security features,” and Schwartz commented on it, saying that the article subtly insists that average users should not be given access to “tools that can make strong arguments in support of things others judge to be wrongthink.”


Dogecoin founder’s statement on AI


As the new year of 2024 kicked off, Billy Markus, who created the original meme cryptocurrency, Dogecoin, 10 years ago, with Jackson Palmer, issued an AI-themed tweet, indicating what a great many of people are likely to start doing this year in attempts to master new opportunities offered by artificial intelligence tools.

2024 年新年伊始,比利馬庫斯 (Billy Markus) 發布了一條以人工智慧為主題的推文,暗示今年很多人可能會開始做些什麼。試圖掌握人工智慧工具提供的新機會。

In particular, he mentioned "New Year’s resolutions 2024," which included some both joking and serious things to be learned with the help of AI – learning to drive, learning to code, learning to be a lawyer/data scientist/accountant/book author/screenplay writer/musician.


All this is, in theory, possible to achieve by giving the necessary prompts to AI, such as ChatGPT, which works with texts.

理論上,這一切都可以透過向人工智慧提供必要的提示來實現,例如處理文字的 ChatGPT。

Elon Musk has also shared his optimistic view about the future of AI and what it can do for humanity. In a recent interview, the tech mogul stated that humanity is less than three years away from AI writing novels on the level of J.K. Rowling, discovering new physics and generally getting better at everything humans are good at already.

伊隆馬斯克也分享了他對人工智慧的未來及其為人類所做的事情的樂觀看法。在最近的一次採訪中,這位科技大亨表示,人類距離人工智慧寫出 J.K. 小說水平的小說還有不到三年的時間。羅琳發現了新的物理學,並且在人類已經擅長的一切方面都取得了進展。


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