首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Ripple 的 XRP 在 7 月令人失望的反彈之後能否反彈?現在是 XRP 與山寨幣的較量

Can Ripple’s XRP Bounce Back After July’s Disappointing Rally? It’s XRP Vs Altcoins Now

Ripple 的 XRP 在 7 月令人失望的反彈之後能否反彈?現在是 XRP 與山寨幣的較量

發布: 2024/07/26 01:11 閱讀: 527

原文作者:CoinPedia News


Ripple 的 XRP 在 7 月令人失望的反彈之後能否反彈?現在是 XRP 與山寨幣的較量

Can Ripple's XRP Rebound After July's Disappointing Rally? XRP vs. Altcoins

在 7 月令人失望的反彈之後,Ripple 的 XRP 能否反彈? XRP 與山寨幣

Amidst the current market conditions, it has become evident that not all projects experience upward surges. Some encounter challenges and stagnation, as is the case with XRP. According to analysts, XRP ranks among the underperforming altcoins in the market, leaving the question of whether a recovery is possible.

在當前的市場狀況下,很明顯並非所有項目都會出現上漲。有些會遇到挑戰和停滯,就像 XRP 的情況一樣。分析師表示,XRP 是市場上表現不佳的山寨幣之一,這留下了是否有可能復甦的問題。

XRP's Performance

XRP 的表現

In the past year, XRP has faced difficulties, with its value declining by approximately 18.4%. This performance falls short compared to other altcoins, such as Solana (up 63%), Dogecoin (up 82.75%), Toncoin (up 370%), and Chainlink (up 77.4%).

在過去的一年裡,XRP 遇到了困難,其價值下跌了約 18.4%。與其他山寨幣相比,如 Solana(上漲 63%)、Dogecoin(上漲 82.75%)、Toncoin(上漲 370%)和 Chainlink(上漲 77.4%),表現稍顯不足。

July's Price Movement


Despite its underperformance, analysts like Crypto Crusader noted a significant price movement for XRP in July. Many hoped this would mark a turning point. Historically, XRP has experienced substantial highs during bull runs, but it remains uncertain if this pattern can be replicated in the future. With only two major market cycles to analyze, accurate predictions are challenging.

儘管 XRP 表現不佳,但 Crypto Crusader 等分析師指出,7 月 XRP 的價格出現了大幅波動。許多人希望這將標誌著一個轉捩點。從歷史上看,XRP 在牛市期間曾經歷過大幅高點,但這種模式是否可以在未來複製仍不確定。由於只需分析兩個主要市場週期,準確預測具有挑戰性。

Future Outlook


Analysts believe that upcoming developments and community-driven initiatives may potentially enhance the trajectory of various altcoins, including XRP. Initiatives such as decentralized identity infrastructure, oracles for over-collateralized stablecoins, multi-purpose tokens, and EVM sidechain aim to expand institutional DeFi on the XRP Ledger, which previously had limited activity.

分析師認為,即將到來的發展和社區驅動的舉措可能會增強包括 XRP 在內的各種山寨幣的發展軌跡。去中心化身分基礎設施、超額抵押穩定幣預言機、多用途代幣和 EVM 側鍊等舉措旨在擴大 XRP Ledger 上的機構 DeFi,而此前 XRP Ledger 的活動有限。

Recent integrations, such as Ripple's partnerships for tokenization and the introduction of tokenized gold in 2024, are expected to further boost DeFi on the XRP Ledger. While many altcoins have experienced declines of over 90% from their highs, the analyst suggests that this is prior to an anticipated altcoin season. XRP's relisting on major exchanges also indicates positive future performance.

最近的整合,例如 Ripple 的代幣化合作夥伴關係以及 2024 年推出代幣化黃金,預計將進一步推動 XRP Ledger 上的 DeFi 發展。儘管許多山寨幣已從高點下跌超過 90%,但分析師表示,這是在預期的山寨幣季節之前。 XRP 在主要交易所重新上市也預示著未來的積極表現。

Technical Analysis


On July 25, RLinda from Tradingview observed increased whale accumulation for XRP amidst rising trading volumes and local price highs. Key technical resistance levels include $0.6378 and $0.7440, while support levels are at $0.5712 and $0.5100. If XRP is unable to break through the resistance, it may test support levels before any further price increase is possible.

7 月 25 日,Tradingview 的 RLinda 觀察到,隨著交易量的增加和當地價格的高位,XRP 的鯨魚累積有所增加。關鍵技術阻力位包括 0.6378 美元和 0.7440 美元,支撐位為 0.5712 美元和 0.5100 美元。如果 XRP 無法突破阻力位,它可能會在價格進一步上漲之前測試支撐位。


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