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What’s Next for Ripple’s XRP? Is Price Headed for Greater Heights or a Dip?

Ripple 的 XRP 下一步是什麼?價格是上漲還是下跌?

發布: 2023/11/04 16:01 閱讀: 433



Cryptocurrency markets have seen some volatility lately, with Bitcoin enduring a disappointing week while some altcoins like XRP have shown impressive resilience. Cryptonary provided an in-depth analysis on the near-term outlook for XRP, examining key technical factors to determine if the price is likely to push higher or see a potential shakeout.

加密貨幣市場最近出現了一些波動,比特幣經歷了令人失望的一周,而 XRP 等一些山寨幣卻表現出了令人印象深刻的彈性。 Cryptonary 對 XRP 的近期前景進行了深入分析,研究了關鍵技術因素,以確定價格是否可能上漲或出現潛在的震盪。

Cryptonary’s Technical Analysis


According to Cryptonary, XRP still looks positive from a technical perspective, having held up well around the $0.60 level despite Bitcoin’s struggles. However, XRP needs to break above horizontal resistance at $0.62 for more meaningful upside. Support appears strong around $0.54-$0.55, which would need to hold to avoid a breakdown.

據 Cryptonary 稱,從技術角度來看,XRP 看起來仍然樂觀,儘管比特幣表現不佳,但 XRP 仍堅守在 0.60 美元左右的水平。然而,XRP 需要突破 0.62 美元的水平阻力位以獲得更有意義的上漲空間。 0.54-0.55 美元附近的支撐似乎很強勁,需要守住該支撐位才能避免崩潰。

Cryptonary notes XRP is forming a bullish pennant pattern that suggests upside bias, but this may depend on whether Bitcoin can stabilize. The RSI for XRP recently entered overbought territory for the first time in months, reaching 73, but Cryptonary believes this shouldn’t discourage further gains as long as divergences don’t form.

加密貨幣筆記 XRP 正在形成看漲三角旗模式,表明存在上行傾向,但這可能取決於比特幣是否能夠穩定下來。 XRP 的 RSI 最近幾個月來首次進入超買區域,達到 73,但 Cryptonary 認為,只要不形成背離,這就不應該阻礙進一步的上漲。

If Bitcoin holds up, Cryptonary thinks XRP could test the $0.62 resistance. A break above that could open the door for a move towards $0.69. However, the funding rate has come down from very positive levels and open interest is now at multi-month highs, so caution is warranted.

如果比特幣堅挺,Cryptonary 認為 XRP 可能會測試 0.62 美元的阻力位。突破該水平可能會打開通往 0.69 美元的大門。然而,資金利率已從非常積極的水平下降,未平倉合約目前處於數月高位,因此需要謹慎。

Cryptonary’s Takeaway

Cryptonary 的要點

While the short-term setup looks good for XRP, Cryptonary is cautious about chasing gains here given uncertainty around Bitcoin’s next move and impending resistance for XRP around $0.62. The overheated derivatives market is also a potential concern. As such, Cryptonary recommends stepping aside for now and reassessing after Bitcoin shows its hand.

雖然 XRP 的短期設定看起來不錯,但鑑於比特幣下一步走勢的不確定性以及 XRP 即將面臨 0.62 美元附近的阻力,Cryptonary 對於在此追逐收益持謹慎態度。過熱的衍生性商品市場也是一個潛在的擔憂。因此,Cryptonary 建議暫時擱置,並在比特幣攤牌後重新評估。

Crypto Rover’s Breakout Call

Crypto Rover 的突破電話

Meanwhile, Crypto Rover believes the breakout for XRP is massive, having already broken out of a triangle pattern 16 weeks ago and retested support around $0.5 before pushing higher. Crypto Rover highlighted a potential target zone around $0.8 based on technical analysis, with XRP currently trading around $0.6. This implies considerable further upside if XRP can maintain its momentum.

與此同時,Crypto Rover 認為 XRP 的突破是巨大的,16 週前就已經突破了三角形模式,並在走高之前重新測試了 0.5 美元左右的支撐位。根據技術分析,Crypto Rover 強調了 0.8 美元左右的潛在目標區域,而 XRP 目前的交易價格約為 0.6 美元。如果 XRP 能夠保持其勢頭,這意味著還有相當大的進一步上漲空間。

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So while analysts have slightly different takes, the key $0.62 level appears crucial for XRP’s next move. A breakout could signal a new leg higher, but failure to push past resistance could result in a pullback. Traders may want to watch how Bitcoin acts in the short-term before making big bets on XRP at current levels.

因此,儘管分析師的看法略有不同,但 0.62 美元的關鍵水平似乎對 XRP 的下一步走勢至關重要。突破可能預示著新一輪走高,但未能突破阻力位可能會導致回調。交易者可能希望觀察比特幣在短期內的表現,然後再在當前水準上對 XRP 進行大額押注。

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The post What’s Next for Ripple’s XRP? Is Price Headed for Greater Heights or a Dip? appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

Ripple 的 XRP 下一步是什麼?價格是上漲還是下跌?首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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